Sunday, September 28, 2014

Obama tries to shake off Carter aura...

The Financial Times Ltd.    ...  "Replete with George W Bush-style rhetoric about a “network of death” and “this brand of evil”, Mr Obama’s speech this week was an effort to reboot his flagging presidency.
Obama and Jimmy Carter
"In political terms, the more martial Mr Obama was trying to shake of the Jimmy Carter aura that has been hanging over his White House; the steady corrosion of leverage at home and influence abroad in the face of Middle East turmoil that slowly leaves an incumbent looking impotent.

"From the foreign policy perspective, Mr Obama conducted what amounted to a genuine pivot in his approach to the world – embracing the central point of many of his critics who insist that a leadership vacuum has emerged in the world that only the US can fill." ...  Via Drudge.

Islam Comes to Moore, Oklahoma (Updated)


Warning Signs   ... "Don’t call it a religion. And surely do not call it the “religion of peace.” There was nothing peaceful about Islam from its earliest days when the citizens of Mecca came to the conclusion that Muhammad and his followers were a threat to them. That was 1,400 years ago.
"If it were in my power, I would require every American to read “It’s All About Muhammad: A Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet” ... "
“More than two-thirds of the canonical biographical materials have to do with the violence he used to spread his religion.”  It was a short step from Muhammad, the self-proclaimed prophet who later called himself the messenger of Allah, to Alton Nolen, the Muslim convert who is alleged to have beheaded a former co-worker." By Alan Caruba

Add caption
UPDATEAn American convert to Islam beheaded a former colleague in Moore, Oklahoma. US law enforcement officials are not calling it terrorism.    ... "Nolen’s Facebook page – under the name Jah’Keem Yisrael – features virulently anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-Israeli posts as well as photos of ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists.
"In a post to “fellow Muslims,” for example, he writes: “America and Israel are wicked. Wake up Muslims!!!”
"Nonetheless, US law enforcement officials say there is no indication that the decapitation is linked to terrorism.
"Nolen’s colleagues told investigators that he had made numerous
attempts to inspire fellow employees to convert to Islam."
The ISIS one-finger salute This will negate the Christian "One Way" gesture, I'm sure.
About that Musim Brotherhood three-finger salute Sadly, Muslim children are giving it.

Language advisory: Left wing comedian Bill Maher bashes liberals and their defense of Islam. I have never had good to speak of Maher, but he does show courage by dealing with this subject. His comments are inadvisable for your kids unless you are some kind of new-age progressive parent. (Video)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Learning more about the victim of a beheading at a Moore warehouse

A Little On Victim Killed In Beheading Attack, Colleen Hufford   
"I wanted to post a bit about Mrs. Hufford. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about her killer, and that is necessary, to know what we fight.
"But we also need to take time and honor the life of the mother and grandmother he killed, Colleen Hufford.
"Unfortunately, there’s not a lot out there, and maybe that’s good for the privacy of her family. But here’s a local spot with a little bit about her."

Her home had been devastated by the Moore Tornado.

"Mrs Hufford, 54, was a mother and a grandmother, who had been married for 25 years, whose husband came to pick her up from work every night. They lost their home in the tornado in May.

"The second victim, Traci Johnson, 43, was released from the hospital today."

KOCO News  Video.

Bill Hayden
Tragedy? Workplace violence? Have some courage, KOCO and be journalists! It was an act of Islamic terrorism and you are afraid to call it that because political correctness has sucked every ounce of courage out of the press.

Democrats now have blood on their hands for coddling and permitting these barbarians to operate, not identifying them for what they really are as Muslim terrorists and caving into their demands at every turn so as to "not make them mad".
It now is time to place people like Eric Holder and Barack Obama on notice for not attacking this problem but giving Islam a platform to operate in America.

