Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Full Video of the Dinesh D’Souza and Bill Ayers Debate

College Insurrection
"The video below is the entire event and it’s two solid hours. Enjoy…"

"Bill Ayers does a trick I've seen Marxist do over and over in comparing themselves with historic figures from the past that have nothing to do with Marxism, then is turning around and saying where would you be without us (Marxist). Ayers set off bombs in a attack against the Capitalism economic system of this country and has convinced himself he is some great freedom fighter for minority rights when the opposite is true.

"The real question is the one D'Souza stayed focused on, where would the world be without the United States and Capitalism. This is why D'souza was arrested on trumpted(sp) up charges.
D’Souza Vs. Ayers: Wits Clash At Dartmouth Debate   "The debate, titled “America: Good or Bad?” started right away with a few good japes, as D’Souza told the audience: “We decided not to have metal detectors for the audience, but we did have metal detectors for the speakers.' ”
"He took the view that despite the horrible effects of colonialism and slavery, they nevertheless precipitated the modernization of destitute nations and groups of people.
"This drew the ire of Ayers, who retorted that this implies that the existence of a Jewish state must justify the Holocaust using D’Souza’s logic. Just as Ayers’ later demonization of Israel fell on deaf ears, this comment provoked more audible horror in the audience than respect."

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