Monday, July 27, 2015

Appeasing Iran Ignores the Lessons of History

Victor Davis Hanson
China and Russia will never again see any advantage in joining the West in embargoing and sanctioning a would-be nuclear state – not when such a hard-won common front can become utterly nullified at any moment by a fickle United States. Both powers will grow closer to Iran.
In 2015, we naively hail peace with honor, but by 2020, sadder and wiser, we will lament war and shame. VDH
So  much for "snap back".

 Photo via

. . . "First, appeasement always brings short-term jubilation at the expense of long-term security. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was a beloved peacemaker after the Munich Agreement of 1938 with Adolf Hitler but derided as a conceited fool andnaif by May 1940.A few years from now – after Iran has used its negotiated breathing space to rearm, ratchet up its terrorist operations, and eventually gain a bomb to blackmail its neighbors – the current deal will be deeply regretted. Expect a Nobel Peace Prize for Secretary of State John Kerry now, followed by Chamberlain-like infamy later.

"Second, the appeasement of autocrats always pulls the rug out from under domestic reformers and idealists. After the Western capitulation at Munich, no dissenter in Germany dared to question the ascendant dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. Expect a Nobel Peace Prize for Secretary of State John Kerry now, followed by Chamberlain-like infamy later.

"Until last week, Iranian dissidents and reformers had blamed the theocracy for earning Iran pariah status abroad and economic ruin at home. Not now. The haughty ayatollahs are bragging that they faced down the West and will restore the economy – as they wink to applauding crowds that Iran will soon be nuclear and dictate its terms to the Middle East.

"Third, appeasers always wrongly insist that the only alternative to their foolish concessions is war. Just the opposite is true." . . . Read the full article.

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
 Bruce S. Thornton offers us this outlook on the same subject: 

More Sanctions Wouldn’t Have Stopped Iran   But one measure would have.
. . . "Of course, there would be consequences to such military actions, and no doubt the “world community” Obama prefers answering to instead of Congress would complain––a contingency that doesn’t seem to inhibit Russia and China from brutally pursuing their national interests. But inaction has its consequences as well. In the coming years we will find out just what the consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran will be."

Grassroots Activism May Very Well Kill the Iran Deal   . . . "In response to a reporter's question as to why take on this commitment, I explained that after watching Obama spend more than six years following through on his promise to transform America, I felt compelled to do my part to stop this catastrophic deal. Obama has not just transformed America; he has transformed the world into a much more dangerous place for humans across the globe. I could not sit back and quietly allow Iran to fulfill its promise to annihilate Israel first and then continue onto America. I am watching in horror knowing that our children and grandchildren will be living in Obama’s cataclysmically transformed and unsafe world and I need to take action.". . .Read more

Sunday, July 26, 2015

L.A. Times cheers threat of violence against conservative editor Ben Shapiro (UPDATED)

But first; So who is Zoey Tur?   

The pilot famously known for capturing O.J. Simpson's Bronco chase is now a woman. 'What does one do on one's last day as male?' Tur tweeted June 23.

Tur also filmed this terrifying scene during the Rodney King riots:
The Filming of Reginald Denny's Beating
"When Los Angeles erupted in violence after the Rodney King verdict in 1992, Bob Tur was the reporter on the scene who captured the chaos. Here, he recounts filming the beating of Reginald Denny — footage that later became an iconic moment in history."
Now back to the main post:

Joe Newby

"Tur said Jenner probably didn’t deserve the award, adding that “being transgender is about the bravest thing you can do.” Shapiro, however, pushed back.

“ 'Why are we mainstreaming delusion?” he asked. “Facts don’t care about your feelings. It turns out that every chromosome, every cell in Caitlyn Jenner’s body is male with the exception of some of his sperm cells. … what he feels on the outside is irrelevant to his biological status.”

"Tur said Shapiro didn't know what he was talking about and didn't know anything about genetics. Shapiro then asked a question that prompted the threat.

" 'What are your genetics, sir?” he asked. Tur put her hand on Shapiro's shoulder and said: “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

“ 'That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion," Shapiro said in response. Instead of calling for civility, some on the panel suggested Shapiro deserved the threat.

"Entertainment journalist Segun Oduolowu, who had earlier called Jenner a fraud, said that, to be fair, Shapiro was being rude. Shapiro disagreed.

