Saturday, July 5, 2014

America the Beautiful

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Christopher Brownwell   " After the presidential election of 2012, my enthusiasm for America has been tempered.  Since my countrymen choose the subservient chains of a sheltered tyranny over the wild adventure of emancipating liberty the colors of the flag lost their luster.  The honor of service was stripped of its joy.  My countrymen are turning America into something ugly.  I didn't love America anymore because America was no longer lovely.  But, I wanted to love America again.

This personal melancholy remained with me until yesterday.  Now, I have a renewed love for my country, and a resurrected sense of honor for our godly heritage.  This re-birthed patriotism began in an unlikely place.  I walked into a movie theatre where the choices included such movies like Tammy (one reviewer from the New York Observer gave it zero stars).  I placed my money on the counter and purchased a ticket to Dinesh D'Souza's movie America: Imagine the World Without Her.  D'Souza refuted the arguments by Progressive ideologues that America is the epitome of evil in the world.  He highlighted the things that made this country admirable.  He exposed the lies and the liars, but the tone of the movie was hopeful.  He drew a portrait of America that is beautiful.

America has something for everyone to admire.  Blacks, Indians, immigrants, and patriots all will find something to love about America.  One such example comes from the post-Civil War South.  The first female self-made millionaire was Sarah Breedlove, known as Madam C.J. Walker.  This black woman was the daughter of Louisiana sharecroppers.  She saw a need in the community where poor diet caused women's hair to fall out.  She adapted her knowledge of hair and hair care products to market cosmetics that allowed women to take care of their hair and their dignity.  Her entrepreneurial spirit generated wealth like no other black woman had done before her.  She was an admired philanthropist and trained many other women how to build and manage their own businesses.  She accomplished all this before Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson arrived on the scene to inform the Black community just how horribly they have it.

There are thousands, maybe millions, of beautiful stories like these in America just waiting to be told.  Write them.  Tell them.  Live them.

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

 America is beautiful, but she is beginning to believe the lies of the Left that she is ugly.  Pray for her; protect her with your vote; hold her public servants accountable, and remember that we live in the greatest, most beautiful nation God has ever formed.

Families of Murdered Boys Continue to Inspire the Nation

United with Israel
three murdered boys
"During both visits, parents Avi and Rachel Frankel demonstrated remarkable strength and dignity of the highest order.

"On Sunday, the visitors had arrived to offer material and emotional support, yet the Frankel parents managed to comfort their guests, inspiring them with their grace and sensitivity. A grandmother, too, exemplified fortitude and elegance and even escorted the group to their car.
"On Thursday, while experiencing any parent’s worst nightmare, Rachel and Avi received flocks of concerned visitors with kindness and courtesy. Rachel, sporting her winning smile, albeit a sad smile, managed to ask about the well-being of those who approached her, seeming genuinely interested in knowing who they were and what they had to say.

"United with Israel joins the entire Nation of Israel as well as Jews and friends around the world in praying for the souls of the innocent boys. May these outstanding families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem."

This next is so angering and saddening. I truly hope you will see no Israelis rejoicing over the terrible fate of this Muslim boy; no Jews are likely to be seen passing out sweets to celebrate what was done to this young teen.
I cannot feel good about thoughts that "Well, this boy would just grow up to be a terrorist someday"; all I see is a childish face and the son of a family who loved him and want him back with them.

Perhaps -just perhaps- his was a family that did not want him to grow up to be a suicide bomber, a "martyr", who would kill as many innocent non-Muslim families as possible.

With all this in mind, let us condemn this brutal murder and those savages who committed it.
The Tunnel Dweller

Murdered Palestinian boy was 'burned alive'   "The 16-year-old Palestinian boy who was murdered on his way to prayers on Wednesday has been "burned alive," according to initial autopsy findings, the Palestinian attorney-general is reported as saying."

Violent Muslims Attack Canadian Vigil for Murdered Jewish Schoolboys   "Outnumbered 10 to one at memorial/protest over the murder of the three students, JDL members were set upon outside Palestine House, the Toronto area centre that promotes Hamas.

Amazing Answer to 'Peaceful Muslims' Concern Gets Standing Ovation

American Thinker
"Brigitte Gabriel’s passionate response to this Muslim woman is one of the best answers ever to the constant "peaceful Muslims" objection."

