Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Ben Carson got right about a Muslim president

What Ben Carson Got Right about whether a Muslim Should Be President

. . . "Because it represented the wholesale rejection of an entire group of people, the first of these two positions deserved the criticism that it received. I will not add to it here. Instead, I want to take a closer look at Carson’s second position, which seems to me to be infinitely more defensible, and perhaps even worthy of esteem. As I suggested last week, I am much more interested in individuals than I am in groups, and in consequence have little time for any supposition that rests upon presumptuous collectivization. But — and this is important — to recognize that each candidate is ultimately an individual is by no means to conclude that voters should refrain from asking questions about his religion or his background. " . . .

Ben Carson and Islam

. . . "Islam’s sharia is a code premised on the principles that Allah has prescribed the ideal way for human life to be lived; that people are required to submit to that prescription; and that Islamic governments exist to enforce that requirement. Our Constitution, to the contrary, is premised on the principles that we are free to choose how we will live; the laws we make are not required to comply with the principles of any religion; and that government is our servant, not our master." . . .

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/424379/ben-carson-and-islam-andrew-c-mccarthy

What a Grownup Foreign Policy Would Look Like

Jennifer Rubin

In the introduction to the John Hay Initiative’s e-book “Choosing to Lead,” Peter Wehner writes:
Those running for high public office are likely to find the American people somewhat disoriented, feeling vulnerable, anxious, and unusually powerless in the face of global affairs. There can be little wonder why. The United States has waged war for nearly fifteen years and undertaken “nation-building” operations that turned out to be more difficult and costly than we imagined. If previous administrations overestimated America’s capacity to shape events, the current Administration has made the United States a reluctant and often passive world power, and the world is more turbulent and dangerous because of it.
. . . "Second, JHI seeks to address the vacuums Obama left around the globe that were filled by bad actors, including Russia, China, Iran, Syria and Islamic jihadists. Implicit in that is a recognition that the United States cannot leave to “history” or to other powers the job of ensuring international stability and peace. That does not necessarily or even frequently necessitate military action. With regard to Russia, for example, Paula Dobriansky and David Kramer suggest:" . . .More at this link

Weasel of the Week Nominees

weaselNice Deb   "It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

"Here are this weeks’ nominees….

Baby Parts Merchants Planned Parenthood !
. . . "Planned Parenthood and Code Pink descended on Carly Fiorina in Iowa and screamed insults and profanities at her. Then they hurled condoms at Carly. Classy." . . .

WGN TV’s Production Department!
. . . "According to the first news report I saw, once an editor pointed the offense of using the illustration, WGN-TV immediate issued an apology on social media. However, according to the Telegraph.co.uk, WGN, stated that “the image came from its image bank, and they ‘failed to recognise that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol. ' ’”. . .

. . . "Finally, who will be held accountable? Oh my bad, NO ONE. Yet if it were a Black person, Muslim or a member of the Gay Gestapo, head(s) would have rolled and a lawsuit pending by now."   Full article

Obama's Hope-and-Change Foreign Policy

. . . "Ditto Israel. The Obama administration does not seem to care much that Israel is democratic and pro-Western and that it created a successful economy ex nihilo. Instead, it represents Westernism at the expense of revolutionary entities like the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, and perhaps now even Hezbollah. Thus, from the beginning of the Obama administration, its Middle East invective was aimed not at Iran, Hamas, or the Muslim Brotherhood, but at Israel in general and Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in particular. Like the Kurds, whom Obama has largely neglected, Israel is simply too successful, too unlike the failures elsewhere in the Middle East, and too patently pro-American.
Read more

Obama and Putin's meeting; who do you think dominated?

I do not trust this man's desire to give us good advice. But I have no respect for Obama's world view or priorities. TD

Putin to those who supported “Arab Spring” in Middle East: “Do you realize what you have done?”
“Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”


. . . He proposed a “generally broad international coalition against terrorism,” likening the suggestion to the anti-Hitler coalition that brought together disparate interests to battle fascism in Europe.
Obama will be forced to play Putin's game in Syria   "Russian president Vladimir Putin met with Barack Obama yesterday at the U.N. for 90 minutes, and in that hour and a half, Russia became the dominant power in the Middle East.
. . .
"Halfway measure" is an excellent description of our efforts in Syria to battle the Islamic State.  We have committed the U.S. military to a conflict we have no desire to do what's necessary to win.  And it appears that this immoral policy will continue.

