Saturday, December 6, 2014

Report: No ‘Global Warming’ For 215 Months, plus: Caruba on the climate change mafia

Freedom Outpost   "The numbers are in and the verdict is that there has been no global warming for 17 years and 11 months, according to satellite data.

"Satellite data prepared by Lord Christopher Monckton shows there has been no warming trend from October of 1996 to August of 2014 — 215 months. To put this in perspective, kids graduating from high school this year have not lived through any global warming in their lifetimes."...
 "But meteorologists have been predicting a weak el Niño this fall and winter, which would warm ocean waters and potentially put an end to the "pause" in global warming.

" 'The Great Pause may well come to an end by this winter," said Monckton. "An el Niño event is underway and would normally peak during the northern-hemisphere winter. There is too little information to say how much temporary warming it will cause, but a new wave of warm water has emerged in recent days, so one should not yet write off this el Niño as a non-event.' "...

... "The lies being inflicted on Americans include Obama’s “war on coal” that is shutting down coal-fired plants that affordably and efficiently produce the electricity the nation needs, along with the six-year delay of the Keystone XL pipeline. Add in the thousands of Environmental Protection Agency regulations affecting our manufacturing, business and agricultural sectors and the price we are paying is huge.
"At its heart, environmentalism hates capitalism." ...

Candy Crowley, Who Propped Up Obama at 2012 Debate, Out at CNN

"Candy Crowley, who aided Barack Obama in a 2012 debate with Mitt Romney, will be leaving CNN, according to the network. In a memo, network President Jeff Zucker announced, "...Candy has let us know that she has made the decision to move on..."

"On October 16, 2012, Crowley famously moderated a debate between the President and Mitt Romney. After Obama insisted that he quickly labeled the attacks in Benghazi terrorism, the journalist interjected, "He did, in fact, sir, call it an act of terror." No, Obama did not. Even the Washington Post's liberal fact checker noted this.

"A Media Research analysis noted that Crowley knew Obama's statement to be false" ...

 See more...


73 years ago: the death of the battleship Arizona (UPDATED)

USS Arizona: Before Pearl Harbor, the mightiest ship at sea
Tomorrow marks the 73rd anniversary of the Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbor. The two most famous Battle Ships in our history lie there today, the Arizona which at one time was hailed the mightiest battleship in the world and the Missouri where the final surrender of Japan occurred. Here is some history on the Arizona which was never decommissioned and is the final resting place of the 1,177 crew members that perished when her main magazine exploded as a result of a direct bomb hit. As a result of this attack and another earlier one on an Italian Battleship in Taranto, Italy, it was determined that the Battleship was no longer the ultimate Naval Capital ship and the Aircraft Carrier became the ultimate capital ship during WWII. Today, nuclear powered aircraft carriers and submarines are the ultimate capital ships of a nations navies.
Esther Ross, of Prescott, was 17 when she traveled to New York City to
 christen the USS Arizona on June 19, 1915. In the weeks leading up to
 her trip, every night after school she would practice christening by breaking
 syrup bottles filled with water against a fence in the back of her house.
She and her parents stayed at the Waldorf-Astoria in Manhattan. 

WHITE CHRISTMAS SONG IS ‘RACIST': Black Singer Slammed by Liberal Xenophobes for Singing Christmas Song

Clash Daily  "Posted on December 5, 2014
"I joked the other day via Facebook that White Christmas would soon be considered a racist song.
"Well … here it is. Check it out you creepy a** crackers!
TPNN – These Christmas bashing progressives have taken their hate-filled paranoia to a new level with their attacks against country singer Darius Rucker, who happens to be black. What did Rucker do that drew the hate of the liberals? He sang White Christmas at Rockefeller Center in New York City.
Liberals immediately took to Twitter to display their idiocy and attack Rucker.

And here of course is Liberal Chick‘s reaction:
Liberal Chick  Public Figure · 3,864 Likes

Update: Dare we even discuss this business?
There have been several postings mentioning White Front, but never any pics of it, until now!!
Hat tip to Al Thompson, Torrance, CA

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 1864 in the American Civil War

 Pictured: Union entrenchments before Nashville awaiting Hood's attack. General Pap Thomas beat him to the punch, routing the Confederate forces and destroying Hood's army and his career. Dec, 1864

Civil War December 1864: Attempt to burn Springfield Armory, Soldiers' Fair, Battles of Nashville, Fort Fisher and Sherman's March to the Sea
General Sherman sent President Lincoln the following telegram on December 22:
“To his Excellency, President Lincoln,
I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah with 150 heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, and also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton.
W. T. Sherman
Sherman’s latest victory followed that of Maj. Gen George H. Thomas who, by December 16th, had routed the Confederate Army of Tennessee, effectively ending the war in the Western Theater.

