Sunday, August 23, 2015

American Silliness 8/23/2015

 Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
 White House appoints man dressed as woman as personnel recruiter 
. . . ."What this is doing, in effect, is using the prestige of the White House to promote this form of gender dysphoria, a role model by this increasingly dysphoric White House.

Feds To Stop Calling Midget Raisins “Midget” After Group Calls Term Offensive… 

Why progressives are wrong to revere Margaret Sanger  "Margaret Sanger is a saint in the feminist church. She is a charter member of the progressive hall of fame. Liberals revere this woman who preached “race improvement” and denounced what she called “human weeds”.

This Week in Progressive Lunacy: Calling Your Daughter Princess Supports Rape Culture  ". . . if she seriously believes America is a rape culture, then she needs to read up on - to name just one example - what's happening to Yazidi women enslaved by the animals of ISIS." 

 If 'anchor babies' is too incendiary, how about 'anchor fetuses'?   . . . "Liberals don't get upset when fetuses are dissected.  What's deportation compared to that?". . .

The Daily Caller Proudly Presents: The DUMBEST College Courses For 2015   "America’s elite colleges offer plenty of ridiculous courses. Many are taught by hilariously leftist professors straight out of central casting. Other classes transcend politics and exist on their own fabulous plane of stupidity. Many of them cost a ton of money.
"For The Daily Caller’s list of pathetic college classes for 2015, the course descriptions are reprinted here exactly as they appear in the colleges’ course manuals." . . .

The Beginning of the End of Religious Freedom

" . . . The owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Jack Phillips, declined to participate in Charlie Craig and David Mullins' celebration because such an event conflicted with his Christian faith.

"Here are a few things Phillips didn’t do: He didn’t query consumers about their sexual preferences. He didn’t bar same-sex couples from purchasing a cake at a place of public accommodation. He didn’t ask consumers traveling in same-sex pairs to leave his shop. He didn’t hang a “No Gays Allowed” sign in his window.

"What he could never have known when he first opened his shop was that celebrating gay marriages would be a precondition for making a living. And when you consider that there are at least a few dozen other bakeries within a short drive from Masterpiece Cakeshop that could have accommodated the couple’s celebratory pastry needs, why would he?

"Yet instead of exhibiting a basic level of tolerance (or dignity), two priggish bullies decided to call the authorities when Phillips refused to bake them a cake. And the cultural commissars at the Colorado Civil Rights Commission soon ruled that he had discriminated against the couple." . . .

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Read A Copy Of The ‘Side Agreement’ To The Iran Deal That Gives Iran Ability To Inspect Itself

 Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Infidel Bloggers Alliance   "From Fox News:
A draft document exclusively obtained by Fox News supports reports that Iran would play a major role in inspections at its controversial Parchin nuclear site, by providing U.N. inspectors with crucial materials.  
The so-called side deal, labeled "Separate arrangement II," says Iran will "provide to the [International Atomic Energy Agency]" photos and videos of locations and environmental samples, "taking into account military concerns."  
Details of the arrangement were first reported by the Associated Press.  
The agreement also provides that the agency would ensure the "technical authenticity" of activities -- in other words, ensuring nuclear work was not meant for weapons development -- but the IAEA would use Iran's "authenticated equipment."  
This would be followed by a visit from the IAEA director general.  
The details of the agreement for Parchin, where Iran has long been suspected of trying to build nuclear weapons, have fueled concerns from critics.  
"The agreement looks like Iran calls the shots, vetoing technical inspections when they want, where they want at the Parchin military site," House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif., said in a statement." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Steven Spielberg and the Temple of Obama

 Column: Building the Barack Obama post-presidency, one liberal billionaire at a time

 Washington Free Beacon   "The closest I’ve ever come to glimpsing hell was on Monday, when I read an article in the New York Times headlined, “With High-Profile Help, Obama Plots Life After Presidency.”

"Reporters Michael D. Shear and Gardiner Harris reveal the “methodical effort taking place inside and outside the White House as the president, first lady, and a cadre of top aides map out a post-presidential infrastructure and endowment they estimate could cost as much as $1 billion,” or about as much as Obama fundraised for the 2012 campaign.
"This effort began in November 2012, shortly after his reelection, when the president hosted filmmaker Steven Spielberg at the White House for a screening of Lincoln. President Obama was “spellbound,” the Times reports, as Spielberg held forth “about the use of technology to tell stories.”
Such technology, Spielberg went on, could also be used to tell Obama’s story—to somehow convince future Americans, against all evidence to the contrary, that his presidency was an experience they would like to repeat. “Ideally, one adviser said, a person in Kenya could put on a pair of virtual reality goggles and be transported to Mr. Obama’s 2008 speech on race in Philadelphia.” I’m sure they’ll be banging on the door to get into that exhibit." . . .

