Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Facebook page of Oklahoma beheader, Alton Alexander Nolen. AKA: Jah’Keem Yisrael

Nolen goes by his Muslim name Jah’Keem Yisrael on Facebook, where his cover photo features several Taliban fighters.

Bare Naked Islam

He posts about the Muslim predilection for beheading. I apologize for this graphic entry on Nolen's Facebook page; The significant portion is the quote from the Koran in it. TD

BREAKING: Beheading Suspect Fired After Argument Over Stoning Women  "The Islamic Council of Oklahoma has stated that Nolen is "not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques," however the Facebook page reviewed and confirmed by the Gazette as his shows several photos of him interacting at "the Islamic Mosque in Oklahoma City.' "

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