Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Did Ken Burns 'in' Eleanor Roosevelt?"

Ken Burns Makes Room on Rushmore for Eleanor Roosevelt   As a whole this column speaks glowingly of the Burns documentary, but sums it up with this:
 ..."In retrospect, the program appears in the rear-view mirror as a greedy act of cannibalism of two great men to plug the Democratic Party and elevate the role of women to pay homage to the politically-correct feminists of our era."

Althouse gives us commentary on one aspect of the documentary, The Roosevelts: An Intimate History
sean said...
W.H. Auden wrote a funny piece about the desire of many gay people to claim every possible historical personage as "one of us." (Latterly, it's been Dietrich Bonhoeffer.) There's no more moronic approach to history than going through the past looking for people to suit your current sexual/political cause--it's like wondering around Katmandu looking for a McDonald's--but many people aren't able to think outside the sexual/political categories of their own time.

Carol said...
Eleanor's letters were pretty explicit..but what is funny how the media protects their heroes from being outed for something that is supposed to be fine and natural. And outs their enemies.

How do they live with such inner contradictions?
More troubling than "in"ing Eleanor, was his gratuitous slandering of Republicans.

But, we now expect this of the partisan Burns. Unfortunately - because he clearly has talent.

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