"The issue of global warming is one of several issues which currently divides America and yet it is one that can be so easily resolved.
"Clearly there are two camps regarding the issue of global warming. There are the enthusiasts who see the planet literally melting away and there are the deniers who see a global attempt to redistribute wealth from western democracies in the name of global warming
"There are at least two venerable and public supporters of these two positions; Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States who supports addressing global warming and an opponent of man made global warming, Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the climate contrarian Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). These two outspoken men are informed and passionate for their respective position and thus, out of respect for all Americans and in an effort to put this issue aside,they should have a widely publicized national debate." . . .
The tip of the climate spending iceberg
"Getting a hand on Climate Crisis, Inc.’s fear and money machine is not easy – and few people understand just how enormous, interlocking and self-perpetuating it is. My article this week presents an overview that will hopefully begin opening people’s eyes. It summarizes the six strategies the alarmist industry is using to advance its agenda and protect its access to tens of billions in taxpayer and consumer dollars: climate research, renewable energy research and implementation, regulatory fiats, a new UN climate treaty, vicious attacks on anyone who contests climate chaos claims, and thought control in every venue of possible debate." . . .
"Clearly there are two camps regarding the issue of global warming. There are the enthusiasts who see the planet literally melting away and there are the deniers who see a global attempt to redistribute wealth from western democracies in the name of global warming
"There are at least two venerable and public supporters of these two positions; Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States who supports addressing global warming and an opponent of man made global warming, Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the climate contrarian Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). These two outspoken men are informed and passionate for their respective position and thus, out of respect for all Americans and in an effort to put this issue aside,they should have a widely publicized national debate." . . .
Climate change deniers should be punished, Al Gore has said, adding that politicians in particular should be made to pay a price for rejecting “accepted science”. He stopped short of suggesting what that punishment might be.
The tip of the climate spending iceberg
"Getting a hand on Climate Crisis, Inc.’s fear and money machine is not easy – and few people understand just how enormous, interlocking and self-perpetuating it is. My article this week presents an overview that will hopefully begin opening people’s eyes. It summarizes the six strategies the alarmist industry is using to advance its agenda and protect its access to tens of billions in taxpayer and consumer dollars: climate research, renewable energy research and implementation, regulatory fiats, a new UN climate treaty, vicious attacks on anyone who contests climate chaos claims, and thought control in every venue of possible debate." . . .