Thursday, April 9, 2015

Last IOC in Marine infantry experiment drops female officers


Marine Times  "The two-and-a-half year period in which the Marine Corps' Infantry Officer Course became gender-integrated for research will end without a single female graduate.

"The final iteration of IOC to accept female Marines on a volunteer basis began April 2 with two female participants. One was a volunteer and one was a member of the newly integrated ground intelligence track.

"Both were dropped that same day during the grueling initial Combat Endurance Test, said Capt. Maureen Krebs, a spokeswoman for Headquarters Marine Corps. Nine of the 90 men who began the course were also cut."
. . .
"In an effort to achieve their goal of 100 female volunteers cycling through IOC, the Marine Corps opened the course to female company-grade officers in October 2014, making hundreds more Marines eligible for the course. The Corps also began requiring that volunteers get a first-class score on the male version of the service's Physical Fitness Test in an effort to better prepare them for the rigors of IOC." . . .

Obama and his "cult of personality"

Bishop E.W. Jackson, President of Ministers Taking A Stand, is accusing the President of turning the black church into a cult of personality serving him rather than God.
Bishop E.W. Jackson, President of Ministers Taking A Stand, is accusing the President of turning the black church into a cult of personality serving him rather than God. This comes on the heels of the President's remarks at an Easter Prayer Breakfast held in the White House. Mr. Obama said he is "concerned" about Christians speaking "unlovingly." This was an apparent reference to Christian support for the Indiana law protecting business owners from having to serve same-sex ceremonies.
Says Bishop Jackson, "Black Christians are Bible believing people. That faith brought us through slavery, segregation and the civil rights struggle. The black church has had unswerving faith in God and the truth of the Bible. This President has done more to undermine that than any figure in the history of the black community."
In the background of the President's remarks at the Easter Prayer Breakfast, ministers could be heard saying Amen as he once again slammed Christianity. "When supposed ministers of the gospel say 'Amen' to a politician's criticisms of Christianity and support for same sex marriage," says the Bishop, "it suggests their allegiance is to him rather than to Jesus. Mr. Obama is trying to fundamentally transform Christianity in the same way he promised to fundamentally transform America."
Bishop Jackson also pointed out, "The President never acknowledged the murder of 150 Christian students in Kenya by Islamic terrorists, nor has he ever uttered a word of criticism of Islam. Even in his famous Cairo speech in Egypt, he declared that America is not a Christian nation. It is odd behavior for a Christian."
Jackson says, "Pastors should be declaring the truth and holding politicians accountable, not catering to them, even if it's the first black President. Those who 'amen' anything the President says are like the false prophets condemned in the Bible for telling the King what he wanted to hear instead of telling him what 'thus saith the Lord.'"
E.W. Jackson is a Marine Corps Veteran, graduate of Harvard Law School, retired Attorney, President of STAND [Staying True to America's National Destiny - parent body of MINISTERS TAKING A STAND], Bishop over THE CALLED CHURCH and Senior Fellow for Family Research Council

How Obama Has Kept His ‘Cult of Personality’
If you listen to what the president says in public appearances, it’s as if he hasn’t been the incumbent for nearly four years. He repeats promises that have already been broken, and speaks of his ideas for the country as if they are new, and haven’t already resulted in failure. - See more at:

But when you strip away his cult of personality, you’re forced to recognize the reality that our nation is in deep decline, and may very well be broken beyond repair if drastic changes aren’t made very soon. - See more at:
If you listen to what the president says in public appearances, it’s as if he hasn’t been the incumbent for nearly four years. He repeats promises that have already been broken, and speaks of his ideas for the country as if they are new, and haven’t already resulted in failure. - See more at:

Rev. E.W. Jackson's Twitter page

From Sept, 2011: Parks says, [Democrats] “are ashamed of their past and do not want Blacks to look under the hood of their history.”     "Republicans laid the foundation for civil rights by passing legislation and instituting programs that Democrats’ were adamantly opposed to, such as:

 1.      The Thirteenth Amendment in 1865 to abolish slavery.

 2.      The Civil Rights Act of 1866 to give Negroes citizenship and protect freed men from Black Codes and other repressive legislation.

 3.      The First Reconstruction Act of 1867 to provide more efficient Government of the Rebel- or Democrat-controlled states.