Will we be seeing Al Sharpton in Moore, Oklahoma? Today's posts on the Oklahoma beheading

Jah'Keem Yisrael and Protecting Muslim Sensibilities ... "And as shocking as a woman being beheaded in broad daylight is, what’s more horrifying is the fact that after she arrived in the morning in one piece and left in the afternoon zipped into a body bag, as usual the politically correct types seem to be more concerned with protecting Muslim sensibilities than acknowledging bloody jihad." ...

logoIn wake of Oklahoma Muslim Beheader, Muslim Leaders Want Security Protection from “Islamophobia”
"This speaks volumes and is illustrative of the whole of the war. The reaction is never to look inward and reform the texts and teachings that spur millions of Muslims to wage jihad. No, the reaction — and it is always uniformly the same — is to attack the victim, to attack the defense, attack attack attack under the guise of victimhood."
... "Writing in the Jewish Advocate last year, columnist Charles Jacobs described Imam Webb as someone who “teaches vicious hatred and calls for young Muslims to engage in Jihad against non-Muslims in order to establish a global Islamic state.' ”

Beheading in the heartland    ... "No "nexus to terrorism"? How about being inspired by terrorists? Does that count as a terrorist attack? It would be amusing if it wasn't so tragic how authorities fall all over themselves, twisting their logic into pretzels, in trying to avoid using the term "terrorist" and "Islam" in the same sentence." ...

... "Nolen's tendency to anger and violence was well-established. After his prison conversion to Islam, his anger and talk of violence were directed at unbelievers and America in general. His Facebook page is full of such rantings. He was active at at least one mosque in the area, and openly sympathized with terrorism. He believed women should be stoned for their transgressions and was in an argument about that at his workplace, apparently resulting in his being fired and leading to the horrific events. Such a mix of violent tendency with religious zeal has proved deadly before. It will again. For Kenneth Tucker's part, he thinks Nolen was bound to his path with or without Islam."

That may be, but Nolen's method of killing was definitely Islamic. TD

'How Can You Say It’s Not Islamic?’ Megyn Takes on Muslim Speaker Over Violence By Radical Islamists   ... "Ghouse, founder of World Muslim Congress, said that Islam does not teach violence, but that some Muslims do.
"Gabriel refuted that, saying that beheadings are strictly Islamic and are happening across the world by radicalized Muslims who are trying to emulate the prophet Muhammad." ...

The Facebook page of Oklahoma beheader, Alton Alexander Nolen. AKA: Jah’Keem Yisrael

Nolen goes by his Muslim name Jah’Keem Yisrael on Facebook, where his cover photo features several Taliban fighters.

Bare Naked Islam

He posts about the Muslim predilection for beheading. I apologize for this graphic entry on Nolen's Facebook page; The significant portion is the quote from the Koran in it. TD

BREAKING: Beheading Suspect Fired After Argument Over Stoning Women  "The Islamic Council of Oklahoma has stated that Nolen is "not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques," however the Facebook page reviewed and confirmed by the Gazette as his shows several photos of him interacting at "the Islamic Mosque in Oklahoma City.' "

Friday, September 26, 2014

On-the-job-injury; Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

Good thing this was not a no-firearms facility  "A man fired from an Oklahoma food processing plant beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official, police said Friday.
 "Nolen allegedly stabbed , 54, severing her head, Lewis said.
"Yes, she was beheaded," Lewis told The Associated Press before a Friday news conference.
Lewis said Nolen then allegedly stabbed Traci Johnson, 43, a number of times before Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff's deputy and the company's chief operating officer, shot him.
"This was not going to stop if he didn't stop it. It could have gotten a lot worse," Lewis said. "The threat had already stopped once we arrived.' "
"Lewis said Nolen then allegedly stabbed Traci Johnson, 43, a number of times before Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff's deputy and the company's chief operating officer, shot him."

Courtesy: Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office
Reserve Deputy Sheriff Mark Vaughan.
FBI looking into suspect’s religious background after Oklahoma beheading, religious group condemns his actions   "Adam Soltani, the executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations in Oklahoma, says Nolen’s actions are condemned by the Muslim community and his faith should not be connected to this horrific crime."

The 911 calls during the attacks

Weasel Zippers: "Media, Including HuffPo, TPM, Appear To Deliberately Leave Out The Muslim Connection In The Stories About Beheading In Oklahoma….Update: HuffPo, TPM Update Stories (After Our Story)"   "HuffPo is perhaps the most egregious in the missing info department. Here is the HuffPo story on motivation:
While the motive for the beheading is currently unclear, the Associate Press reported that the suspects and the victims only knew each other through work and were not involved outside of their jobs…Lewis [police sergeant] said his department has asked the FBI to look into Nolen’s background.
Off-Duty Cop Stops Beheading Attack by Shooting Suspect

Man Accused Of Oklahoma Beheading Has Muslim Greeting Tattooed On Abdomen
... "The Arabic message, essentially meaning “peace be upon you,” is used as a greeting by Muslims."