“ 'I’m sorry, it’s not rude to say that someone who’s biologically a male is a male," he said. Tur, however, told Shapiro: “You just called me a ‘sir.'” And that, apparently, warranted a threat of physical violence.

"But Tur wasn't finished insulting Shapiro. "You’re a little man,” she said after a commercial break. “Little boy.”

" 'Tur's liberal followers on Twitter loved her threat of violence on Twitter, and said Friday, she extended the bullying campaign by approving a tweet calling for Shapiro to be "curb-stomped." Curb-stomping, Breitbart explained, is "a heinously violent street practice where the victim is forced to bite the corner of a cement street curb before the assailant stomps on the victims head."

"The practice, Breitbart added, was made infamous by American Nazi skinheads. Shapiro is Jewish, John Nolte added, suggesting anti-Semitism on Tur's part." . . .

The tolerant left never called for Tur's resignation. 

 FCC should FINE people for ‘MISGENDERING’ Trangenders, says NBC’s ‘black commentator’   Will that be cash or check, Mr. Shapiro?

Kerry Warns Israel: Any action will justify Iran’s pursuit of nuclear war

Obama’s Middle East strategy points to one thing and one thing only — a post-Israel Middle East.
There is no other explanation.
Listening to John Kerry sell this genocidal war pact is like listening to Joseph Goebbels explain the Jewish problem.
- See more at:
Obama’s Middle East strategy points to one thing and one thing only — a post-Israel Middle East.
There is no other explanation.
Listening to John Kerry sell this genocidal war pact is like listening to Joseph Goebbels explain the Jewish problem.
- See more at:

"Obama’s Middle East strategy points to one thing and one thing only — a post-Israel Middle East.

"There is no other explanation.

"Listening to John Kerry sell this genocidal war pact is like listening to Joseph Goebbels explain the Jewish problem."

Watch the video of the discussion below: Kerry Warns Israel To Leave Iran Alone 

Watch MSNBC Hosts React To Hillary Clinton’s ‘Stunning’ Slump In Swing State Polls

The Blaze. . . "Mika Brzezinski announced, “I think we kinda missed a lede here.” The co-host seemed a little surprised by the new numbers showing leading democratic candidate’s increasing “unfavorable” ratings in some key swing states.

"In addition to Clinton’s problems in Iowa, Virginia and Colorado, the new poll also shows the presumed nominee has trouble when she faces some of the leading GOP candidates. According to the new Quinnipiac poll of Iowa voters, the former secretary of state would lose by a wide margin to Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio.

. . . "An astonished Joe Scarborough could barely contain himself: “Those numbers are stunning.”
Looking for some clarity on the polling data, Scarborough asked “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd,

“What does the Democratic party do about numbers like this in Iowa, Virginia and other important swing states — Colorado for gosh sakes?”

" Todd shared his analysis:  ”If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, the biggest story of the summer would be Hillary Clinton’s problems solidifying herself inside the party.”

“ 'This also fits another pattern of hers,” said Todd. “Whenever she’s been out front as the face of the Democratic party, her numbers have gone down. They always have.”

“ 'Why is that?” Scarborough wondered. To which Todd quickly replied, “You could simply say, she doesn’t ‘wear well' "  . . .

Amazing Titanic photos

Hat tip to John Uhrig, Texas

Amazing new Titanic pics in National Geographic
" The April issue of National Geographic is marking the centennial month of the sinking of the Titanic with exceptional new pictures of the wreck composed from thousands of side-scan, sonar and high definition images taken by the 2010 expedition.
. . .
"The composite pictures are beautiful and eerie and detailed almost beyond belief. Earlier high definition pictures and video from the site were narrowly focused, bounded by the limits of visibility 2 miles below the surface of the North Atlantic and by the camera lens. The composites put all those little keyhole shots together." . . .

" There’s also a neat gallery comparing images of the wreck to pictures from Titanic’s twin RMS Olympic, an interactive wreck map with information on salient features, and zoomable images of the wreck. Don’t miss the zoomable pic of the stern in profile. It looks like it was torn apart and partially eaten by Krakens."

Kenya: Uhuru Disagrees With Obama On Gay Rights, Says Kenya Has More Critical Issues

File this one under "American silliness"  

allAfrica  via Allyson’s Geo-Political Inspections:

"President Uhuru Kenyatta has reiterated his stance that gay rights is a non-issue, saying Kenyans cannot accept what they do not want.

