This is so sad and I feel so many African-Americans are burdened over these things. Nearly all I meet in town are gracious and polite, and I see no incidents such as these described below. Hopefully among the non-violent people ones will arise leaders who will tell those in this article "enough!"
Seven Minutes in September "It just does not stop: On Thursday(sp) afternoon, I received seven emails in seven minutes, detailing dozens of cases of recent black mob violence all around the country. Many on video.
"Let’s take a tour of seven minutes in September, starting in Cincinnati." ...
By Colin Flaherty
We need to remember there are many, many Ben Carson's in this nation and they must be highlighted by the media as a counterbalance to the above.
Seven Minutes in September "It just does not stop: On Thursday(sp) afternoon, I received seven emails in seven minutes, detailing dozens of cases of recent black mob violence all around the country. Many on video.
"Let’s take a tour of seven minutes in September, starting in Cincinnati." ...
By Colin Flaherty
We need to remember there are many, many Ben Carson's in this nation and they must be highlighted by the media as a counterbalance to the above.