“I got goosebumps,” Man accused of beheading Oklahoma woman convicted of assaulting trooper in 2010  "A search of court records shows Nolen also has a criminal past, beginning with drug charges in 2006 and in 2009.
"In 2010, Nolen sparked a manhunt after being pulled over near Langston and assaulting a state trooper."

Local Muslims fear retribution   ... "Saad Mohammad, a spokesman for the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, said leaders of the society’s mosque in northwest Oklahoma City are on alert and taking security precautions to protect the Muslims who gather there from any violence that someone might try to attempt in retaliation for the Moore incident.

"Mohammad said the anti-Muslim sentiments people may have could be heightened due to the beheadings and violence being perpetrated by the Islamic extremist group ISIS overseas.

“ 'They have this ISIS thing on their minds and now this guy has brought it to America,” Mohammad said." ...

Will Obama Cancel DNC Fundraiser in Wake of Heartland Beheading?     ... "Whether Obama plans to cancel his Friday fundraiser to make a public statement is presently unclear.

"Earlier this month, Obama told NBC News he regretted the "optics" surrounding his decision to go golfing just minutes after making a speech about the beheading of another American, journalist James Foley, who was beheaded by ISIS terrorists.

vaughan foodsFrom Going Postal to Going ISIS   Legal Insurrection asks, "Are we entering the age of beheadings?"
"I would not be surprised if we see many more such beheadings by lone wolves motivated by ISIS-style ideology."

“On behalf of everyone at Vaughan Foods, we are shocked and deeply saddened by the events of today,” the company said in a statement issued yesterday.
Mark Vaughan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Krauthammer: Our real Syria strategy — containment-plus

Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

Charles Krauthammer   "Late, hesitant and reluctant as he is, President Obama has begun effecting a workable strategy against the Islamic State. True, he’s been driven there by public opinion. Does anyone imagine that without the broadcast beheadings we’d be doing anything more than pinprick strikes within Iraq? If Obama can remain steady through future fluctuations in public opinion, his strategy might succeed.

"But success will not be what he’s articulating publicly. The strategy will not destroy the Islamic State. It’s more containment-plus: Expel the Islamic State from Iraq, contain it in Syria. Because you can’t win from the air. In Iraq, we have potential ground allies. In Syria, we don’t." ...
"Containment-plus. It’s the best of our available strategies. Obama must now demonstrate the steel to carry it through."

The Profound Stupidity of Liberalism on Display

Power Line  "The View is a television show that, apparently, a lot of women watch. Currently, Rosie O’Donnell, who was once famous for something–I have no idea what–is one of the hosts. Still, many women watch. So this video of The View’s women grappling with the Obama administration’s response to ISIS terrorism is noteworthy.

"I want to highlight O’Donnell’s contribution near the end: We are bombing Syria because Syria has so much oil, so there is a “financial incentive.” What the Hell is this supposed to mean? Why are liberals obsessed with oil? And what, exactly, is the “financial incentive”? Here is the clip, then some further comments:

"O’Donnell’s comments are astonishingly foolish. For one thing, Syria has very little oil: it produces less than 1/2 of 1% of the world’s petroleum. Whereas we, the United States, are the number one source of fossil fuel energy. And how would bombing ISIL give the U.S. access to more oil, at rates somehow cheaper than those at which we can develop our own endless petroleum resources? At over $1 million per Tomahawk missile, isn’t this doing it the hard way?" ...

Rosie O'Donnell: Another Leftist embarrassment in one ridiculous week  " In keeping with my contention that this was a pretty darned embarrassing week for Leftists, let me point out Rosie O'Donnell's sullen comments on her new revised View that the lust for oil and financial gain is at the bottom of O'bama's(sic) decision to bomb Syria.
"One problem.  
"Syria doesn't have much, um, oil.  
"In fact, as the Powerline blog  daddies point out, they provide one half of one percent of the world's oil, not to mention that the US sits on top of more oil than any other country if we'd only access it.  
" And then there's that problem if you bomb the oil wells, you're not going to get much oil out of it, eh.  
"So here she is, in all her glory." ...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Eric Holder's resignation (Updated)

UPDATE: Alan Caruba: Goodbye Eric Holder  ... "In the end, though, it seems like everything was about race for him and the President. Holder inserted himself into the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting of a black youth by a white police officer and, while the facts are still being investigated, the likelihood is that it was justifiable self-defense. And the President, speaking at the United Nations last week also mentioned Ferguson as an example of America’s racial bias. What happened in Ferguson was about law enforcement and justice, but neither saw it in that fashion.
"What America needs now for the remainder of Obama’s term in office is a colorblind Attorney General."

