Conrad Black
. . . "By all means, send Brian Williams packing, but do not imagine that that will preserve or retrieve one jot of the self-shredded credibility of the U.S national media. They went from utter credulity in Vietnam to complete defeatism, crucified the president who got seriously into the war, and then crucified the president who saved the war, and helped deliver Indochina to the North Vietnamese Communists and Khmer Rouge who killed millions in the post-war massacres, the Cambodian Killing Fields, and the flight of the Boat People. They tried to assimilate Nicaragua and El Salvador to Vietnam; denied at every turn that Reagan’s defense buildup and anti-missile defense would produce any progress in arms control or the Cold War; never had the faintest hint that forcing the U.S financial industry into trillions of dollars of under-secured mortgages could lead to trouble; and have conducted a stentorian hallelujah chorus for the most incompetent president since James Buchanan. Of course, there have been many good newspeople, but the network newscasts are now just social-interest pap and they don’t resonate with the country. "