Sunday, April 6, 2014

CAIR’s Jihad against Honor Diaries; The “civil rights” group hides Islam’s denial of civil rights to Muslim women.


Andrew C. McCarthy   "The purpose of Honor Diaries is to empower women by shining a light on the hardships they endure — including “honor” killings (i.e., murders over the perception of having brought shame to the family by violating Islamic norms), beatings, genital mutilation, forced marriage — particularly of young girls – and restrictions on movement, education, and economic opportunity. The film highlights authentic Muslim moderates struggling against the dead-end of Islamic supremacism.

"So naturally, the Council on American–Islam Relations (CAIR) does not want you to see it.

"At Fox News, Megyn Kelly has been covering the film anyway, despite CAIR’s howling. The segments that aired on Monday and Tuesday are available on Megyn’s website, here and here.

"CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood creation, conceived as the primo American public-relations firm for Islamic supremacists, particularly Hamas — a task CAIR pulls off by masquerading as a “civil rights” organization.
"Although Honor Diaries has been widely acclaimed and screened internationally, CAIR has been agitating against it. As reliably happens when CAIR plays its tired “Islamophobia” card, universities across the nation cower — especially universities with active Muslim Students Association chapters. (As we’ve observed before, the MSA is the foundation of the Muslim
"Brotherhood’s infrastructure in the United States.) Starting with the University of Michigan at Dearborn, several schools have now decided not to screen the film after all.

'Why it is “Islamophobic” to condemn violence and abuse against Muslim women is not entirely clear to me." ...

The Liberal Gulag; The Brendan Eich case brings out the nature of liberal fascism.

Kevin D. Williamson at NRO   ... "The word “liberal” has taken a beating over the last few days: A Mozilla executive was hounded out of his position at the firm he co-founded by a coalition of IRS criminals and left-wing campaigners resolved to punish him for having made a donation to a successful California ballot initiative that defined marriage in traditional terms; Adam Weinstein, whose downwardly mobile credibility has taken him from ABC to Gawker, called for literally imprisoning people with the wrong views about global warming, writing, “Those malcontents must be punished and stopped”; Mr. Weinstein himself was simply forwarding a dumbed-down-enough-for-Gawker version of the arguments of philosophy professor Lawrence Torcello; Katherine Timpf, a reporter for Campus Reform, faced a human barricade to keep her from asking questions of those attending a feminist leadership conference, whose organizers informed her that the group was “inclusive” and therefore she was “not welcome here...Lois Lerner, the Left’s best friend at the IRS, faces contempt charges related to her role in the Democrats’ coopting the IRS as a weapon against their political enemies; Harry Reid, a liberal champion of campaign-finance reform, was caught ..." Full article

Alan Caruba: The Methane Hoax Cranks Up

Watch your back, Mr. Caruba; the envirocops will be coming for you. If you currently work for Mozilla, apologize and turn in your resignation now because of this article; it will not be tolerated and you should be interned in a camp. TD

Warning Signs

... "The carbon dioxide hoax fell apart in the wake of a cooling cycle affecting the Earth that began around 1997 and continues to this day. Warming and cooling cycles are natural events and both are tied to the activity or lack of it of the Sun.  Humans have nothing to do with the climate other to enjoy or endure it.
"Why methane? It has a lot to do with the development of hydraulic fracturing, commonly called “fracking”, and the way it unlocks natural gas, aka methane, all of which portends an America that is energy independent, along with its huge reserves of coal and oil. If, of course, the government permits this to occur." ...

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The New Torquemadas; Brendan Eich would not recant, so he had to be punished.

Tomás de Torquemada was a 15th-century Spanish Dominican friar and the first Grand Inquisitor in Spain's movement to restore Christianity among its populace in the late 15th century. He was one of the chief supporters of the Alhambra Decree, which expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492.

Convert or die: truly a black mark in Christendom and a blight on the holy name of Jesus Christ which should be publicly denounced.
Perhaps someday the left will feel the shame they have brought upon their reputation, but meanwhile we can hope Americans will become sickened at seeing good people being destroyed for their convictions.