 4.      The Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 to make all persons born in the United States citizens. Part of this Amendment specifically states “No State shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; or deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

 5.      The Fifteenth Amendment of 1870 to give the right to vote to every citizen.

 6.      The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 to stop Klan terrorists to terrorized black voters, Republicans, white teachers who taught blacks, and Abolitionists.

 7.      The Civil Rights Act of 1875 to protect all citizens in their civil and legal rights and to prohibit racial discrimination in places of public accommodation.

 8.      Freedmen’s Bureau was a social program established by Republicans to feed, protect, and educate the former slaves.

 9.      The 1957 Civil Rights Act and the 1960 Civil Rights Act were signed into law by President Eisenhower who also established the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in 1958, a commission that was rejected by Truman during his administration.

 10. The 1964 Civil Rights Act which key Republicans pushed law through while key Southern Democrats like Al Gore Sr. debated against its passage. More Republicans (in percentages) voted for this law than Democrats.”
And how'd that work out? 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Closing of the Campus Mind

 Schools of social work are silencing conservatives.

The Weekly Standard
 "I can’t have you participate in class anymore.”

 photo illustration, the weekly standard

"I was on my way out of class when my social welfare and policy professor casually called me over to tell me this. The friendliness of her tone did not match her words, and I attempted a shocked, confused apology. It was my first semester at the Hunter College School of Social Work, and I was as yet unfamiliar with the consistent, underlying threat that characterized much of the school’s policy and atmosphere. This professor was simply more open and direct than most.

"I asked if I had said or done anything inappropriate or disrespectful, and she was quick to assure me that it was not my behavior that was the problem. No: It was my opinions. Or, as she put it, “I have to give over this information as is.”

"I spent the rest of that semester mostly quiet, frustrated, and missing my undergraduate days, when my professors encouraged intellectual diversity and give-and-take. " . . . 

Devorah Goldman

Memories Pizza Will Reopen Today

"Here’s a story of triumph.

"Anyone who’s been paying even limited attention to national news for the past couple of weeks knows about the Indiana religious freedom law and the subsequent fallout that ensued. Among the temper tantrums from the left over the law, none was more hateful and pig-ignorant than the invective directed against Memories Pizza in Walkerton after the owner’s daughter said that her store wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

"Because of the outcry, Memories Pizza closed down for a while. However, the owner got the last laugh when a GoFundMe campaign raised more than $800,000 for the pizza parlor. Conservatives know how to support the oppressed.

"Today, Memories Pizza will officially reopen.

 . It’s a story of good overcoming evil, of freedom trumping bigotry.". . .

Creating memories: The O’Connors, who serve around 100 pizzas a week to locals, admitted they had never actually been commissioned to provide their 16 inch $12.99 cheese pizzas or pulled pork $5.75 sandwiches to a same sex wedding


Ann Coulter
Yesterday, up on the stair,
I saw a rape that wasn't there,
It wasn't there again today!
Oh why, oh why did it go away ...
. . .  "You know who else Rolling Stone's story kind of did a disservice to? I think, personally -- as long as we're ranking victims -- a very close second to the woman who lied about being raped, as well as all the unnamed college rape victims who might have their claims taken less seriously in the future, are THE INNOCENT FRATERNITY MEMBERS WHO WERE FALSELY ACCUSED OF A VIOLENT GANG RAPE.

"The UVA fake rape is even worse than the Duke lacrosse team fake rape. The accused fraternity hadn't even courted danger by hiring a stripper. They were going about their lives, minding their own business, when, out of the blue, Rolling Stone, the president of their university, and a fiendish coed decided to accuse them of a monstrous crime.
. . .
"Again, isn't someone missing from all that delicate "balancing"? I'm thinking of: the men falsely accused of rape. Colleges might want to consider adopting a concept that's been around since the second century: "innocent until proved guilty."

"Sorry this column is late. I got raped again on the way home. Twice. I should clarify – by “raped,” I mean that two seductive Barry White songs came on the radio, which, according to the University of Virginia, constitutes rape."


Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Alan Caruba: Using the Global Warming Hoax to Destroy America

"When President Obama announced on March 31 that he intends to ensure that the U.S. will slash its “greenhouse gas emissions” 26% below 2005 emissions levels by 2025 in order to keep pledges made to fulfill the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, he failed to mention that such levels would be comparable to what they were in our Civil War era, 150 years ago.