"Uhuru disagreed with Obama on the matter, saying values which "our culture and societies do not accept" must be acknowledged.

"He said value for family, democracy and entrepreneurship are common values but "there are other things that we do not share".

" 'We need to be able to speak frankly about some of these things," he told a joint press conference following bilateral talks at State House on Saturday.

 Then Mr. Obama plays the victim card as he learned from Michelle:
"It is wrong, treating people differently because of the people they love. As an African American in the US, I am painfully aware of what happens when people are treated differently".
 'It's a non-issue': Kenyatta (pictured speaking next to his American counterpart) said that after Kenya deals with other, more pressing issues such as terrorism, it can begin to look at new issues. But he said that the moment, gay rights is not at the forefront for the nation
The charm offensive is over! Obama gambles his rock star status in Kenya by blasting its barbaric treatment of homosexuals and women . . .
 . . . "The president, playing on his status as a 'son of the soil', was introduced by his half-sister Auma, who described him as 'my brother, your brother, our son.'

"'He's one of us,' she said. 'But we're happy to share him with the world.' " . . .
UK Mail

 At Least It's Not Just Republicans..." Congressional Republicans have endured Obama's patronizing lectures for seven long years. Congressional Democrats got a taste during the recent Pacific trade talks. But the good news is, it's nothing to take personally - this is about our First Condescender abroad:" . . .


Why Is ObamaCare Punishing Companies That Try To Make Health Care Affordable?

Investor's Business Daily  "Bureaucracy: The central goal of ObamaCare is supposed to be to make health care more affordable. So why is the IRS threatening massive fines on businesses that try to help their employees buy an ObamaCare plan?

"Back in 2013, the IRS issued a startling new rule. Any business that doesn't provide insurance but does help employees with the cost of their own insurance will be fined $100 per day — which works out to $36,500 a year — per employee.

"In the bizarre logic of the Obama administration, a company that offers such help is actually providing a group plan, one that doesn't meet ObamaCare's ridiculous array of mandates and regulations.

"Allegedly, the goal of the penalty — which went into effect this month — was to keep businesses from dumping workers into the ObamaCare exchanges. But to small businesses that have been helping their employees in this way for decades, it's a devastating blow.
"This is a brand-new penalty that nobody knew about, and it's huge," Jack Mozloom of the National Federation of Independent Business told The Hill." . . .Read More 

The Galen Institute:  ObamaCare Co-ops: Cause Célèbre or Costly Conundrum? 
 . . . "But the 23 co-ops that were created had significant start-up costs, no experiential data upon which to set premiums, generally had to pay extra to lease physician and hospital networks, and had few people in the companies and none on their boards with insurance experience.

"The idealism has quickly faded.  After receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in government start-up loans, most co-ops are surviving now on what remains of more than $2 billion in federal “solvency loans” and on the promise of future “shared risk” payments that are likely to produce only a fraction of the revenue co-ops have booked." . . .



Black Lives Matter co-founder threatens to shut down GOP convention

"While appearing on MSNBC Saturday, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors told hosts filling in for Melissa Harris-Perry that her group would shut down the GOP convention if the opportunity arises. She also spoke of the "murder of Mike Brown" in Ferguson, Missouri. None of the co-hosts on the panel challenged her characterization.

"The statement was made after she was asked what she would like to see from candidates running for president. Cullors said she wants candidates to "actually call movement leaders" and arrange meetings to "have a conversation with us about what's happened this last year since the murder of Mike Brown." The Department of Justice, under former Attorney General Eric Holder, however, found no wrongdoing on the part of Darren Wilson, the former officer who shot Brown.

"Cullors also addressed a question regarding a statement made by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. On Thursday, he told a reporter in New Hampshire that "Black Lives Matter" is a "slogan" and that former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley should not have had to apologize for saying "all lives matter.' ". . . Hat tip to Joe Newby

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Liberal Silliness

vote for ovaries 2016 hillary clinton scandal president campaign women vote for me because i'm a womanIs this the dumbest thing Hillary Clinton has said so far?
. . . "The reader may remember a focus group of Iowa Democrats who struggled to name one accomplishment of Hillary’s. In the absence of actual accomplishments, perhaps ovaries are the only “accomplishment” Hillary can muster. Conversely, not once has Carly Fiorina suggested her womanhood should be a determining factor in her electability."

