What Ben Carson Got Right about whether a Muslim Should Be President
. . . "Because it represented the wholesale rejection of an entire group of people, the first of these two positions deserved the criticism that it received. I will not add to it here. Instead, I want to take a closer look at Carson’s second position, which seems to me to be infinitely more defensible, and perhaps even worthy of esteem. As I suggested last week, I am much more interested in individuals than I am in groups, and in consequence have little time for any supposition that rests upon presumptuous collectivization. But — and this is important — to recognize that each candidate is ultimately an individual is by no means to conclude that voters should refrain from asking questions about his religion or his background. " . . .
Ben Carson and Islam
Ben Carson and Islam
. . . "Islam’s sharia is a code premised on the principles that Allah has prescribed the ideal way for human life to be lived; that people are required to submit to that prescription; and that Islamic governments exist to enforce that requirement. Our Constitution, to the contrary, is premised on the principles that we are free to choose how we will live; the laws we make are not required to comply with the principles of any religion; and that government is our servant, not our master." . . .
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/424379/ben-carson-and-islam-andrew-c-mccarthy
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/424379/ben-carson-and-islam-andrew-c-mccarthy