Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Iran isn't laughing AT us; they're laughing WITH us

Dealing from the Bottom
 obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, iran, deal, israel, terror, nuclear
. . . " In return for all this impressive promising, Obama's tough deal has given the Iranians very, very little. All we have to do is remove all economic sanctions from Iran, immediately ship them tens of billions of dollars, allow them to keep feverishly spinning and enriching nuclear materials in their cyclotrons, supply them with additional and more sophisticated cyclotrons, and allow them to continue development of ballistic missiles and weapons systems." . . .
. . .  In response, Obama has assured Israel that "if you like your existence on the map, you can keep it. Period. Case closed!" . . .
Meanwhile the Obama administration can go on to more important things it cares about:
 Photo edited for, um, family reasons. TD

.obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, iran, deal, israel, terror, nuclear, nuculure, bush

Meanwhile over at Investors Business Daily,"trueblues" has many comments like this:
Only Israel and the republicans are telling the truth? go away, you war mongers. This is a very good deal with Iran and Iran will be a better ally than Israel.

Should Christians reinterpret the Bible to accept same-sex marriage?

" With that kind of forecast, it is no wonder that many Christians are scratching their heads and mumbling under their breaths, "well, maybe there is some semi-plausible though non-obvious way to rediscover the Bible as friendly to gay marriage!"
 Culture Witness

"Post-Obergefell, the war for the heart and soul of Christianity has begun in earnest. Less than a week after Emperor Anthony Kennedy issued his fiat of 'love conquers the Constitution', the Episcopal Church rushed to rescue their dinner party invitations. They quickly voted themselves into the new era, approving same-sex weddings and replacing the outdated and homophobic words "man and woman" with "couple" in their marriage canons.

"Whew, that was close, but Episcopalians now appear to be safe from the presumption of hatred, intolerance and bigotry that will plague the rest of the followers of Christ.

"Meanwhile, other Christians are waking up to the reality that they might as well wear T-shirts emblazoned with "Ku Klux Klan", because that is precisely how they are perceived - and how they will be treated - by America's new masters of the universe." . . .
Hat tip to  Lea Singh at  Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Obama's legacy

 U.S. Will Teach Iran to Thwart Nuke Threats  " The United States and other world powers will help to teach Iran how to thwart and detect threats to its nuclear program, according to the parameters of a deal reached Tuesday to rein in Iran’s contested nuclear program." . . .

"This will include “training courses and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to prevent, protect and respond to nuclear security threats to nuclear facilities and systems as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems,” according to the text.

"Additional “training and workshops” would work to “strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems,” the text states." . . .
How very shameful; If this is all true, we have become the Vichy French of today.*


 Vichy France:

*. . . As soon as it had been established, Pétain's government took measures against the so-called “undesirables”: Jews, métèques (immigrants), Freemasons, Communists — inspired by Charles Maurras' conception of the “Anti-France”, or “internal foreigners”, which Maurras defined as the “four confederate states of Protestants, Jews, Freemasons and foreigners” — but also Gypsies, homosexuals, and, in a general way, any left-wing activist. Vichy imitated the racial policies of the Third Reich and also engaged in natalist policies aimed at reviving the “French race”, although these policies never went as far as the eugenics program implemented by the Nazis." . . .

Iran's Supreme Leader Posts Photo of Himself Trampling Israeli Flag: 'The Zionist Regime Is Doomed'. . . "Commenting on the decision to post the photo and caption at this time, Rubin wrote on the AEI blog, “So much for peace and so much for ‘Dialogue of Civilizations.’”

“ 'But why should Israel worry?” he continued. “After all, President Obama has made Israel’s security a red-line, and when are Obama’s red-lines not to be believed? (Full-disclosure: I tried to ask some Ukrainians this, but the Russians occupying their country had cut the phone lines, and all the Syrians I sought to contact had been displaced by Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons use).' ” . . .

Obama Kerry Iran Deal
"Obama Kerry Iran deal appears as though it’s more out of desperation than necessity. ".
More A.F.Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

 "Obama “exceeded expectations,” and still managed to make a mess."
"As NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray points out, the fact that Obama and Hillary have discussed the deal, and come out in full-throated support of it, means that it’s almost outside the scope of possibility that there will be enough congressional democrats ready to turn their coats and derail the thing.

"Of note: Clinton’s initial reaction hedged against full-throated support…"

Silly State of the Union #2

California gun store owner pulls Confederate flag after receiving death threats
 "Now, a sign on the business says in all caps: "WE CAN NO LONGER FLY OUR CONFEDERATE FLAG DUE TO THE SO CALLED 'TOLERANT' LIBERALS THREATENING THE STAFF AND THIS BUILDING." Shockley says there are no plans to put the flag back up."  Jeb Bush seems to agree.
Chutzpah alert: Those giving the threats called the store owner "intolerant".

MSNBC's Chris Matthews: Donald Trump is as Dangerous as Saddam Hussein
I did say MSNBC, didn't I? 

New York wants to bring public urination out of the shadows . . . "In liberal ideology, the homeless are among the most virtuous of the favored classes, and they can do no wrong.  How else to explain a policy that will literally turn the streets of New York into a sewer?" . . .
 “ 'I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he tells the paper."

Embedded image permalink
How To Think About the Iran Deal in One Photo

 Clinton Norks

Our Weasel of the Week Nominees!

"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

"Here are this weeks’ nominees…."   - See more

 More at New Zeal

Trust and have Obama verify

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

"Unfettered capitalism", the Pope calls us? Really?

What does it tell you when our enemies celebrate?

