Thursday, February 12, 2015

Brian Williams is the least of the media’s problems.

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Conrad Black

. . . "By all means, send Brian Williams packing, but do not imagine that that will preserve or retrieve one jot of the self-shredded credibility of the U.S national media. They went from utter credulity in Vietnam to complete defeatism, crucified the president who got seriously into the war, and then crucified the president who saved the war, and helped deliver Indochina to the North Vietnamese Communists and Khmer Rouge who killed millions in the post-war massacres, the Cambodian Killing Fields, and the flight of the Boat People. They tried to assimilate Nicaragua and El Salvador to Vietnam; denied at every turn that Reagan’s defense buildup and anti-missile defense would produce any progress in arms control or the Cold War; never had the faintest hint that forcing the U.S financial industry into trillions of dollars of under-secured mortgages could lead to trouble; and have conducted a stentorian hallelujah chorus for the most incompetent president since James Buchanan. Of course, there have been many good newspeople, but the network newscasts are now just social-interest pap and they don’t resonate with the country. "
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why We Worry about Islamist Violence and Not Progressive Atheist Violence

When does the ideology of a killer matter? 

Charles C. W. Cooke  "Three Muslims have been murdered by a white atheist — ostensibly over a parking dispute. The shooter, if his Facebook page is to be believed, was what one might term an “anti-theist progressive.” Among the public figures he admired were Rachel Maddow, Bill Nye the engineer, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Among the groups with which he identified were the Southern Poverty Law center, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the Huffington Post. Among those people he disliked were political conservatives, the devoutly religious, and fans of country music. This was not a man, let’s say, who is likely to have been friends with Ted Nugent.

"And here’s the thing: None of this matters at all. Zip. Nada. Zilch."
. . .
"The crucial difference between today’s killing and the routine killings that we see around the world is not that one murderer is familiar and the other is foreign. It is that the former is an outlier, and the latter is part of a critical mass. Of course people raise their eyebrows in one case and not the other. The swallows are flying in formation."

Having said all this, I despise this killer of these fine young people and regard him to be every bit as contemptible as the murderers in Paris . As for our leftist friends, I feel your pain that this murderer is not a TEA Partier. TD

RedState     "In light of today’s horrible shootings is Chapel Hill, North Carolina, we need to seriously debate the violent nature that seems to be common in atheists and supporters of homosexual rights. For instance, here are some screen caps from the Facebook page of the Chapel Hill shooter, Craig Kirby."
. . .

  • Adam Lanza, the Newtown shooter, was an avowed atheist.
  • Floyd Lee Corkins, the deranged gunman who invaded the headquarters of the Family Research Council did so because he was a homosexual marriage advocate and he was an atheist.
  • Jared Lee Loughner, the man who shot Gabby Gifford, was an atheist.
  • Wade Michael Page, the man who killed 6 and wounded 4 when he shot up a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, was an atheist.
  • The Columbine shooters were atheists.


"And remember: This was before the U.N. came along and made Jew-hating a legitimate foreign policy."

Ann Coulter  

. . . "All that, in addition to Hitler's sweep through Western Europe, was well known. But the very month that Hitler marched into Poland, Trumbo published "Johnny Got His Gun," a pure propaganda piece designed to squelch American ardor for helping Hitler's victims. 

"The magnificent new book Hollywood Traitors by Allan Ryskind, son of Hollywood royalty (Marx Brothers screenwriter Morrie Ryskind), has been published just in time for the release of "Trumbo," in which Bryan Cranston will portray Hitler apologist Dalton Trumbo as a hero. 

"I'm guessing the movie skips over Trumbo's aggressive efforts to prevent America from joining the fight against Hitler. To that end, Trumbo wrote two of the most ghastly anti-war films ever made, "Johnny Got His Gun," released as a novel in 1939, and "The Remarkable Andrew," published in 1941. .

In Trumbo's upbeat story, the protagonist, Joe Bonham, a fresh-faced American soldier, has returned from World War I grotesquely disfigured. Inasmuch as Hitler was obviously a deranged monster, Joe's brutalization would have to be pretty bad to convince Americans to stay neutral in any war to stop him. Thus, Trumbo's character had lost both his arms, and for good measure, also his legs. But that's not all! The war had blasted out Joe's eyes. And his ears. And his nose. And his mouth. 

Is that enough to stop you from leaping into a war among indistinguishable imperialist powers, America? 
In the end, Trumbo redeemed himself in the eyes of Hollywood by explaining he had defended one mass murderer only to help an even bigger mass murderer. He said he was "pacifist" until ... June 22, 1941: The day Hitler attacked Russia.
Full article

Despicable act! Chapel Hill shooting: Craig Stephen Hicks condemned all religions on Facebook prior to arrest for murder of three young Muslims

The Independent "The man arrested on suspicion of killing three young Muslims in North Carolina described himself as an “anti-theist” and criticised all religions online.
This picture shows Hicks on holiday with his wife in Disneyland
Police said 46-year-old Craig Stephen Hicks handed himself in to officers in Chapel Hill overnight in the wake of the deaths of 23-year-old Deah Shaddy Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.