Friday, August 21, 2015

As the EPA and IRS Have Shown, with Big Government Comes Little Accountability

Victor Davis Hanson

 EPA chief Gina McCarthy on Capitol Hill. (Alex Wong/Getty)
. . . "The Environmental Protection Agency spilled 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into a tributary of the Animas River in Colorado. The stinky yellow flume of old mine waste — rife with cancer-causing mercury and arsenic — threatens to pollute the drinking and recreational water of three states.

"Had a private oil company acted so incompetently and negligently, it would have been fined billions of dollars by the same EPA. The company’s top executives might have been subject to criminal prosecutions. The business’s reputation would have been tarnished for years. Just ask BP officials what the Obama administration did to the corporation after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico.

"But who will police the green police at the EPA?

"When EPA administrator Gina McCarthy promises that the agency will take “full responsibility,” what does that tired banality mean? Will she resign? Will bureaucrats responsible for the toxic spill face fines and jail sentences? Will residents be able to sue McCarthy and her subordinates for diminishing their quality of life? Will the Sierra Club and the Environmental Defense Fund rush to federal court to file briefs?

"Consider the vast bureaucracy of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Is it culpable for knowingly not enforcing immigration law and thus allowing some undocumented immigrants to commit violent crimes?" . . .

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum

Conservative Daily News   "There are many logical incongruities that are maintained on a populist level, especially when it comes to politics. Not least of these is the composition of the political spectrum in identifying ideologies and systems of governance. The most common fallacy is identifying fascism as a right-wing ideology, even though its ideological roots originate in the left-wing extremist models of communism and socialism.
" The most pervasive political spectrum is loosely based on a left/right orientation, and attempts to place political models somewhere along the continuum. But for a political spectrum to have any meaningful representation, it must be based on some set of absolute values. Since every system of governance has unique characteristics, those can hardly be used for the absolute reference points from which to measure.". . .

- See more at:
There are many logical incongruities that are maintained on a populist level, especially when it comes to politics. Not least of these is the composition of the political spectrum in identifying ideologies and systems of governance. The most common fallacy is identifying fascism as a right-wing ideology, even though its ideological roots originate in the left-wing extremist models of communism and socialism.
Political-Spectrum-Essentialized6The most pervasive political spectrum is loosely based on a left/right orientation, and attempts to place political models somewhere along the continuum. But for a political spectrum to have any meaningful representation, it must be based on some set of absolute values. Since every system of governance has unique characteristics, those can hardly be used for the absolute reference points from which to measure.
- See more at:
The furthest to the right on the political spectrum, the more individual liberty is advanced. Taken to its extreme is anarchy. When analyzed logically, then, National Socialism and fascism are wholly incongruent philosophically and practically to the right of the spectrum. Those who refer to Nazism as “right-wing” are politically ill-informed and have fallen for Stalin’s tactic of referring to them as such. One scholar makes the point that Nazism is to Communism what Pepsi is to Coke: basically the same but with a little different flavor. - See more at:
 . . . "The furthest to the right on the political spectrum, the more individual liberty is advanced. Taken to its extreme is anarchy. When analyzed logically, then, National Socialism and fascism are wholly incongruent philosophically and practically to the right of the spectrum. Those who refer to Nazism as “right-wing” are politically ill-informed and have fallen for Stalin’s tactic of referring to them as such. One scholar makes the point that Nazism is to Communism what Pepsi is to Coke: basically the same but with a little different flavor." . . .
The furthest to the right on the political spectrum, the more individual liberty is advanced. Taken to its extreme is anarchy. When analyzed logically, then, National Socialism and fascism are wholly incongruent philosophically and practically to the right of the spectrum. Those who refer to Nazism as “right-wing” are politically ill-informed and have fallen for Stalin’s tactic of referring to them as such. One scholar makes the point that Nazism is to Communism what Pepsi is to Coke: basically the same but with a little different flavor. - See more at:

This Is Sick! Elijah Cummings Threatens Planned Parenthood Whistleblowers

Independent Sentinel
“No country can be called free which is governed by an absolute power; and it matters not whether it be an absolute royal power or an absolute legislative power, as the consequences will be the same to the people.”
~ Thomas Paine, Four Letters on Interesting Subjects, 1776

. . . "Where is the outrage from Americans?

"Elijah Cummings actively persecuted Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote but she’s fighting back and has sued him at great personal cost. Cummings has tremendous power. He’s the man who insists we need a police czar."Cummings has protected government agents who targeted conservatives. He is a statist who would see all power rest with the state. If he were the only member of Congress like that it would be one thing, but there are plenty more just like him.