The Eric Holder Tragedy  "The resignation — if that’s what it is — of Attorney General Eric Holder signals the end of one of the most divisive tenures in the history of the cabinet. It was no doubt inevitable after Mr. Holder was determined, in a bi-partisan vote, to be in criminal contempt of the 112th United States House. He became the only sitting cabinet officer in history to be so found. He reacted to the contempt finding with more contempt. From that point on his tenure in office was unsustainable." ... Editorial of The New York Sun

 Who Will Replace Eric Holder?   "While NPR says that Solicitor General Don Verrilli is the frontrunner to replace Holder, here are two other names to put on your radar:"  Deval Patrick and Kamala Harris.

Al Sharpton Says He's Helping The White House Pick The Next Attorney General

" 'The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the Civil Rights community," he said. "We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on Civil Rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most."

"According to a Politico profile in August, in the aftermath of the racially charged protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Sharpton has become Obama's "go-to man" on race issues." ...

Sharpton sent a statement to Business Insider clarifying that he is not involved in the "decision making."
Via Lucianne
 Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
House Investigators: Holder Played Politics With the Law   “ 'Mr. Holder has consistently played partisan politics with many of the important issues facing the Justice Department,” Goodlatte said. “I hope that the next Attorney General will take seriously his role as the nation’s top law enforcement officer, working with Congress to ensure that the laws of our land are followed instead of being a roadblock on the path to justice.' ”

Sharpton In ‘Conversations’ To Choose Holder Successor   “ "We come to Washington to appeal to the Justice Department to set national law and to come in and deal with these cases,” said the longtime firebrand who participated in the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax and the 1995 street agitation that ended with a fatal shooting and arson at a Harlem clothing store “There must be specific criminal investigation on excessive force in these cases,” Sharpton said." 

Holder's Exit Not Fast Or Furious Enough   ... "Holder was the first African-American to be named the nation's top cop, a welcome and poignant milestone in our troubled history.
"But to the nation's detriment, he proved a racialist and conducted himself in the most dishonest manner, enforcing the law for some groups and not for others. He injected politics into the law at every turn.
"He ranks among the worst attorneys general ever to serve. He's also one of the longest-serving, and the damage he's done may be lasting.
"Four years ago, we demanded President Obama sack his rogue attorney general, but he stood by him as he grew bolder in his activism and constitutional flouting."

Can’t Stop Rush: Radio Host’s Show Turns Tables on ‘Grassroots’ Protesters

However, according to research conducted by Limbaugh’s camp, about 70 percent of #StopRush tweets originated from a total of 10 Twitter account holders.
The Daily Signal
Related: On the "Stop Rush" campaign

"For two years, a self-described grassroots army has protested “The Rush Limbaugh Show” in a campaign to convince advertisers to pull their commercials from the talk giant’s radio program. Now, Limbaugh’s show is fighting back with a new report arguing that the supposed groundswell of outraged consumers is in reality 10 “hardcore” progressive activists.

“ 'It’s a cynical form of intimidation and harassment and business destruction that targets speech a small group of extremists and bullies find disagreeable,” Brian Glicklich, spokesman for “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” said in an interview with The Daily Signal.

“ 'Stop Rush” bills itself as a multiyear grassroots effort by consumers who object to the trademark tenor and content of Limbaugh’s conservative commentary on politics, society and what he calls “the drive-by media.” The group targets businesses, charities and nonprofits that advertise on the Limbaugh show in hopes of convincing them to pull their commercials." ...

REVEALED: Conspiracy To Destroy Rush Limbaugh Is Small, Organized, Deceptive

The Hidden Story Behind Stop Rush   " The Stop Rush group claims to be made up of ordinary consumers unhappy with Rush Limbaugh’s comments. The group claims to be “grassroots,” just concerned consumers who won’t shop at businesses that advertise with Rush Limbaugh. In truth, however, there are no potential customers here, just a small number of hardcore political activists founded by Angelo Carusone, EVP of Media Matters for America."
"How does this small group make themselves look so much bigger than they actually are? Stop Rush has deployed custom automated tweeting software, in violation of Twitter’s rules, that lets their activists send tweets at a rate far faster than any unassisted person could do manually. They send barrages of thousands of messages through this software until advertisers are bullied and harassed into cancellation."  (Emphasis added, TD)

Meet The Top Members of The Stop Rush Conspiracy
"This list was developed so that advertisers and others can judge the credibility and motives of the activist bullies anonymously behind Stop Rush. Any other use is not endorsed."