A ‘Moderate Muslim’ at the Heritage Foundation?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fed up students file lawsuit to overthrow NY tenure laws

NY Post   "A group of fed-up students and parents on Thursday declared their independence from incompetent New York City teachers shielded by the state’s tenure and seniority laws.
In the wake of a landmark anti-tenure ruling in California, the coalition of 11 students filed a class-action lawsuit in Staten Island state ­Supreme Court, seeking to eliminate protections afforded to bad teachers.

“ 'This lawsuit has to do with students’ rights and parents’ rights. We have to do away with the ‘students last’ policies. No one is talking about the children who are failing every day,” said Staten Island dad Sam Pirozzolo, a co-leader of the New York City Parents Union."

A Celebration of the American Experiment

Happy Carbon-Free Fourth!
Carbon Free 590 AEA 3

A Celebration of the American Experiment   "A half a dozen American writers discuss July 4th and the patriotic spirit."     More

Hobby Lobby Deceit

American Thinker   "After the ridiculously close Hobby Lobby ruling came down Monday morning, the left went into its predictable hyperventilations. Also predictable, especially among those whose morality is driven by politics and opinion polls, was the frequent -- seemingly coordinated -- deceit emanating from the abortion apologists.

" 'Along with the “war on women” nonsense that continues to be parroted by liberals, we also got to hear again about how “corporations are not people” (for the left, corporations are only people when it’s tax time), and how companies like Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood want to “impose their religious beliefs on their employees.”...
The Hobby Lobby Lobby    "Georgetown Law School celebrity,  Sandra Fluke wrote a column in the Washington Post claiming that the Hobby Lobby decision is an attack on women because it denies them  birth control."...
In sum, the anti-choice movement wants to limit not just affordable access, but all access to abortion and birth control, whether it is backed by the government, by employers, or purchased by private citizens. It is an attack at all levels, and today’s decision is just another success in these efforts.
"Actually, Hobby Lobby does pay for most birth control but not four types it considers to be a forms of abortion. Still, Hobby Lobby can’t deny those four items to anyone. They’re legal and relatively cheap.

"Liberal Fascism author, Jonah Goldberg wrote in a column yesterday, “The notion that denying a subsidy for a product is equivalent to banning that product is one of the odder tenets of contemporary liberalism”. He began that piece observing protesters holding signs that read “Birth Control: Not My Boss’s Business.” Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court seem to agree."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Portraits of Valor; Roy Benavidez

"Roy Benavidez was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions West of Loc Ninh, South Vietnam in May of 1968. When word that a squad was pinned down by enemy fire Roy Benavidez immediately volunteered to exact their rescue. During the course of the effort he subjected himself to constant enemy fire and suffered numerous injuries, but still led the remaining soldiers to protect and defend their position even after their first rescue helicopter was shot down."
Also here. Along with a snarky comment.

Hat tip to Bill Smith; Rainier, Oregon.

Political correctness and the immigration crisis

Boston Globe: The real cause of the immigration crisis  ... "Yes, porous borders are a national-security problem, one too long neglected. But the burning immigration problem of our time isn't that too many people are breaking the rules to get in. It is what they are finding when they get here.

"Instead of a national commitment to assimilation, a cynical multiculturalism sends the message that our culture is no better than any other, so there is no particular reason to embrace the American experience. "Bilingual" education and foreign-language ballots accelerate the loss of a common English tongue, making it easier than ever for newcomers to cluster in linguistic ghettoes. Identity politics erodes the national identity, encouraging immigrants to see themselves first and foremost as members of racial or ethnic groups, and only secondarily as individuals and Americans.

"From the day he got off the boat from Europe, my father lived up to the code that expected immigrants to go to work, learn the language, obey the laws, and become an American. My immigrant son, I hope, will live up to it too. The melting pot, it used to be called, before political correctness intervened. That political correctness is what has caused the present crisis. The crisis won't be solved by blaming the immigrants."   (Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe).
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Yahoo News: Immigration crisis 101: Why the wave of incoming kids, and what to do?  ... "The border patrol is coping with the swell by releasing many of the migrant mothers with children on their own recognizance, with a date for a deportation hearing in hand. Some of the unaccompanied minors are being released to the custody of parents or relatives in the US. One flaw in that approach: Only 40 percent of those accused of being in the United States illegally ever show up for court, according to former federal immigration Judge Mark Metcalf.
"Nothing Obama has done has directly caused today's big influx. None of these immigrant children or recent Central American migrants is eligible for deferred deportation under his 2012 DACA order (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), for instance. However, that order is being interpreted differently – by news media and by "coyote" smugglers looking for business – in parts of Central America, leading some people there to believe the US has waived some of its immigration rules when it come to children."