Marching Through Georgia - Historic Images and Song  "Musicians (unconfirmed): Byron G. Harlan and Frank C. Stanley, 1904"

American Civil War December 1864

Dec 1864 US Civil War timeline

December 4, 1864Battle of WaynesboroughGeorgia
 March to the Sea
December 6, 1864Salmon P. Chase named Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
 Salmon P. Chase
December 6, 1864Battle of Stoney CreekVirginia
 Siege of Petersburg
December 13, 1864Union army captures Ft. McAllisterGeorgia
 William Tecumseh Sherman
 March to the Sea
 Fort McAllister
 Fort McAllister
December 15, 1864
December 16, 1864
Battle of NashvilleTennessee
 John Bell Hood
 George Thomas
 Nashville Campaign
December 21, 1864Sherman occupies SavannahGeorgia
 March to the Sea
 William Tecumseh Sherman

"Battle of Nashville" painted by Howard Pyle in 1907

Here comes Rev. Al

The Police and Grand Jury Can't Win! The Media, Politicians, and Agitators Care Only About Feelings Not Facts  ... "And so the whole thing here just perpetuates itself, with no solution, no understanding, none of it.  And now there are interested parties waiting to feed off all this, such as the Drive-By Media, 'cause this feeds right into the soap opera script. And then the Sharptons and Jacksons of the world who are able to profit -- and not pay taxes in the case of Sharpton -- off this kind of thing." 

Bernie Sanders: Evidence that the Senator from Vermont is a Big “C” Communist

Noisy Room  ... "But is Bernie Sanders really being honest? What if he is actually more of a communist? A believer in class struggle? Of crushing the free enterprise system?
Does it matter? The man is a US Senator. His vote could decide the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice, or ratify a gun banning treaty with the United Nations. He is even seriously exploring a presidential run on the Democratic ticket. Damned right his real views matter.

"Firstly, I want to present evidence that Senator Sanders is not truly an Independent. That he is in fact, a member of a semi-secret political organization. Secondly, I want to prove that that organization, in spite of labeling itself ‘socialist,’ is in fact, a communist grouping – with all the negative connotations that it implies." ...
Bernie Sanders, and Detroit DSA leader David Green, June 25th, 2006
..."My contention is simple. Despite using the word “socialists” in its name, DSA is, for all practical purposes, a communist organization. Because most DSAers are also active Democrats, or Green Party activists, the “socialist” label doesn’t meet the degree of resistance, that the more honest description “communist” would.

"DSA works very closely with three of America’s leading communist groups – the Maoist leaning Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the “old guard” Communist Party USA, and the CPUSA spin-off Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism." ...

How Many Members Of The 111th U.S. Congress Are Self-Declared Socialists?  (2009-2011)
"A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA]."

The Democratic Socialists of America Fall newsletter commented on the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson this way:
Go to the link above if you question the context of this excerpt. Until then, if a DSA member gets authority over the police force in your area, think hard before going into law enforcement.

Ferguson Protestors In Denver Cheered When Car Hit Four Police Officers, Chant “Hit Him Again”…

And the police are the bad guys?

Weasel Zippers
"Not all that surprising considering the race hustlers have whipped the protesters into a anti-police frenzy.

"Update to this story."
DENVER – The Denver police union says protestors marching against the Ferguson grand jury decision cheered and chanted “hit him again” after four officers were hit by a runaway car.
Several other police sources tell 9NEWS crime and justice reporter Anastasiya Bolton that there is evidence as well as DPD witnesses to the fact that some students cheered after the officers were struck.

The Denver Police Protective Association condemned the cheering in a statement released Thursday.
“These actions are not only reprehensible but quite possibly the most disturbing thing this Association has ever heard,” it read, in part.

Next time you're being mugged by some strong-arm bandit, call Al Sharpton.

NYC: Communist Group Hands Out “Chant Sheet” To Garner Protesters, Equates NYPD With KKK…

Victor Davis Hanson: War Clouds on the Horizon? A large war is looming absent preventive American vigilance.