"He has been arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder.

Text of Obama's ISIS War Authorization

First this: ull text of President Barack Obama’s letter to lawmakers accompanying draft war powers resolution:
. . . I have directed a comprehensive and sustained strategy to degrade and defeat ISIL. As part of this strategy, U.S. military forces are conducting a systematic campaign of airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Although existing statutes provide me with the authority I need to take these actions, I have repeatedly expressed my commitment to working with the Congress to pass a bipartisan authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) against ISIL. . . . 

Here is the full text of the proposed war authorization bill sent to Congress by President Obama:
To authorize the limited use of the United States Armed Forces against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
  • Whereas the terrorist organization that has referred to itself as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and various other names (in this resolution referred to as ‘‘ISIL’’) poses a grave threat to the people and territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria, regional stability, and the national security interests of the United States and its allies and partners;
  • Whereas ISIL holds significant territory in Iraq and Syria and has stated its intention to seize more territory and demonstrated the capability to do so;
  • Whereas ISIL leaders have stated that they intend to conduct terrorist attacks internationally, including against the United States, its citizens, and interests;
  • Whereas ISIL has committed despicable acts of violence and mass executions against Muslims, regardless of sect, who do not subscribe to ISIL’s depraved, violent, and oppressive ideology;
  • Whereas ISIL has threatened genocide and committed vicious acts of violence against religious and ethnic minority groups, including Iraqi Christian, Yezidi, and Turkmen populations;
  • Whereas ISIL has targeted innocent women and girls with horrific acts of violence, including abduction, enslavement, torture, rape, and forced marriage;
  • Whereas ISIL is responsible for the deaths of innocent United States citizens, including James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Abdul-Rahman Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller;
  • Whereas the United States is working with regional and global allies and partners to degrade and defeat ISIL, to cut off its funding, to stop the flow of foreign fighters to its ranks, and to support local communities as they reject ISIL;

“Very few that I talked to Craig trust this guy, our commander-in-chief, to prosecute a war in an appropriate fashion.” . . . "He doesn’t have to listen to his generals. He knows better than them? And so really it puts us in a quandary because really we want to go after this cancer and cut it out but then we remember who the commander-in-chief is.' ”

‘Inclusive’ speech campaign

La Shawn Barber

 A banner informs University of Michigan students of the Inclusive Language Campaign at the beginning of the fall semester.

"Isn’t it strange how campus liberalism has evolved from a free-speech, tradition-defying, I-am-woman, youth-led movement to a speech-suppressing, narrow-minded, prudish crusade led by grandchildren of the earlier generation? 
. . .
"Yeah, right. The more “diverse” and perverted society becomes, the more freedom people are willing to give up. Where will it end? The next thing you know, individuals saying the wrong words will end up testifying before some congressional committee about their political and religious affiliations. We’re not that far away from the government suppressing the kind of speech some call “homophobic” or, even “transphobic.” Two ugly words for two absurd ideas. If you don’t accept deviancy, you’re a scared religious bigot." . . .

Charles Manson 'called off wedding over fiancee's morbid scheme'

9NEWS via Althouse
Charles Manson with his 25-year-old girlfriend, who he renamed Star, in
happier times. 

"Charles Manson called off his wedding to his much younger fiance after he learned she only wanted him for his body — once he was dead, that is.

"Afton Elaine Burton, 27, reportedly agreed to wed the notorious 80-year-old killer as part of a bizarre plot to make money from displaying his preserved body in a glass tomb.

"If Burton married Manson, California law would give her possession of Manson's remains upon his death."

Catch the video in this article to see what a genius this woman is.  Does Lenin's tomb ring a bell to anyone?
Charles Manson with his 25-year-old girlfriend, who he renamed Star, in happier times. (Supplied)Charles Manson with his 25-year-old girlfriend, who he renamed Star, in happier times. (Supplied)

Obama: Iran Won’t Pursue Nuclear Weapons Because It’s ‘Contrary to Their Faith’

Pamela Geller   "There he goes again, Imam Obama proselytizing, dissembling and disarming the kuffar in the cause of Islam. In his remarks today on Iran’s nuclear weapons program, Obama assigns good faith to the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism. " . . .


Does the word "Munich" mean anything to you?