"He also failed to mention that the U.S. has made no such pledges as regards the 1992 “Kyoto Treaty” which was resoundingly rejected by the U.S. Senate when then Vice President Al Gore brought it back from the U.N. conference.

"There is no need, globally or nationally, to reduce such emissions. It would be a crime against humanity, especially for the millions that would be denied electrical power or would see its cost rise exponentially. “The President has no credible evidence to back up his claims,” said H. Sterling Burnett, a Research Fellow with the free market think tank, The Heartland Institute. “Obama’s climate actions are likely to cause far more harm to people, especially the poor, than any purported threats from global warming.' ” . . .

OBAMA DECRIES: ‘Less-Than-Loving Expressions by Christians’…Says Squat About Islam’s Atrocities

 Clash Daily  "Obama says Christians are just so unloving at the Easter Prayer breakfast…but for some reason, he doesn’t say anything about the Muslims that killed 147 Christians in Kenya during Easter holy week."

President Obama used an Easter breakfast at the White House Tuesday to call out what he viewed as unbecoming comments by fellow members of the Christian community.
“On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I’m supposed to love, and I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less-than-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned,” the president said to a gathering of Christian leaders. “But that’s a topic for another day.”
Obama appeared to go off script in that exchange. He did not allude to whom he was referring.
Read more: Washington Examiner

 Obama criticizes 'less than loving Christians' at Easter prayer breakfast   "As the Washington Times points out, the latest Obama signal of religious relativism came after his administration had issued a statement on the Kenyan massacre at a Christian college without once mentioning the religion of the victims – or the attackers.

Addressing an ecumenical gathering at the White House of cardinals, ministers, pastors and the lay faithful, Mr. Obama was talking about the Apostle John’s call to love “with actions and in truth” rather than with words. The president then briefly gave in to temptation, and deviated from his prepared remarks.
. . . The president's perversity – a perversity echoed by many on the left – wouldn't be so bad if he bashed Muslims for committing far worse sins in the name of their faith.  Calling someone names is not the same as cutting off his head to glorify Allah.  Until Obama acknowledges the difference, his criticism of Christianity will be seen as gratuitous slaps to mollify Muslims, and not serious commentary."


Klein Online  "In his sit-down interview with the New York Times over the weekend, President Obama issued a dire, largely unreported prediction about the future of Saudi Arabia and other Sunni allies of the United States. “I think the biggest threats that they face may not be coming from Iran invading,” said Obama. “It’s going to [...]"

 Obama’s long-held dream of nuclear disarmament

. . . "This is a young man who doesn’t seem to like America a whole lot and didn’t think all that much of humanity in general either. There is no question that he believes he knows better, and has purer and more noble instincts, than those in charge. That’s not an unusual point of view for a young man, of course. But Obama seems to have managed to carry a similar attitude right up to the present.

"The NY Times picked up on the attitude:" . . .
 ' ' '
It’s also instructive to remember this:

…President Obama erred in 2013 with his decision to scrap — in response to Russian objections — a planned system in Europe to defend against missile threats from the Middle East. Obama won no good will from the Russians, even as he forfeited an important opportunity to strengthen U.S. allies against future threats. Missile defense allows strong nations to defend themselves against weaker enemies without resorting to terrorist tactics or fighting bloody wars. This is a win-win, except for terrorists like Hamas and national rulers bent on aggression against neighbors.
But the dream dies hard, doesn’t it?

From Blackfive: Inspection Insanity  " Obama is out trying to pitch his lipsticked-up pig of a nuke deal and managed to compare this stage of the process to signing a contract to buy a house and then you just need to do the inspections and VOILA!. Except, no deal was signed, the Iranians are saying they didn't agree to all the things O is crowing about and then you have the actual inspections. How do you think that will go? You're right, about as good as the North Korea deal. Nukes for all Obama's pals."

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Facts; What Columbia Missed In Its Review of Rolling Stone

American Thinker   "In November, Rolling Stone magazine ran a story detailing the horrific account of an alleged gang rape at a fraternity on the University of Virginia campus. The story quickly proved to be rubbish, and Rolling Stone reached out to the Columbia University School of Journalism to discover how the magazine could have blundered so badly.