Charles C. W. Cooke   "One could be forgiven for throwing one’s hands up in despair at the sheer audacity of it all. A fortnight ago, as the federal government took to the courts to defend a rule that deliberately burdens the consciences of America’s more religiously devout entrepreneurs, the professional Left adopted the position that companies do not have consciences, griped that a harsh separation of the public and the private spheres was a recipe for the suffering of unpopular or put-upon individuals, and insisted that any links between the activities of an employee and the deeply held beliefs of his boss should be thoroughly shattered. Today, the opposite case is regnant. Defending the appalling hounding of Brendan Eich, progressives seem to have suddenly got the message: reminding critics that there exists no legal right to be the CEO of a non-profit; insisting correctly that this sordid and alarming little affair does not in any way implicate the First Amendment; and acknowledging that, the doctrine of at-will employment being what it is, a man may resign from his job for whatever reason — up to and including harassment.

"Well, comrades — which is it to be?"
The answer to this question, one suspects, is “whichever suits the moment.” Which is to say that the Eich affair is ultimately about power, not principle — the latest in a series of plays contrived to show who is in charge. Convenient as it might be to pretend otherwise, the Left does not truly believe that private companies may behave as they wish to, but that private companies may behave as the Left wishes them to — whether instructed by government or not.  Emphasis added, TD

Why the tolerant "progressives" must be feared as the Gestapo was feared; because they are coming for you.

Mozilla only made things worse by letting CEO Brandon Eich go   "One does not simply let Pablo Picasso go from the art school faculty—Eich’s talent alone makes him indispensable."

“Mozilla is not a normal company. It is an activist organization.” And activists apparently find it very distasteful to be less than “militantly tolerant,”...

Tim Graham   "In other words, those "thoughtful Mozillians" believed Eich apparently needed to undergo "conversion therapy" and become an "ex-Anti-Gay," and then he would be "rehabilitated."
Manjoo bizarrely thought that this Mozilla mutiny is "slightly more nuanced" than liberals cry Negative Branding and get out the (career) guillotine. Imagine if the CEO were a gay activist who'd donated a mere $1,000 to support gay marriage and it ruined the "unit cohesion" of the company:  More here.

Basically, he cannot run a company where his employees dislike him for his opinions which they cannot tolerate. No support for Eich from Hillary Clinton. Insurrection: Before Brendan Eich, they came for the Mormons  "In the end, the supporters of gay marriage who engage in anti-Mormon hate speech will realize that they have damaged their own cause. Lashing out at others and engaging in religious bigotry does not constitute an argument in favor of gay marriage.
Regardless of one’s position on gay marriage, it is time to speak out against the “Mormon boycott.” There simply is no one else who will, if we don’t."

George Zimmerman jurors’ names released to public   "So what will happen to these jurors? If they’ve been following any of these stories at all – and how could they not – they’ll know that they are sharing the “blame” in the minds of many progressive, liberal activists. Now that they’ve been outed for performing their constitutional duty to the best of their ability, will they have any peace? Or will their employers be pressured to fire them and lines of angry no justice no peace types be outside their doors day and night with torches?" ...

Basically, who would you say has more to fear from progressive feminists: American conservatives or Islamic fundamentalists? Case in point:
The silence of Western feminists is deafening 

"It’s been an untouchable subject to date.

"Every tiny slight that take place in Israel gets a U.N. resolution, but the problems in the Muslim world are largely ignored or silenced by claims of Islamophobia.

"It’s not Islamophobic to stand up for the rights of women in the Muslim world.
The silence of Western feminists is deafening."

Blacklisted: Kevin Sorbo on Being Shunned by Hollywood for His Beliefs

"Kevin Sorbo, star of the film “God’s Not Dead,” ranked fifth at the U.S. box office, says he knows he’s on a blacklist in liberal Hollywood for being independent-minded.

"When Beliefnet’s John W. Kennedy interviewed Sorbo about his role as an atheist professor in  ”God’s Not Dead,”  the actor opened up about his faith, political views, and career decisions colored by Hollywood’s antipathy toward conservatives.

“ 'They scream for tolerance,” Sorbo said. “They scream for freedom of speech, but it you disagree at all with what they’re saying then they can blacklist you. They have the power to do that.”

"These remarks came after Kennedy asked the actor if he’s experienced a backlash in Hollywood for his views and Sorbo responded:" ....Read more:

Sorbo's filmography here.  His biography.
Sorbo's website quote:
Kevin recently authored the widely praised book, True Strength, that recounts the painful recovery from serious health setbacks that changed his life during his Hercules years.

Sorbo married actress Sam Jenkins, whom he met during her guest appearance on Hercules in 1998. They have three children together, Braeden, Shane and Octavia.

Besides his successful career in entertainment, Kevin has always devoted a hearty portion of his time to causes he believes in. In 2005 he was named successor to Arnold Schwarzenegger as the national spokesperson for The Afterschool Alliance, a nonprofit working to ensure that all children have access to quality after school programs, and since ‘97 Kevin has donated his time as the spokesperson for the non profit organization, A World Fit For Kids. Please visit to learn more.

