Ferguson demonstrators rioted a second night Tuesday with TV cameras airing all the mayhem over the Missouri grand jury's verdict which sided in favor of the Ferguson cop. The rioters smashed the window of a Pay-Less shoe store and looted the place. They took everything except the work boots. Argus Hamilton
- ISIS Extremists Vow to Send Militants to Fight Ferguson Police Forces Once Rioters Pledge Allegiance to Caliph
- #Ferguson Protesters Wave Commie Flags – Hand Out Commie Leaflets – Chant About Revolution
- Obama WH to Promote #Ferguson Indoctrination – Including Classroom Memorials to Mike Brown
- Church Attended by Michael Brown Family Burned in Wake of Grand Jury Decision; Pastor does Not Think Rioters to Blame – Video 11/27/14
- St. Michael the Gentle Giant, patron saint for the Racially Aggrieved
- BOOM: Black Residents Guard White-Owned Business With Assault Rifles During Ferguson Riots
- ‘Hands up don’t shoot IS A LIE’ – David Webb DESTROYS false Ferguson narrative on the Five
- ISIS seeks converts among Ferguson rioters
- Michael Brown vs. Miriam Carey
CNN: Michael Brown autopsy “expert” may be a fraud "The easiest conclusion one can reach is that the media didn’t feel the need to check into Parcells’ background and claims because he gave them the narrative that they wanted to sell. If that’s the case, then Parcells wasn’t the one running the con."
Fuel Me Once
... "What this incendiary situation does not need is Barack Hussein Obama second-guessing the Grand Jury and telling the looters (in wink-wink nudge-nudge fashion) that they damn well should be angry at filthy awful white people. Unfortunately, that's the subtext that came through loud and clear in his statement following the announcement of the Ferguson decision." ...