NY Times: Freeing Workers From the Insurance Trap ..."In other words, the report is about the choices workers can make when they are no longer tethered to an employer because of health benefits. The cumulative effect on the labor supply is the equivalent of 2.5 million fewer full-time workers by 2024."
"Elmendorf told Ryan: “By providing heavily subsidized health insurance to people with very low incomes and withdrawing those subsidies as income rises, the act creates a disincentive for people to work relative to what would have been the case in the absence of that act.' ”
More on this from the Weekly Standard
Investors.com: Creating Killing Millions Of Jobs "Dept. Of Corrections: Leading Democrats said ObamaCare would create 4 million jobs by cutting health costs and unleashing entrepreneurs. Now we learn the promise was off by 6.5 million — in the wrong direction.
"Here's what Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the top Democratic in the House, had to say about ObamaCare in February 2010:
" 'It will create 4 million jobs, 400,000 jobs almost immediately — jobs, again, in the health care industry but in the entrepreneurial world as well.' "
And supposedly she also said this, but it was fabricated in a satirical article. I suppose those who believed she actually said it realized that she seems capable of it.