From 2012: Niall Ferguson on Why Barack Obama Needs to Go

Niall Ferguson
... "In the case of Iran he did nothing, and the thugs of the Islamic Republic ruthlessly crushed the demonstrations. Ditto Syria. In Libya he was cajoled into intervening. In Egypt he tried to have it both ways, exhorting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave, then drawing back and recommending an “orderly transition.” The result was a foreign-policy debacle. Not only were Egypt’s elites appalled by what seemed to them a betrayal, but the victors—the Muslim Brotherhood—had nothing to be grateful for. America’s closest Middle Eastern allies—Israel and the Saudis—looked on in amazement."
What's more....
"Welcome to Obama’s America: nearly half the population is not represented on a taxable return—almost exactly the same proportion that lives in a household where at least one member receives some type of government benefit. We are becoming the 50–50 nation—half of us paying the taxes, the other half receiving the benefits."  Read More

Hat tip to Bill Smith, former resident of Garibaldi, Oregon and childhood friend

Krauthammer on Kerry’s folly, Chapter 3

Charles Krauthammer  "When has a secretary of state been involved in so many disastrous, self-initiated negotiations? First, John Kerry convenes — against all advice and holding no cards — Geneva negotiations to resolve the Syria conflict and supposedly remove Bashar al-Assad from power. The talks collapse in acrimony and confusion.
"Kerry’s response? A second Geneva conference that — surprise! — breaks up in acrimony and confusion." ...

In Mozilla Case, The Left's Intolerance Is Out Of The Closet

IBD Editorials  "Intolerance: The left hounded a CEO from his job over a 2008 donation in favor of a California measure opposing gay marriage. So much for free speech and job performance. This is a descent into mob tyranny and mediocrity.

"The dirty work of the left was achieved after Brendan Eich, recently appointed CEO of Mozilla, a software company based in Silicon Valley, was forced out of the company he helped found, all to feed the maw of political correctness."....
Seems every Balkanized group has it's own personal jihad, whether it is Islamists wanting to murder all non-Muslims or militant gay supporters who will destroy the lives of any who are not fully in support of their lifestyle.

Mozilla CEO's exit tests Silicon Valley's tolerance   ... "Silicon Valley's denizens pride themselves on being part of a meritocratic community that welcomes talented workers regardless of their origins or political and religious beliefs.
"But analysts said the Eich episode showed there are limits to that tolerance.
Gay rights are widely embraced in the San Francisco area, long known for its thriving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Silicon Valley's tech culture reflects that sensitivity, and its companies rely on their CEOs to set that kind of tone, analysts said.
" 'We in Silicon Valley have a certain degree of hero worship," said Jane English-Lueck, an anthropologist at San Jose State University who has studied the industry's culture."....

Maher: "There Is A Gay Mafia -- If You Cross Them, You Do Get Whacked"
The above from Drudge

Does Brendan Eich Have a Case Against Mozilla?   "Many of the comments at various blogs addressing the forced resignation of Brendan Eich emphasize the fact that Mozilla is a private company and can hire or fire whomever they want for any reason.
..."But they cannot wrongfully terminate an employee, violate the terms of an existing contract, or discriminate against an employee." 

Islamic Circle of North America: Jihad is waging war “so that only the ‘evil sovereignty of beings other than Allah is wiped out’”

Islamic Circle of North America: Jihad is waging war “so that only the ‘evil sovereignty of beings other than Allah is wiped out’”
"Jihad is presented to the West as primarily an internal struggle. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) – another U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organization – recently waged a public relations campaign called “My Jihad” in which jihad was described as “struggle against barriers and odds in search of a better place.” Examples included “building friendships across the aisle,” and “always pursue new ideas and conquer new challenges.” However, ICNA’s guide teaches that jihad is the fight against forces that “oppose the Islamic Call” and the waging of war so that only the “evil sovereignty of beings other than Allah is wiped out.” (p. 117) …In addition, Muslims are who are in a “position” to implement sharia law “must do so, while those unable to do so must speak out against the rule of Kufr [infidel] and call for the implementation of Shari’ah. If even this becomes impossible, un-Islamic government must be sincerely hated and despised for the pleasure of God and the upholding of Tawheed.” (p.144)....
Part of the taqiyya of Islam is the "mutual respect" hoax is what the imams and other apologists for Islam claim is a "cross cutlural center" that is in reality a victory center which is the Ground Zero Mosque. Which is an affront to all that is good, true and right. This Ground Zero Mosque this a slap in the face to both the victims on Septerber 11, 2001 and America.   Via Pamela Geller
And they can do it one community at a time. Dearborn: Muslim parents angry over Easter egg hunt school flyer 
"But forcing non-Muslim public school children to go on trips to mosques, bowing and praying to allah — that’s OK." Full article
This father is obviously traumatized over these, just as I'm sure he was over the murders other Muslims commit around the world and the Christian churches destroyed by Muslims.
Not this one, but others by Pamela Gellar