In addition to Carusone there are:

1. Name: Matthew Mitchell
Location: Altamonte Springs, FL
ID: Captain Murdock/@CaptMurdock

2. Name: Nancy Padak
Location: Kent State University
Fun Fact: Emails advertisers with harassment from her official Kent State email address. Gives businesses she has no relationship with 1 star ratings if they advertise on Rush. Friend of Cherie Richards

3. Name: Jason Rey
Location: Georgia
ID: Frantic Quark/@FranticQuark

4. Name: Lauren Reynolds
Location: Los Angeles, CA
ID: Lauren Reynolds/@chloesty,,
Fun Fact: Gives businesses she has no relationship with 1 star ratings if they advertise on Rush

5. Name: Cherie Richards
Location: Powell, Ohio
ID: Kitty Fitzgerald/@KittyFitz50,
Fun Fact: Regularly changes online identity to hide anonymously, gives businesses she has no relationship with 1 star ratings if they advertise on Rush

6. Name: Sarah Smyea Rivers
Location: Whittier, CA
ID: SueBryce/@eurekasue49
Fun Fact: Changes ID frequently with different numbers to remain anonymous, has sent over 96,000 tweets

7. Name: Dennis William Rohner
Location: Gainesville, FL
ID: Shawtoo@Shawtoo

8. Name: Linda Kotsenburg Swanholm
Location: Covina, CA
ID: CMMorgan/@socallks,
Fun Fact: Develops, administers, and distributes target lists indiscriminately, gives businesses she has no relationship with 1 star ratings if they advertise on Rush

9. Name: Carol Kernahan Wallin
Location: Anaheim, CA
ID: Uses @Flushfools and @hrhprincess,,
Fun Fact: Writes for DailyKos under both identities, long bullying/harassing pieces about political opponents.

What ‘War on Women’? By any objective measure, things have been going great for women for a long time.

Jonah Goldberg

... "It comes from tendentious Department of Justice surveys that count “attempted forced kissing” and other potentially caddish acts that even the DOJ admits “are not criminal.”

"According to one Department of Justice survey, more than half the respondents said they didn’t report the assault because they didn’t think “the incident was serious enough to report.” More than a third said they weren’t clear on whether the incident was a crime or even if harm was intended. But President Obama uses these surveys to justify using the terms “rape” and “sexual assault” interchangeably.

"And yet those who question the alleged rape epidemic are the ones who don’t take rape seriously? I would think conflating a boorish attempt at an undesired kiss with forcible rape is an example of not taking rape seriously." ...
From 2007, showing how TV came to be as it is now: Strong women dominate new US TV shows
"Prime-time viewing has ditched male-led programmes to aim at a loyal female audience that increasingly controls the family."

"Did Ken Burns 'in' Eleanor Roosevelt?"

Ken Burns Makes Room on Rushmore for Eleanor Roosevelt   As a whole this column speaks glowingly of the Burns documentary, but sums it up with this:
 ..."In retrospect, the program appears in the rear-view mirror as a greedy act of cannibalism of two great men to plug the Democratic Party and elevate the role of women to pay homage to the politically-correct feminists of our era."

Althouse gives us commentary on one aspect of the documentary, The Roosevelts: An Intimate History
sean said...
W.H. Auden wrote a funny piece about the desire of many gay people to claim every possible historical personage as "one of us." (Latterly, it's been Dietrich Bonhoeffer.) There's no more moronic approach to history than going through the past looking for people to suit your current sexual/political cause--it's like wondering around Katmandu looking for a McDonald's--but many people aren't able to think outside the sexual/political categories of their own time.

Carol said...
Eleanor's letters were pretty explicit..but what is funny how the media protects their heroes from being outed for something that is supposed to be fine and natural. And outs their enemies.

How do they live with such inner contradictions?
More troubling than "in"ing Eleanor, was his gratuitous slandering of Republicans.

But, we now expect this of the partisan Burns. Unfortunately - because he clearly has talent.