"Elijah Cummings won’t investigate Hillary Clinton and he protected Lois Lerner. He won’t investigate the former DA in Wisconsin who targeted innocent Americans misusing the John Doe laws. He will, however, investigate political opponents.

"The unlawful selling of baby body parts has been going on for years. There were cases of illicit sales in the 1990’s but no one cared. There was a brief media uproar and then it was over. No one paid a price and the public was apathetic as they are now." . . .

“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in peoples’ minds.” ~ Samuel Adams

"We must awaken the American soul."

The Guardian of the Constitution

John Kasich; I’m fine with abortion; it is the law of the land

"Today in New Hampshire, even as a new video from Center for Medical Progress was circulating which described cutting open the face of a still living baby to extract its brain, John Kasich had this to say about abortion:
“I would like to ask whether you can respect the Roe versus Wade decision, and I ask because as a lifelong libertarian, I’m looking for a candidate to support who is both a fiscal conservative and not a threat to a woman’s right to control her own body,” said a voter at a town hall event in Salem, New Hampshire.
“Obviously, it’s the law of the land now, and we live with the law of the land,” Kasich replied.
"The full answer is a bit more expansive, he added: “It’s the law of the land until it changes.”
"This is straight out of the John Weaver play book. Via CNN:
“I think (abortion) is an important issue, but I think there’s many other issues that are really critical. Early childhood. Infant mortality. The environment. Education,” he said. “I think we focus too much on just one issue, and now that the issue of gay marriage is kind of off the table, we’re kind of down to one social issue.”
"It makes you wonder what kind of a dunderhead could place the environment and education above the life of a child." . . .

Trust But Don't Verify

"Obama's Iran deal just keeps getting better and better - assuming, of course, that you're either Iranian or just a rabid anti-Semite who wants to see Israel vaporized on general principle. . .

"How else to explain the recently revealed little detail in "the toughest deal ever made" that says inspection of Iran's Parchin nuclear weapons development site will be handled through the International Atomic Energy Agency, which has agreed to let the Iranians themselves conduct the inspections.

"Unlike most agreements of this sort (which is to say, agreements not negotiated by our ludicrous, Lurch-like, Nobel Prize-chasing Secretary of State) the IAEA experts who would normally conduct investigations and take samples will be barred from visiting the Parchin site, and must instead rely on whatever samples and photos the Iranians decide to give them. Even more astoundingly, the Iranians are already saying that the deal allows them to withhold photos or video of anything being worked on that has military significance.

"So there's Barry's "years in the making" deal in a nutshell: all sanctions on Iran will be lifted immediately, Iran will receive $150 billion with which to buy weapons and deploy terrorists, further billions will roll in from oil sales with which to raise hell, AND they're free to work on nuclear weapons as long as they have military significance." . . .
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, email, scandal, server, yoga

The immigration swamp

Charles Krauthammer
“This was not a subject that was on anybody’s mind until I brought it up at my announcement.”
— Donald Trump, on immigration, Republican debate, Aug. 6

. . . "But that is not to say that he should be exempt from normal scrutiny or from consideration of the effect of his candidacy on conservatism’s future. If you are a conservative alarmed at the country’s direction and committed to retaking the White House, you should be concerned about what Trump’s ascendancy is doing to the chances of that happening.

"The Democrats’ presumptive candidate is flailing badly. Republicans have an unusually talented field with a good chance of winning back the presidency. Do they really want to be dragged into the swamps — right now, on immigration — that will make that prospect electorally impossible?". . . 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

"Even When Announcing His Grave Illness Jimmy Carter Is An Anti-Semitic . . . "

 . . . "Especially when he started his press conference on Friday revealing that the horrible disease had spread to his brain. Well---that was until a reporter asked him what he would like to see happen before he died, and when he answered the former president slandered the Jewish State (see video below):
In international affairs I would say peace for Israel and its neighbors. That has been a top priority for my foreign policy projects for the last 30 years. Right now I think the prospects of are more dismal than anytime I remember in the last 50 years. Practically, whole process is practically dormant. The government of Israel has no desire for two-state solution, which is policy of all the other nations in the world.

. . .

"William Bradford Smith, Chair of the Division of History, Politics & International Studies at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta once sent a letter to the Jewish Exponent in Philadelphia, which said in part:

Carter's hatred of Israel and, by extension, of all Jews (and make no mistake, if you spend any time in the man's presence, his discomfort at being in the same room with someone who merely appears to be Jewish is palpable), is rooted in the man's megalomania, and his unflinching belief in his own rectitude.