"With much ado, Columbia responded. Its 13,000-word report identified problems in “reporting, editing, editorial supervision and fact-checking.” This was all true enough, but Columbia missed the real problem. As I document in my forthcoming book, Scarlet Letters, cases like the Rolling Stone’s have become so common because those perpetrating a given fraud almost inevitably advance causes that the cultural establishment, the Columbia faculty included, wants to see advanced."
"Although there are a few exceptions, the people who guard the cultural gates tend to be liberal on sexual and social issues, socialist on economic ones, internationalist in their worldview, and Democratic in their voting preferences." . . .

Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner is in complete denial  . . . " “The magazine set aside or rationalized as unnecessary essential practices of reporting that, if pursued, would likely have led the magazine’s editors to reconsider publishing Jackie’s narrative so prominently, if at all.' ” . . .

Students smeared by Rolling Stone gang rape story speak out  . . . "Neither Ryan nor Alex were ever contacted by Erdely, and yet both somehow managed to play key roles in Erdely’s narrative. Both recently sat down with Megyn Kelly to sound off on how they were portrayed in the controversial article:" . . .

 “ 'Jackie” asked not to be included in Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s story but Rubin included her anyways(SIC)."

 Law and Order: SVU Cartoonifies the Rolling Stone UVA Rape Debacle  "Law and Order: SVU aired their take on the UVA rape case last night, in which a seemingly credible young woman says she was gang-raped by a hockey team at New York's fictional Hudson University. In the end—spoiler alert—her story (sort of) falls apart."

It's not just Rolling Stone: Mainstream leftist media now a network of activist media hoaxers who spew hatred and intolerance disguised as "news" . . . " Essentially, the Columbia report concludes that Rolling Stone ran with a totally fabricated story because the magazine utterly failed to fact check anything. Someone fed Rolling Stone precisely the lies they wanted to hear -- fully aligned with the cultural agenda of the magazine -- and Rolling Stone bought it hook, line and sinker." . . .

Hat tip to Ronbo at The Freedom Fighter's Journal

Alan Caruba: Only Fools Trust Obama or the Iranians

"Only fools express any trust in Obama these days or the Iranians who have made him look the fool when no one in their neighborhood or the world trusts a thing they say or do.

"After more than six years of listening to President Obama’s unremitting lies, when he says of the latest “accord” with Iran, “It’s a good deal” and standing in the Rose Garden declares that the U.S. and Iran have reached “an historic understanding” the only history being made his own ignominy and idiocy.

"It would be historic if anyone could extend either President Obama or the Iranians any trust." . . . 
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
Cartoons added, TD
 "Unless one believes in unicorns and other fantasies, this latest “accord” and what we are being told about it by the President and the State Department is not a great achievement. It is doomed to failure because Iran has had no intention of doing anything other than getting economic and other sanctions removed. Time is on their side as they work to develop their own nuclear weapons.

"When Iran tests its first nuclear weapon, Obama should return his Nobel Peace Prize."

.@Sally (WarOnWomen) Kohn is "a dishonest lackwit"

. . . 'Enter the moronic Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) into the debate. Sally Kohn, to the surprise of no one who has seen her picture, is a lesbian. In a gentler age, that is, 15 or so years ago, Child Protective Services would have pulled up to her door if she had written this op-ed (not to mention there is no way a newspaper would have published it) I’m gay. And I want my kid to be gay, too. At Talking Points Memo she writes this Hey, Christian Business Owners: The Government Isn’t ‘Forcing’ You To Do Anything (sorry, I don’t provide links to hate-speech sites and intelligence-free zones). ' . . .
Critics claim CNN hosts ‘Hands Up’ moment on air shows bias towards protestors

Kohn vs, Charles Krauthammer

EXPERT: Feminism Destroyed Passover (& Synagogue Attendance)

Debbie Schlussel "Feminism and the feminization of Judaism have caused Jewish men to stop celebrating Passover and attend synagogue, an expert on Judaism tells the Wall Street Journal. As with everything worth anything, if you chickify it, who the heck wants it?!"

. . . "By the way, you’ll note that these men are mostly men who are Conservative and Reform Jews, liberals who know a lot more about why they blindly love Barack Hussein Obama than they do anything about their own religion. Orthodox Jews–including and especially the men–are, as I’ve repeatedly pointed out on this site for more than a decade, much more conservative politically and much more likely to vote Republican (my synagogue voted about 95% for Mitt Romney). Orthodox Jewish men are still the leaders in synagogue, at home, and in religious observances." . . .