Hat tip to Bud Mecek
Iranians Are Euphoric After Nuclear Deal Reached   Meanwhile Obama said, ". . .  that he will “veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal.”
“ 'I welcome a robust debate in Congress on this issue, and I welcome scrutiny of the details of this
agreement,” Obama said. “But I will remind Congress that you don’t make deals like this with your friends.”
"Obama said that the deal “is not built on trust, it is built on verification.' ”

Netanyahu says Iran nuclear deal 'a bad mistake of historic proportions'   "Iran will get a jackpot, a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions of dollars, which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world," the premier said.
. . . "The prime minister, coming under withering criticism from the opposition for what is being termed a colossal failure on his part to stop the agreement, called for Israel's political leaders to put party politics aside and unite around a most fateful issue for Israel's future and security."
. . .  “ 'It is impossible to prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who chant ‘Death to America’ even during the negotiations,” he said."

Defense minister reiterated his warnings over the Islamic Republic regional aggression, describing it as "the world’s leading exporter of terror." 
Israel Iran Deal
Reaction To Historic Deal To Curb Iran’s Nuclear Program 

 The agreement hangs on Islamic Iran's honoring agreements with infidels
. . . "This shows that the president's claims about what is in this agreement won't stand up against what Iran believes is in it. That much is certain. There is a fundamental difference between the two sides about an understanding of what the deal says. This isn't exactly unprecedented. Nuclear deals with the Soviet Union were often marked by differences of opinion over some of the details." . . .

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Obama Vows Veto of Congressional Iran Disapproval: ‘You Don’t Make Deals Like This with Your Friends’ . . .The deal, which lasts up to 10 years and is nearly 100 pages long, gives Tehran the right to challenge UN inspections of its nuclear program. An arbitration board, including an Iranian representative, would decide if access is granted.Iran said sanctions will be repealed, while the P5+1 powers said old sanctions will be repealed but they’ll impose new ones.

"The arms embargo that Iran wanted lifted will sunset after five years and could be lifted earlier if the International Atomic Energy Agency certifies they’re not developing nuclear weapons." . . .

Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Today, Even More Historic — and Terrible — Reckoning to Come
 . . . "So, yes indeed, this deal is historic. It is historic in ways that, for instance, President Obama’s 2009 chairing of a United Nations Security Council meeting on freeing the world of nuclear weapons was not (does anyone even remember that UN summit? It was the first time an American  president had stooped to chair a meeting of the UN Security Council; it did absolutely nothing to stop nuclear proliferation).

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
"This deal is an historic disaster. Not only does it legitimize Iran’s nuclear program, but it goes far to confer legitimacy on Iran’s regime — the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. For the U.S., it’s a variation of running up massive U.S. government debt, and leaving the next American president — as well as America’s people, and our allies — to face the real cost. Which in this case involves nuclear weapons."

And when the deal falls apart, Obama will be going public with the claim that he left a peaceful world that was ruined by the later administration. He has spent years blaming his failures on George Bush, isn't it obvious that he will blame following administrations as well?

The Four Horsemen of a Looming Apocalypse

Victor Davis Hanson
" They could all be confronted. But by the Obama administration? "

. . . "If this administration is not careful, by next year it may find ISIS at the gates of Baghdad, Russian forces massing on the border of Estonia, Japan and China shooting at each other over disputed air and sea space, and Iran stockpiling its growing enriched-uranium supplies for a not too distant multi-bomb nuclear rollout.
"We think the world is growing tense; in fact, it is only the calm before the storm."

Monday, July 13, 2015

Report: ISIS Blows Up Baby as Part of Explosives Demo

Jammie Wearing Fools  " Yes, this is pretty much rock bottom. But nobody cares, so can we get back to talking about Donald Trump and the Confederate flag?"

Islamic State thugs have committed one of their cruellest acts so far in their bid to shock the world, it was claimed today.
Senior Iraqi sources say IS forces wired up a baby with explosives and then blew the poor child up as part of a training exercise.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s terror network wanted a human victim to illustrate how best to strap explosives to a human being.
Having executed the baby’s father weeks ago because they claimed he killed one of their friends the sick gunmen wanted to kill his child.
Staggeringly they wired up the victim before detonating the explosives in front of dozens of recruits, in a bid to dehumanise them.
The murder happened on Friday July 10 in Iraq’s violent Diyala Province, North East of Baghdad, the war-torn country’s capital.
It was reported by Diyala’s Provincial Security Committee Chairman Sadiq el-Husseinim who told a local news service: “The organisation booby-trapped the baby in front of dozens of armed ISIS men and then detonated it from afar.
“The organisation doesn’t care about the most basic human values.
"Gee, you think?"
 The killers will go on to use children extensively in its sickening propaganda

Muslims Take Christian Girl And Tell Her To Deny Christ. She Refuses; They Bury Her Up To Her Neck, Crush Her To Death

Nkeki Mutah, pastor who praised his daughter's martyrdom
Nkeki Mutah, pastor who praised his daughter’s martyrdom

Theodore Shoebat   "Muslims in Nigeria — all members of Boko Haram — kidnapped a young Christian girl and demanded that she deny Christ. She refused. They buried her up to her neck and crushed her to death with rocks. Her father, a local pastor named Nkeki Mutah, took pride in his daughter’s resilience, and said:
I was told that my daughter refused to change her religion. I was told that they dug a hole and buried her from the neck and stoned her to death… To die for the sake of Christ, that’s the happiest thing for me. I’m grateful that she didn’t change her religion. She trust[ed] in God.
. . . 

The Muslim world has Sharia; Democrats have political correctness

Political correctness is an attack on the 1st amendment and the advocates won't be happy until everyone is in conformity with their agenda.