Thursday, August 6, 2015

William J. Bennett on The Conservative Case for Common Core

 We've all heard so much against CC, I felt it past time to see what the case is for it. TD

 "Federal intrusion and misleading rumors do a disservice to an effort that started in the states."

Wall Street Journal
. . . "When I was chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities in the 1980s, I asked 250 people across the political spectrum what 10 books every student should be familiar with by the time they finish high school. Almost every person agreed on five vital sources: the Bible, Shakespeare, America's founding documents, the great American novel "Huckleberry Finn" and classical works of mythology and poetry, like the Iliad and the Odyssey.

 Common Core standards are posted on a bulletin board in a second grade classroom at George Buck Elementary School in Indianapolis.

"The same goes for math. Certain abilities—the grasp of fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and the like—should be the common knowledge of all.

"That's the fundamental idea behind a core curriculum: preserving and emphasizing what's essential, in fields like literature and math, to a worthwhile education. It is also, by the way, a conservative idea.

. . . "Forty-five states signed up originally. But the process was contaminated by politics, and that brings us to the debate we have now."
 Conservatives have reason to be upset by this federal overreach. The Obama administration has run roughshod over individual rights and state sovereignty, on issues ranging from health care to climate change. But the federal intrusion into Common Core, however unwelcome and unhelpful, does not change a basic truth: Common, voluntary standards are a good, conservative policy.
We have associated CC in our minds with Obama's social engineering, but apparently it is not.

. . . " Why then is Common Core drawing such heavy fire? Some of the criticism is legitimate, but much of it is based on myths. For example, a myth persists that Common Core involves a required reading list. Not so. Other than four seminal historical documents—the Declaration of Independence, the preamble to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address—there is no required reading list. Textbook companies have marketed their books disingenuously, leading many parents to believe that under Common Core the government mandates particular textbooks. Also not true." . . . Emphases mine, TD
The standards are designed to invite states to take control and to build upon them further. The standards do not prescribe what is taught in our classrooms or how it's taught. That decision should always rest with local school districts and school boards.
The principles behind the Common Core affirm a great intellectual tradition and inheritance. We should not allow them to be hijacked by the federal government or misguided bureaucrats and politicos.
Henceforward I will not reject a candidate just because he or she likes Common Core. TD

 Seven facts you should know about new Common Core tests

 The problem(s) with the Common Core standards 
 "Our schools will not improve if we continue to focus only on reading and mathematics while ignoring the other studies that are essential elements of a good education... Our schools will not improve if we value only what tests measure... Not everything that matters can be quantified."
. . . "If the organizations that were so gung-ho to produce the national standards don’t see that their job has just begun, and that the next, even larger, effort is to secure equitable resources for schools, then the document being released today will have little meaning." . . .

Good debate on education here: The Common Core will be the tipping point for homeschoolers


Some items from the old grab bag

 The Early Debate: A Breakout Moment for Fiorina? " It's too soon to make any solid predictions about which candidates will benefit from the early debate featuring the GOP candidates who didn't make the cut for the primetime debate later tonight. But based on some instant reactions, it appears that Carly Fiorina has been turning heads of viewers:" . . . More on this at the link.

What War on Women?
Planned Parenthood
Bookworm Room
 Why is Hollywood so abusive to women and minorities? Wait… what?

CNN: These Headlines About Hillary’s Email Look Pretty Bad, Don’t They?
" Granted, these are the five lies about her email that we know of so far. There could be more."
Progressives Today links to the GOP site here.

Hillary Clinton Bars Young Supporters from Speaking to Press
"I know progressives are having a hard time getting excited about Hillary Clinton but when MSNBC mocks a Democrat for being stupid and paranoid, the writing is on the wall."

Just so you know, this next is from Kevin Jackson's The Back Sphere:
So if white people are so bad, why does everybody want to live with them? 
 "The government hates that America is mostly white, because mostly white people means civility. The racist Left wants you to believe that white people are bad, when they know that African, Middle Eastern, and other “brown” countries are beyond deplorable. Mistreatment of women, mistreatment of gays, the wanton murder of their own people for no reason are standard. Archaic laws that shouldn’t be practiced anywhere in the world prevail there."  He said it, not me.

