Between Netanyahu and Obama, which national leader has demonstrated to you the most courage over the years?
Which of these two men has dithered most in deciding critical issues?
Which of them do you most trust the character of?
Which of these two men do you feel has the most foreign policy wisdom in dealing with Muslims?
Jerusalem Post "PM formally accepts invitation to address special joint session of Congress, but will do so as a part of two-fold trip to Washington."
"A GloZell video that garnered 9.7 million hits on YouTube showed her eating fruit loops in a milk filled bathtub for what she called the cereal challenge." ...
Which of these two men has dithered most in deciding critical issues?
Which of them do you most trust the character of?
Which of these two men do you feel has the most foreign policy wisdom in dealing with Muslims?
Jerusalem Post "PM formally accepts invitation to address special joint session of Congress, but will do so as a part of two-fold trip to Washington."
"Rob Lowe can't believe that Obama won't meet with Netanyahu, but will meet with YouTube star
"How is it that a woman famous for eating cereal in a bathtub can get an audience with US President Barack Obama, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to do so? asked Rob Lowe on Twitter.
"Among the Hollywood actor’s famous roles, is that of Deputy White House Communications Director in the television show The West Wing.
"On Friday, Lowe entered a real-life diplomatic drama, when he weighed in on one of the mostserious crises in the often infamous series of political battles that have raged between Obama and Netanyahu in the last six years."A GloZell video that garnered 9.7 million hits on YouTube showed her eating fruit loops in a milk filled bathtub for what she called the cereal challenge." ...
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“For those who aren't up to speed, here is the woman who had an official meeting with POTUS yesterday,” Lowe wrote."