Illegal immigration: how 'humanitarian crisis' on border could hurt Obama

... "Two weeks ago, the Obama administration was poised again to take executive action in an election year to ease deportations of undocumented immigrants. Today, that plan may be increasingly fraught with complications." ...

Gov. Jerry Brown 1975: Don't 'Dump Vietnamese' Refugees on California

Breitbart  "Democratic Governor Jerry Brown once fought to keep out South Vietnamese refugees from being delivered to his state during his first stint as governor of California in the 1970’s, and although he remains silent on the crisis that is happening on the southern border of his state, Brown’s position, via legislation previously signed, on illegal immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America is much more favorable than the cool response he gave to the Vietnamese refugees who had escaped the tyrannical Viet Cong.

How many Vietnamese gangs in California compared to Latino gangs?

From the UK: "Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the most useless of them all? Obama rated WORST president since WW2 in embarrassing poll"

UK Mail   (Photos added by TD) "Sitting president Barack Obama was cited as the worst U.S. president out of the dozen men who have held the position dating back to 1945

"Former Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan ranked first on survey-takers' lists, followed by philandering presidents Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy
"Americans are so chafed by Obama's leadership that they say the country would be better off with businessman and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at the helm ."  

" 'Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,' Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.
"Ranked in order of how bad Americans say they were, the 12 presidents included in the survey were: Obama, Bush, Richard Nixon,  Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy.
"Americans told Quinnipiac the best man to serve as leader of the free world since WWII was Reagan, a former Hollywood actor who held the office of the president for two terms from 1981- 1989.
"Reagan took a solid 35 percent of the vote, beating out his closest competitor, Clinton, by 17 points."   Full article...
Emphases in the original.
Remember the Letterman writer Bill Scheft who said this: Obama 'Too Competent' to Joke About?

US ties 'worthless' under Obama says Polish FM
"Poland's Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski was secretly recorded saying that during the Obama administration, the Polish-US alliance "isn't worth anything."
Poland's Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski called his country's ties with the US "worthless", a Polish news magazine says, giving excerpts of a secretly recorded conversation.
"This is a common refrain around the world from our allies. Our enemies don't fear us and our friends don't trust us. That's a combination almost guaranteed to bring about chaos in the world.

"Elliott Abrams, an old foreign policy hand, has a piece in Politico that says much the same thing about "The Man Who Broke the Middle East":" ...

Charles Krauthammer Makes Astonishing Observation About the Security Around the White House’s Border

"In light of the crisis at the southern border, Bill O’Reilly asked Charles Krauthammer a very simple question Tuesday:
“How do you secure the border, Charles?”
 "In response, Dr. Krauthammer offered an equally simple answer:
“You start with a fence. It’s very simple. … If fences don’t work, why is there one around the White House? If they don’t work, why is it that the Israeli fence which separates Israel from the West Bank has cut down terror attacks within Israel by 99%?”

"Obviously, the U.S./Mexico border is longer than the fence around the White House. But, think about it: Would the stream of illegal aliens coming across the border virtually unchecked be anywhere near what it now is if a fence – with razor wire, if necessary –

Surprisingly, O'Reilly let Mr. Krauthammer continue uninterrupted without even his frequent "yeah", "uh-huh" that you hear when someone is speaking.

Liberal commentary to Mr. Krauthammer has this predictable statement:
"I'd like to see the fence that would be people are total mrons.."

Other liberal comments elsewhere are something like: "Moronic post", "Delusional", etc.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

'Brown shirts' threaten medical staff with arrest if they talk about immigrants

Todd Starnes

Illegal immigrants
"A government-contracted security force calling itself the "Brown Shirts" have threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they say anything about contagious diseases at a refugee camp for illegal immigrants set up at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, Todd Starnes reported at Fox News on Wednesday.

"Despite the threat, Starnes said several workers broke their confidentiality agreements and shared exclusive details about the conditions at the camps. Starnes said he agreed not to disclose the names of those who came forward.

“ 'There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested,” one psychiatric counselor said. “We were under orders not to say anything.”....
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