Moron Patrol: Ohio State QB Explains Why Only “Black Lives Matter”   "I sincerely wish that the racial grievance mongers would for once stop segregating themselves into a corner. Every time they pull the “Black Lives Matter” card, they only alienate the rest of us. And in alienating us, they make it extraordinarily difficult for us to care about people like Sandra Bland.

"Speaking of which, I am getting ready to watch MSNBC’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” show. I look forward to seeing how effectively she can further alienate me this weekend …

State forbids pastors calling homosexuality 'sinful'

 Lesbian mayor loses fight over 'transgender' ordinance  "The lesbian mayor of Houston, whose legal defense of a “transgender” ordinance passed by her council escalated to a national scandal when she subpoenaed the sermons of local pastors, has lost her fight in court."

Rutgers Media Professor says America is More Brutal than ISIS  “ 'SoCawlege reports that Deepa Kumar, associate professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers University and author of “Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire,” tweeted out recently that the United States is more brutal than ISIS because the U.S. has killed more people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.' ”

The US Is Getting Its First Agency For Trans Models   "Apple Model Management wants to give trans models a new stage."

Kuryakyn Don't Tread On Me FlagNEXT FLAG ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK: CNN Says This Flag Is ‘Radical’   "You really just can’t this stuff up anymore. The left is getting really good at labeling things racist and getting them banned…but this?! Apparently, the ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ flag represents a ‘fringe’ ideology now, according to CNN. A CNN producer who grew up down the street from Louisiana movie theater shooter John Russel Houser describes him as a “very politically charged” man who had “fringe ideologies,” based on his flying a “Don’t tread on me” flag outside his house.

‘New low': Sally Kohn pimps twisted defense of Planned Parenthood organ trafficking
 Sally Kohn @sallykohn

Donating Fetal Tissue After An Abortion Or Miscarriage Is Totally Legal — And It's Actually A Great Thing !!!! 

 Late Night Host Said That Joking About Caitlyn Jenner Was Off-Limits. Seinfeld Sets Him Straight…
Seth meyers said the Vanity Fair cover was a beautiful thing.

The pro-Hitler rants of Louisiana theater gunman who idolized Timothy McVeigh and called for lone wolf attacks on the 'failing filth farm' of America

. . . "After the pub was shut down he hung a swastika flag outside for several weeks as a sign of protest

"He also tried to hire a man to light a law office on fire in the 1980s because the lawyer represented pornographic theaters, which he detested

"Houser has also been revealed to be an active online commenter, who has professed his distaste with the state of the American economy and morals

"He was a supporter of the Tea Party and Westboro Baptist Church while also applauding the actions of Hitler and Timothy McVeigh
Court documents also show that he suffered from mental illness and that his family had him committed to a mental hospital in 2008

"His ex-wife, Kellie Maddox Houser, said she became so afraid of him that she hid their weapons, according to another 2008 court document
Houser appears to have posted this bizarre and racist account of the American economy last year 

Big Surprise: Loretta Lynch and DOJ to probe wrong group

M. Catharine Evans   . . . "Planned Parenthood knows the Obama administration and his media whores have their backs. Obama has blessed their “practices.”

"For AG Lynch, PP doctors describing how to carve up a human being before he or she is dead and then sell the parts is a big yawn. On the other hand, she can’t wait to kill the messengers at [The Center for Medical Progress]."

SICK: Democrats Seek Federal Investigations of Group Behind Planned Parenthood Videos
"Let the harvest continue.
"Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) released a letter sent to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and California Attorney General Kamala Harris demanding they investigate the Center for Medical Progress for the videotaped sting operation that revealed Planned Parenthood traffics in body parts of aborted babies.
"The letter was signed by three other Democrats, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA) and Rep. Yvette Clarke (CA)."
The text of the Democrat letter:  
 "Schakowsky, Lofgren, Nadler and Clarke send letter to Attorneys General asking for investigation into Center for Medical Progress"
. . .  The video was also filmed without the consent of the Planned Parenthood doctor, which may violate California law. . . .

Hillary Defends Planned Parenthood After “Attack”

. . . "If you listen to Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media, you might think Planned Parenthood is a victim and not the unborn babies whose organs were harvested and bargained over like a bunch of spare parts.

"Our watchdog media hasn’t thrust a microphone into Mrs. Clinton’s face asking for comment like they would do with Republicans, they’ve just allowed her to address the scandal on her own terms, and in Hillary’s world, it’s Planned Parenthood which needs defending." . . .