VDH's Private Papers
U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptors (Photo: Senior Master Sergeant Thomas Meneguin)
... "The subsequent appeasement of Britain and France, the isolationism of the United States, and the collaboration of the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany green-lighted Hitler’s aggression — and another world war.
"We are entering a similarly dangerous interlude. Collapsing oil prices — a good thing for most of the world — will make troublemakers like oil-exporting Iran and Russia take even more risks.
Terrorist groups such as the Islamic State feel that conventional military power has no effect on their agendas. The West is seen as a tired culture of Black Friday shoppers and maxed-out credit-card holders.
"NATO is underfunded and without strong American leadership. It can only hope that Vladimir Putin does not invade a NATO country such as Estonia, rather than prepare for the likelihood that he will, and soon."

"The United States has slashed its defense budget to historic lows. It sends the message abroad that friendship with America brings few rewards while hostility toward the U.S. has even fewer consequences. ..."

Emphasis mine, TD 
Michael Ramirez

Obama calls for tougher Internet regulation

MSN See the pros and cons of this discussed at the bottom. I do not know if this is a good idea or bad; I only know that so far everything the Obama administration touches turns to, well... not gold. The Tunnel Dweller

Against net neutrality:
"President Barack Obama on Monday embraced a radical change in how the government treats Internet service, coming down on the side of consumer activists who fear slower download speeds and higher costs but angering Republicans and the nation's cable giants who say the plan would kill jobs.

"Obama called on the Federal Communications Commission to more heavily regulate Internet providers and treat broadband much as it would any other public utility. He said the FCC should explicitly prohibit Internet providers like Verizon and AT&T from charging data hogs like Netflix extra to move their content more " ...

Pro-net neutrality:

The Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality "Currently, the Internet is considered to be neutral, however there is a lot of confusion over what exactly is Net Neutrality. So, I've collected a list of both the advantages and disadvantages of Net Neutrality to help people, especially lawmakers, decide what is best for the Internet." 

Pros and Cons of Net Neutrality in Two Lists    "Net neutrality advocates are licking their wounds following reports that the FCC will likely leave broadband services deregulated. Activists had hoped the Obama administration would prohibit Internet service providers from charging individuals by how much bandwidth they consume. Yet as the Washington Post reports, FCC Commissioner Julius Genachowski will likely keep in place the “current regulatory famework.” Does this threaten
freedom and openness on the Internet as net neutrality activists claim? How would net neutrality impact future investments in broadband? Here are two opposing views on the issue."

Net Neutrality Pros and Cons

Death Is A Fearful Thing, But Not Always Lonely

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Rabble Writer   "Eric Garner is dead. That’s how you begin. Say his age. Where was he from? Who has he left behind? Explain how he died.
"Say who is to blame.
"Now you have your story. This week, we all have the same story. And the same question to answer: Who, exactly, is to blame? The system? Daniel Pantaleo, certainly. His hands, his elbow, his decision … all killed Eric Garner, that much is a certainty. This is not alleged, it is fact eternal, recorded on video, admitted by all, confirmed by autopsy. Daniel Pantaleo is the reason Eric Garner is dead.
The writer lays out the list of causes leading to Mr. Garner's death, but I especially chose this one which I see as the enabling factor bringing all the other motives into play:
"The government? Much has been made of the tax that has resulted in the criminal enterprise of selling cigarettes person to person. The nanny state oppressor cum executioner, wielding the headsman’s axe of oppressive law and unreasonable taxation. Under the weight of oppression many a back has been broken and man pushed to resist. That has been a matter of life and death at times. Well then, that must be to blame."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Krauthammer: The real fight is among the Democrats

Charles Krauthammer  "Old habits die hard. The media are so enamored of the continuing (and largely contrived) story about the great Republican civil war that they fail to appreciate that the real internecine fight is being waged on the other side of the aisle.

"I grant that there’s a lot of shouting today among Republicans. But it’s a ritual skirmish over whether a government shutdown would force the president to withdraw a signature measure — last time, Obamacare; this time, executive amnesty." ...
"The underlying Schumer challenge is that catering to coastal elites and select minorities is how you end up losing 64 percent of the white working class — which, though shrinking, is almost 50 percent larger in size than the black and Hispanic electorates combined."