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Hat tip to Bob Broderick Vernon, Connecticut

The Co-Founder of Greenpeace Explains Why Climate Change is a Sham

And Now, The Co-Founder of Greenpeace Explains Why Climate Change is a Sham
 "I posted this video on College Insurrection today and I’m re-posting it here in the hope that it’s seen by as many people as possible.

"This is Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace. I especially like the point he makes about the term “climate deniers” because I find it offensive for the exact reason he cites."

Watcher's Council: Our Weasel Of The Week!!

Nice Deb "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…
"City Councilman and illegal migrant enabler Jhonny Pineda!
. . ."Pineda just announced the appointment of two illegal immigrants to serve as commissioners on the city’s advisory boards.
Francisco Medina was appointed as Commissioner of the health and education commission and Julian Zatarain will laud over the parks and recreation commission.
"This action reeks of pay to play. Medina interned for fellow council member, Gil Cedillo and Zatarain has only been in the country eight years and yes, both are in the country illegally.
What part of ILLEGAL does this newly elected obviously corrupt council member not get and who cares if the City’s legal counsel said that the appointments are legal, illegal is just that. ILLEGAL!"

Mr. Obama, your Iran deal will fall apart: Alan Dershowitz

"The Framers of our constitution probably would have regarded the nuclear deal with Iran as a “treaty,” subject to a two thirds ratification by the Senate. At the very least they would have required Congress to approve the agreement by a majority vote. It is unlikely that it would have allowed the President alone to make so important and enduring an international agreement. "If President Obama doesn't treat the Iran agreement with more respect, all his arguments today are beside the point. The agreement won't have the force of law. "Article II, section two of the Constitution states that the president “shall have the power, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur…” Although the Constitution did not provide a clear description of the types of international agreements the Framers viewed as “treaties,” there is evidence that they included significant and long-term commitments with foreign countries." . . .

Obama is no profile in courage: James Robbins  . . . "Kennedy was concerned that the Soviet Union might possibly start a senseless conflict, but Obama believes that his domestic political opponents are the ones threatening to start a senseless conflict. He characterized his deal as a peace agreement, because there is “no other option” than a U.S.-initiated war — even though no American leaders are advocating an immediate attack." . . .

Police fatally shoot ax-wielding man at Nashville movie theater

" A man with a history of mental health issues who wielded an ax and a pellet gun at a Nashville-area movie theater was shot dead by police on Wednesday, authorities said.
"The man, identified by Nashville police as Vincente David Montano, 29, was pronounced dead outside the backdoor of the theater, which was showing "Mad Max: Fury Road.' " . . .

Embedded image permalink

Montano’s mother reported him missing on Aug. 3 and said he had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2006. 
. . . "He was discovered with two backpacks, one of which contained what Nashville Police chief Steve Anderson called a “hoax device” that was not capable of exploding, while the other backpack contained nothing dangerous." . . .

The media was quick to claim that Vincente Montano was not only white, but also 51 years old.
. . . "It doesn’t matter, just blame whitey. It’s always assumed to be their faults. I wonder if Brian Ross is Googling any Tea Party sites after this shooting like he did after the James Holmes shooting.
. . .
"The post Vincente Montano the so called ‘white’ Antioch shooter appeared first on Fire Andrea Mitchell!."

Some profundities I liked

"President Obama in his autobiography twenty years ago praised lion hunting and tribal customs of proving one’s manhood by killing a lion with a spear. Of course he’s updating the next edition. It’ll say it’s a tribal custom in Kenya to prove one’s manhood by killing the coal industry with an EPA rule.". . .
" Hillary Clinton’s arrival caused a lockdown at Bergdorf Goodman’s on Fifth Avenue Friday as she stopped in at the John Barrett salon fort a six hundred dollar haircut and six hundred dollar coloring. It’s important. She wanted to look just right for her speech on income inequality in America."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

