Julie Pace; Obama to Russia: There will be 'costs' for Ukraine ... "The secretary of state said the U.S. was watching to see if Russian activity in Crimea "might be crossing a line in any way." He added that the administration would be "very careful" in making judgments about that."...
Oh NO! Not the line!
... "Mr. Putin’s request, largely a formality, signaled publicly for the first time the Kremlin’s readiness to intervene militarily in Ukraine, and it served as a blunt response to President Obama, who just hours earlier pointedly warned Russia to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty."
"Charles Krauthammer responded on Special Report [Friday] saying, “The Ukrainians, and I think everybody, is shocked by the weakness of Obama’s statement. I find it rather staggering.' ”
Palin in 2008 said... Sarah Palin on Ukraine: 'I could see this one from Alaska' "After all, the media mocked her mercilessly when she criticized President Obama during the 2008 campaign, saying: "After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next.' "
... "What we do know is, a few months later, the Obama administration canceled a planned anti-missile system for deployment in Poland in the year 2022. This naturally pleased the Russians, since they felt the system was a deterrent to their missile capabilities.
"More significantly, however, the Europe-based system defended the U.S.in case of a missile attack by Iran. Furthermore, the cancelation also disengaged the European anti-missile defense systems from defending the U.S. This of course appeased both Russia and Iran, or any other regional adversary of the U.S." ...
Losing the Middle East to Iran (and Russia) "The failure of the West to confront Iran has provided radical Islamic groups an opening. Sunnis who are fighting for their survival will naturally be drawn towards those who are willing to fight at their side. Those who cower on the sidelines are not going to be respected. If democracy is seen as the doctrine of cowards and losers, it will not embraced by anyone who wants (needs) to be successful. Bing West argued that the U.S. won the Iraq campaign by proving it was "the strongest tribe." That is no longer how America is perceived."
" If Washington has been afraid to confront Iran or even exploit an opportunity as ripe at the Syrian civil war, then it will be unlikely to challenge the ambitions of a resurgent Russia -- or so the Kremlin and others around the world (especially in Beijing) are being led to believe by Washington's passivity. " Emphasis added, TD
Ukraine: Putin's Crimea aim is to make the West look weak "This is tragic for Ukraine, for the near-abroad and for Nato not because it is taking us by surprise but because we have expected it for so long and seen it before and yet remain incapable of acting."
Bush the Elder would have said, "This WILL NOT STAND!" But then, Bush the Elder is not the president.