Saturday, September 27, 2014

Will we be seeing Al Sharpton in Moore, Oklahoma? Today's posts on the Oklahoma beheading

Jah'Keem Yisrael and Protecting Muslim Sensibilities ... "And as shocking as a woman being beheaded in broad daylight is, what’s more horrifying is the fact that after she arrived in the morning in one piece and left in the afternoon zipped into a body bag, as usual the politically correct types seem to be more concerned with protecting Muslim sensibilities than acknowledging bloody jihad." ...

logoIn wake of Oklahoma Muslim Beheader, Muslim Leaders Want Security Protection from “Islamophobia”
"This speaks volumes and is illustrative of the whole of the war. The reaction is never to look inward and reform the texts and teachings that spur millions of Muslims to wage jihad. No, the reaction — and it is always uniformly the same — is to attack the victim, to attack the defense, attack attack attack under the guise of victimhood."
... "Writing in the Jewish Advocate last year, columnist Charles Jacobs described Imam Webb as someone who “teaches vicious hatred and calls for young Muslims to engage in Jihad against non-Muslims in order to establish a global Islamic state.' ”

Beheading in the heartland    ... "No "nexus to terrorism"? How about being inspired by terrorists? Does that count as a terrorist attack? It would be amusing if it wasn't so tragic how authorities fall all over themselves, twisting their logic into pretzels, in trying to avoid using the term "terrorist" and "Islam" in the same sentence." ...

... "Nolen's tendency to anger and violence was well-established. After his prison conversion to Islam, his anger and talk of violence were directed at unbelievers and America in general. His Facebook page is full of such rantings. He was active at at least one mosque in the area, and openly sympathized with terrorism. He believed women should be stoned for their transgressions and was in an argument about that at his workplace, apparently resulting in his being fired and leading to the horrific events. Such a mix of violent tendency with religious zeal has proved deadly before. It will again. For Kenneth Tucker's part, he thinks Nolen was bound to his path with or without Islam."

That may be, but Nolen's method of killing was definitely Islamic. TD

'How Can You Say It’s Not Islamic?’ Megyn Takes on Muslim Speaker Over Violence By Radical Islamists   ... "Ghouse, founder of World Muslim Congress, said that Islam does not teach violence, but that some Muslims do.
"Gabriel refuted that, saying that beheadings are strictly Islamic and are happening across the world by radicalized Muslims who are trying to emulate the prophet Muhammad." ...

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