'Largest Confederate funeral in a century' says goodbye to a Southern black man  "The Deep South doesn't get much deeper than Oxford, Mississippi. The same town that's home to the Ole Miss Rebels and the university's former mascot Colonel Reb, just held the largest Confederate funeral and procession the city has seen for over the last 100 years.
Man honored by Confederacy supporters died under mysterious circumstances.
"As reported by WTVA (of Tupelo, Miss.) and The Local Voice newspaper (of Oxford, Miss), both on Aug. 3, 2015, Anthony Hervey was laid to rest yesterday in what has been described as the largest Confederate funeral and procession seen in Oxford, Mississippi for at least the last century. Known in the press as a "black Confederate," Hervey was an unabashed and unapologetic supporter of everything Confederate States of America, to include the iconic Confederate battle flag.

"Hundreds of blacks and whites joined together at Oxford's historic First Baptist Church to bid farewell to the political activist and best selling author.

"As The Local Voice noted, at the main doors to the church, family and friends first saw "H.K. Edgarton welcoming funeral attendees with an open heart. Another black Southern man with a passion for the Confederate flag." . . .

"The Funeral Procession of Southern Activist Anthony Hervey, the "Black Confederate" who died under mysterious circumstances near Oxford, Mississippi on July 19, 2015. Hervey's funeral was held Sunday, August 2, 2015 at the First Baptist Church in Oxford, Mississippi."

On tonight's debates

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Debate Predictions—Passing the Trump Test
. . . "I don’t think anybody on the undercard is going to go very far in the election after Thursday except Carly Fiorina, but as a vice-presidential candidate, alas. I say “alas” because Carly has been the most articulate candidate from either party so far by a significant amount, in my view. She’s certainly the best at answering questions, for what that’s worth, which admittedly isn’t everything. (Obama has made me skeptical about whether good campaigners make good presidents. They seem totally different skills. Some have both, but not many.)"
. . . 
"If [Trump is] going to be nasty, he should direct his attacks at the opposition, from Obama and Hillary on down. Reassure us about what team he’s really on. Failing that, he should go after the media. Everyone loves that." . . .
"Two, he should demonstrate some mastery of the issues, although not necessarily a lot. I don’t think any of us want The Donald to be a wonk, not that that’s likely. But a few words to let us know he’s actually read the Iran Deal (or a decent précis) and some sense of how he intends to make Mexico’s Nieto pay for the wall (threatening the kleptocrats?) would be helpful. If he pulls that off, he’s probably golden (his favorite color). There won’t be much time to do more anyway"
Much more on all the candidates at the link. 

Donald Trump’s Election Platform Summarized
" I'm rich and everybody else is an idiot!" . . .

Barnes to GOP Debaters: Stick to Your Knitting, Let Moderators Handle Trump
" THE WEEKLY STANDARD podcast with executive editor Fred Barnes in which he offers advice for Republicans ahead of Thursday night's Republican debate in Cleveland."

15 Rare, Never-Before-Seen Colorized Images of WWII

Obama Broke Pledge To Thwart Nuclear Terrorist Threat

Editorial; Investor’s Business Daily . . ." The falsehoods flew during the president's American University speech this week. The Iran pact is an "arrangement that permanently prohibits Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama outrageously claimed; "America can trigger snap back (of international sanctions) on our own": United Nations atomic inspectors will get "access even if Iran objects."
. . . 
"But forget today's flimflam; re-familiarize yourself with Obama's claims from yesteryear of being a crusader against nuclear terrorism.
" 'The single most important national security threat that we face is nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists," Obama told voters in a summer 2008 campaign ad."

With video. How much more offensive can Obama get?

How Utterly Offensive! Barack Obama Compares “Iranian Hardliners” to REPUBLICANS 

"But superpowers should not act impulsively in response to talks… Just because Iranian hardliners chant ‘Death to America” does not mean that that’s what all Iranians believe. In fact, it’s those hardliners that are more satisfied with the status quo. It’s those hardliners chanting “death to America” who’ve been most opposed to the deal. They’re making common cause with the Republican Caucus."
"Some Iranian hardliners"? This is the government of Iran speaking this way! This president cannot be believed in anything he says.

Politically Incorrect Cartoon Shows Exactly What Obama/Kerry Are Doing to the Constitution
