"Here’s a story of triumph.
"Anyone who’s been paying even limited attention to national news for the past couple of weeks knows about the Indiana religious freedom law and the subsequent fallout that ensued. Among the temper tantrums from the left over the law, none was more hateful and pig-ignorant than the invective directed against Memories Pizza in Walkerton after the owner’s daughter said that her store wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.
"Because of the outcry, Memories Pizza closed down for a while. However, the owner got the last laugh when a GoFundMe campaign raised more than $800,000 for the pizza parlor. Conservatives know how to support the oppressed.
"Today, Memories Pizza will officially reopen.
. It’s a story of good overcoming evil, of freedom trumping bigotry.". . .
"Anyone who’s been paying even limited attention to national news for the past couple of weeks knows about the Indiana religious freedom law and the subsequent fallout that ensued. Among the temper tantrums from the left over the law, none was more hateful and pig-ignorant than the invective directed against Memories Pizza in Walkerton after the owner’s daughter said that her store wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.
"Because of the outcry, Memories Pizza closed down for a while. However, the owner got the last laugh when a GoFundMe campaign raised more than $800,000 for the pizza parlor. Conservatives know how to support the oppressed.
"Today, Memories Pizza will officially reopen.
. It’s a story of good overcoming evil, of freedom trumping bigotry.". . .