Friday, April 4, 2014

Gawker’s Adam Weinstein suggests arresting those on the “wrong side” of the climate-change debate.

Jonah Goldberg  "Finally, someone has come up with a way to settle the debate over climate change: Put the people on the wrong side of the argument in cages.

"A writer for the website Gawker recently penned a self-described “rant” on the pressing need to arrest, charge, and imprison people who “deny” global warming. In fairness, Adam Weinstein doesn’t want mass arrests. (Besides, in a country where only 44 percent of Americans say there is “solid evidence” of global warming and it’s mostly due to human activity, you can’t round up every dissenter.) Fact-checking scientists are spared. So is “the man on the street who thinks Rush Limbaugh is right. . . . You all know that man. That man is an idiot. He is too stupid to do anything other than choke the earth’s atmosphere a little more with his Mr. Pibb burps and his F-150’s gassy exhaust.” 

BLACKLIST! Mozilla's Brendan Eich and the New American Totalitarian State (UPDATED)

Sally Zelikovsky  "Imagine going to work one day only to be, in effect, fired -- not because of anything you did or didn’t do at your job, but because of something you did in your personal life.  Something religious.  Or maybe, something political.
"Imagine if you were denied a promotion at work because a co-worker found out you had made a personal donation to a conservative candidate.  Imagine if your environmentally-correct boss discovered that, in your free time at home, you supported an organization that exposed the fallacies of man-made global warming and asked you for your resignation.  Imagine if you were the successful CEO of Widget Corp, lauded and respected for your accomplishments, but clients or customers found out you were a tea partier and demanded you be forced out."
"That’s exactly what happened to Brendan Eich, a highly-respected tech guru in Silicon Valley and co-founder of Mozilla Corporation, after he was appointed CEO in late March.  In less than a week, he was forced out of this position for no reason other than that he had a made a $1000 contribution to the Prop 8 initiative in 2008.  His own money.  On his own time.  In his private capacity.  Mozilla had nothing to do with it.  Nor did he discuss gay marriage at work." .....

"Knowledge is indeed power, and when those in power can use their knowledge of what you do outside of work to determine your professional fate, we have indeed stepped behind the Iron Curtain.
"This is simply chilling.   
"Mr. Eich: you were right to stand up for yourself and to fight hard not to be bullied out of your position as CEO.  There are legions who are watching, who are disgusted and who support you.  We will not stand by and allow this kind of persecution to go unaddressed.  Nor should you.  You were terminated for no reason other than your personal religious, moral or political beliefs.  And the evidence is irrefutable.
"Sue ‘em.  Sue their brains out."   
All emphases added, TD

Duck Dynasty's Phil Roberston recently inspired a cycle of speech banishment. 

"That was the point behind blacklisting, too. The idea was to force people out of the public square, either by silencing them through economic penalties or by attempting to shame them out of it. The same people who used to lecture us on diversity and tolerance are attempting to impose another blacklist to shut down those they see as their enemies in politics.
"At least when this one ends, we won't have Hollywood producing tedious dreck about the era, since they'd have to cast themselves as the villains. That's a relief for anyone who had to sit through Citizen Cohn." 

UPDATE: Dating Site OkCupid Says They Are “Pleased” They Bullied Mozilla CEO Out of His Job…  
On Monday, OkCupid greeted Firefox users trying to visit its site with a message encouraging them to try other browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari. The pop-up did not specifically call for Eich's resignation, but it certainly didn't mince words, either. The message said: "Those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame, and frustration are our enemies, and we wish them nothing but failure."

Mozilla - Brendan Eich “ 'We are pleased that OkCupid’s boycott has brought tremendous awareness to the critical matter of equal rights for all individuals and partnerships; today’s decision reaffirms Mozilla’s commitment to that cause. We are satisfied that Mozilla will be taking a number of further affirmative steps to support the equality of all relationships.' ”

Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich (right) resigned on Thursday.