Obama Must Join Putin On ISIS  . . . "In the absence of Western resolve, Putin has taken the initiative. Russian pragmatic actions, tactical in nature, include planes and pilots entering Syria, and setting up an advanced anti-aircraft battery in Syria. In a remarkable few days the number of Russian fighter aircraft in Syria increased from four to twenty-eight, combat aircraft, ground attack aircraft, and bombers. These have been added to the Russian six attack helicopters and tanks in Latakia. Calculations suggest that about 2000 Russian troops are being stationed in the country, to be added to the 1,700 Russian specialists there." . . .

. . . "The Russian strongman is simply using the most effective anti-U.S. verbal ammunition available; his real goal is Russian ascent and American descent — in other words, a new Cold War.
"But Obama either doesn't know it or doesn't care."

Monday, September 28, 2015

Open Borders


. . . "A country belongs to its citizens.  That comes from property rights and from a right of association.   As such, it can determine who can enter the country just like you and I can dictate who enters our homes.  Property rights emanates from you owning your own body; who else can own it?   And what your body (and mind) builds is also yours.   Who else deserves the benefit of your efforts?   You must have the right of association.  Whoever becomes your friend is a mutual agreement, probably unwritten or even unsaid.   Such an arrangement violates no one’s liberty.  The friends presumably can make other friends without violating the liberty of anyone.  And breaking a friendship also is not a violation of liberty." . . .
. . .
"So it is charitable to help refugees and it is nice to think people have the ultimate freedom of movement.   But as soon as those movements require crossing borders, it may well violate the liberty of existing citizens.   Liberty can only exist if, in the process, the liberty of others is not violated.  If that last provision is not observed, anarchy is the result.  People do not  have ultimate freedom, only that which doesn’t violate another’s freedom."

Obama plans to internationalize the internet

Lawmakers: U.S. plan for Internet may be unconstitutional

. . . "The group of lawmakers sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office last week, saying the plan to relinquish oversight of Internet domain name functions to a global, multi-stakeholder body raised questions about the administration's "authority to transfer possession and control of critical components of the Internet's infrastructure to a third party."

"The letter was signed by the chairmen of both congressional judiciary committees, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va; presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. Issa is also a former chairman of the House Oversight Committee.

"The lawmakers point out that the Constitution says "Congress has the exclusive power 'to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States.'" . . .

The Russians mocked this line from Obama

Why are so few Americans aware of how much an embarrassment this president is?

The Internet in Russia blew up over Obama's position on Russia's isolation

"Hundreds of Russians seized on a particular word in President Obama’s speech to the U.N. General Assembly Monday, after he criticized Russian intervention in Ukraine.

“ '…we continue to press for this crisis to be resolved in a way that allows a sovereign and democratic Ukraine to determine its future and control its territory.  Not because we want to isolate Russia — we don’t — but because we want a strong Russia that’s invested in working with us to strengthen the international system as a whole,” Obama said.

"Yeah, right, said Russians, arguing that sanctions against the Kremlin and many of President Vladimir Putin’s business associates have crippled the Russian economy." . . .

Elena Tsvetova
то хотим изолировать Россию, то не хотим. господи что за бред??

"Translation: “We want to isolate Russia, we don’t want to isolate Russia. Jeez, what’s with this garbage??' ”

How complete is America's "Fundamental transformation"? Have you seen the Iran Nuke Deal?

Black Man Thinkin'    The name of this man is...is...Stanley Levy?

"The U.S. and Iran – along with China, France, Russia, the U.K., and Germany – reached an “agreement” regarding the Iranian Nuclear Program. For Iran, the agreement is as historic as it is beneficial. By simply signing the document, Iran receives:

Relief from financial and economic sanctions, a move opposed by the Saudis and other Arab states in the region, • Relief – with Russian and Chinese support, and over the objections of the outgoing Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff – from the arms embargo that currently keeps Iran from being even more powerful in the region, and Virtually no restrictions on its nuclear program after 15 years.

