Monday, July 13, 2015

Report: ISIS Blows Up Baby as Part of Explosives Demo

Jammie Wearing Fools  " Yes, this is pretty much rock bottom. But nobody cares, so can we get back to talking about Donald Trump and the Confederate flag?"

Islamic State thugs have committed one of their cruellest acts so far in their bid to shock the world, it was claimed today.
Senior Iraqi sources say IS forces wired up a baby with explosives and then blew the poor child up as part of a training exercise.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s terror network wanted a human victim to illustrate how best to strap explosives to a human being.
Having executed the baby’s father weeks ago because they claimed he killed one of their friends the sick gunmen wanted to kill his child.
Staggeringly they wired up the victim before detonating the explosives in front of dozens of recruits, in a bid to dehumanise them.
The murder happened on Friday July 10 in Iraq’s violent Diyala Province, North East of Baghdad, the war-torn country’s capital.
It was reported by Diyala’s Provincial Security Committee Chairman Sadiq el-Husseinim who told a local news service: “The organisation booby-trapped the baby in front of dozens of armed ISIS men and then detonated it from afar.
“The organisation doesn’t care about the most basic human values.
"Gee, you think?"
 The killers will go on to use children extensively in its sickening propaganda

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