Thursday, July 3, 2014

Charles Krauthammer Makes Astonishing Observation About the Security Around the White House’s Border

"In light of the crisis at the southern border, Bill O’Reilly asked Charles Krauthammer a very simple question Tuesday:
“How do you secure the border, Charles?”
 "In response, Dr. Krauthammer offered an equally simple answer:
“You start with a fence. It’s very simple. … If fences don’t work, why is there one around the White House? If they don’t work, why is it that the Israeli fence which separates Israel from the West Bank has cut down terror attacks within Israel by 99%?”

"Obviously, the U.S./Mexico border is longer than the fence around the White House. But, think about it: Would the stream of illegal aliens coming across the border virtually unchecked be anywhere near what it now is if a fence – with razor wire, if necessary –

Surprisingly, O'Reilly let Mr. Krauthammer continue uninterrupted without even his frequent "yeah", "uh-huh" that you hear when someone is speaking.

Liberal commentary to Mr. Krauthammer has this predictable statement:
"I'd like to see the fence that would be people are total mrons.."

Other liberal comments elsewhere are something like: "Moronic post", "Delusional", etc.

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