Merriam-Webster feck·less adjective \ˈfek-ləs\: having or resulting from a weak character or nature
See feckless defined for English-language learners » Examples of FECKLESS She can't rely on her feckless son.
feckless response to the rise in school violence
See feckless defined for English-language learners » Examples of FECKLESS She can't rely on her feckless son.
feckless response to the rise in school violence
Origin of FECKLESS Scots, from feck effect, majority, from Middle English (Scots) fek, alteration of Middle English effect
1. Lacking purpose or vitality; feeble or ineffective.
inept, irresponsible.
Thomas Sowell uses the word in a sentence: Our Feckless First Leader ;
An appearance on Letterman trumps meeting with Netanyahu.
"But Barack Obama did not have time to meet with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of a nation repeatedly threatened with annihilation by Iranian leaders who are working feverishly toward the creation of nuclear bombs."