 Pray for Bibi Netanyahu when he speaks before Congress   "CNN’s Jake Tapper tweeted, “What’s Hebrew for double-down?” Maybe we should go for Yiddish instead and leave it at “mensch.” Pure mensch.
"The tweet comes after media speculation — or political wishing — postulated that the Israeli prime minister might either postpone or water down his speech in order to be friendlier to the outraged Obama administration and some congressional Democrats.
Haaretz reported that Netanyahu addressed the controversy Monday at a Likud event:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday that he is determined to address the U.S. Congress on Iran’s nuclear program. Netanyahu rejected the criticism in the United States and Israel, saying that “while some are busy with protocol or politics, a bad deal with Iran is taking shape.”
Speaking at a Likud election event, Netanyahu added that, as prime minister, it is his duty to do everything in his power to prevent a dangerous deal with Iran. “From the day Israel was established to this day, there have been essential differences between Israel and the U.S., and relations remained sound – this will be the case this time as well,” he said.
“This is not a political issue or a party issue, neither here nor there. This is an existential issue, and I approach it with the fullest responsibility.”

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. . . "At the start of his Sunday Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu stressed that “the major powers and Iran are galloping toward an agreement that will enable Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons, which will endanger the existence of the State of Israel.”
"Referencing Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, Netanyahu noted that the pair “announced that they intend to complete a framework agreement by the end of March” after their weekend talks." . . .

Staples Workers: Thanks for Nothing, Obamacare (Laws have consequences)


"Due to regulations imposed by Obamacare, some businesses are cutting the work hours of their employees. This was a known, predicted consequence of the Affordable Care Act. Staples is just the latest newsworthy example.
. . .
Staples threatens to fire employees who work more than 25 hours a week
Part-time Staples workers are furious that they could be fired for working more than 25 hours a week.
The company implemented the policy to avoid paying benefits under the Affordable Care Act, reports Sapna Maheshwari at Buzzfeed. The healthcare law mandates that workers with more than 30 hours a week receive healthcare.
If Staples doesn’t offer benefits, it could be fined $3,000 in penalties per person.
Buzzfeed spoke with several Staples workers who revealed their hours have been drastically cut over the past year. Many reported working as few as 20 hours.
The workers started a petition on asking the company not to “cut part-time hours because of Obamacare.”
"It’s terrible that these folks are losing work hours, but it’s not unexpected, and it’s not the fault of Staples—that’s just as far as an employee wants to look when it’s suddenly gotten harder to pay the bills and feed their families.
"You think it’s bad now, wait until people start dealing with their tax returns." . . .

Snarker-in-Chief; No one — least of all the American people — is exempt from our president’s snark.

Victor Davis Hanson

"Snark is a popular word used for a particular sort of off-putting sarcasm. Snarkiness can manifest itself as adolescent cheap shots, snide condescension, or simple ad hominem patronizing — a sort of “I know you are, but what am I?” schoolyard name-calling." . . .

. . . "President Obama is well known both for ad hominem dismissals of his supposed enemies — everyone from Fox News to the Tea Party to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity — and for his evocations of nefarious straw men who, he claims, if left unchecked, would uninsure the poor, pollute the environment, hurt the illegal immigrant, and wage perpetual war abroad. But Obama’s snarky putdowns and condescending afterthoughts are a particularly disturbing subset of these rhetorical devices, used by him in the grand world of diplomacy as well as in often petty domestic contexts." . . .

Why did Obama have a closed door meeting in the White House with Islamic imams and known Islamic terrorists?

Jim Campbell  "There is absolutely no way to sugar coat it, the U.S. and allied forces will not take the Islamic State completely down until Obama is likewise removed from his current position in the Oval Office. 

"When the Islamic Jihadist burned alive a Jordanian pilot, Obama called a closed-door meeting of Muslims, then finally went to the National prayer Breakfast on Feb 5 and condemns Christians for the Crusades.  He has yet to admit that the jihadists savages are Islam Muslims, nor is he capable of saying two words, Islamic Jihadist.

"How do we defend ourselves against this sort of treachery?  How can a “So called commander-in chief be qualified to lead the worlds strongest and technologically most sophisticated military force on earth.

"He can’t and that’s why he goes immediately to his Muslim brothers for discussion. " . . .

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Alan Caruba: It's Not Just Brian Williams

Warning Signs

"Are we seeing a trend here? Dan Rather at CBS and now Brian Williams at NBC? Well, two news anchors are not a trend, but biased and bad reporting is. It’s not new, but it does seem to be gathering momentum and nowhere has it been more apparent than the millions of words written and spoken about “global warming” and now “climate change.”
 . . .
"Today, though, the President is an unrelenting voice about the dangers of “climate change” which he and John Kerry, our Secretary of State, have rated the “greatest threat” to the world. Obama’s national security strategy document was released just a day before he equated the history of Christianity with the barbarism of today’s Islamic State.

"The national security document included terrorism to which it devoted one out of its 29 pages.  Essentially Obama sees all the problems of the world, real and imagined, as challenges that require “strategic patience and persistence.” This is his way of justifying doing nothing or as little as possible." . . .