"More money, more weapons and, in just a little while, no hindrances. In addition, Iran has already taken over four governments, while negotiating the nuclear treaty with Obama; their imperial intentions in the region are widely known. Since Obama took no strong action opposing Tehran’s ambitions, while negotiating a weak nuclear agreement with them, the U.S. also cedes control of the Middle East to Iran.

"As Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said in a televised address, after the agreement’s announcement, “the prayers of Iranians had ‘come true'”.

"For their part, the U.S. and its allies receive…well, that is hard to say.

"How weak is the agreement that the U.S. president insists be implemented? Let’s talk assurances… Obama insists that the limiting aspects, on Iran, of the agreement are not matters of trust, but matters of verification:" . . .

Full article     Hat tip to JJ McCartney

Liberals doing what they do best

The ACLU Attacks Students and Faculty of Faith
. . . "Airline High has an active Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter, and they apparently want to set up prayer boxes around the school in order to collect the prayer intentions of those who need them. The ACLU believes this is a violation of the First Amendment, despite there being no forced conversion to Christianity, nor is anyone even really being pushy about their faith. The ACLU frowns upon religious activity being inside of a school because, hey, what if we hurt someone’s feelings?" . . .
Nancy Pelosi: Probe anti-abortion group over Planned Parenthood videos

School Rescinds “Tag Ban” After Public Outcry
. . . "Late last week, we learned that for the “physical and emotional safety of all students,” they instituted a ban on tag during recess."    . . .

. . . "Ms Pierce, 64, who has been teaching social studies for 40 years, was holding a classroom conversation during an Advanced Placement history class September 18 in which the students were talking about racism and offensive epithets." . . . 

Bill Clinton Blames — Wait for It — the GOP for Hillary’s Email Woes
"The Clintons have made a living in a political culture where it is OK to refuse to accept responsibility for your actions while blaming others for your problems. It’s a far cry from Truman’s “The buck stops here.” For them, it’s more like “pin the tail on the elephant.' ”
Hey, it worked for Obama, didn't it?

‘The View’s’ Controversial Misstep Reminds Us How Much We Love Nurses
. . . "In case you missed it, the daytime talk show recently took aim at Kelley Johnson, a registered nurse who competed in the Miss America competition wearing scrubs and a stethoscope. Johnson, who was competing in the pageant as Miss Colorado, was mocked by the show’s co-hosts for her two-minute monologue highlighting the heroic work of nurses." . . .

The View nurses

So, liberals would be happy with a president who believes in Sharia law?


. . . “Political correctness is ruining our country,” Ben Carson said recently, after being pummeled by the media for stating that he could not support a Muslim for President “unless he publicly rejected the tenets of sharia and lived a life consistent with that.” . . .

On Islam, Ben Carson Is Right and Charles Krauthammer Is Wrong


Something to be considered   "Christian migrants in German asylum centres are living under persistent threat, with many fearing for their lives as the hardline Sunni majority within the migrant population attempts to enforce Sharia law in their new host nation."

Obama: Gay Rights beat Religious Freedom. UPDATED

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

Obama Warns Christians: Gay Rights More Important Than Religious Freedom

President Barack Obama speaks at a Democratic National Committee LGTB fundraiser September 27, 2015 in New York City. The president is in New York for the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit which is running for three days prior to the start of the 70th session General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly.

As Pope Francis flew back to Rome, President Obama issued a stern warning to Christians, warning them their attempts to assert their religious liberty to oppose gay rights would fail.

“We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions,” he insisted during a dramatic speech at a LGTB fundraiser in New York City on Sunday night, praising the progress made on gay rights under his administration. “But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn’t grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights.”

"The fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee was specifically billed as an “LGBT gala” held in New York City in coordination with Obama’s trip to the United Nations Assembly.

"During his speech, Obama asserted that his administration was respecting what he described as “genuine concerns” of religious institutions but suggested that Republicans were using the issue just to earn more votes, as they did in 2004.
“America has left the leaders of the Republican Party behind,” he declared proudly." . . .