Thursday, November 26, 2015

Obama: Syrian refugees are like pilgrims on the Mayflower. Ann Coulter sees things differently.

The Hill

. . . “I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, surrounded by loved ones and full of joy and gratitude,” he said. “And together, may we all play our own small part in the American story, and write a next chapter that future generations can be thankful for.”
"The House passed a measure earlier this month making it more difficult for Syrian refugees fleeing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to enter the country.
"Republicans have cast doubt on whether refugees can be properly vetted to ensure that they are not terrorists.
"At least one assailant in the Nov. 13 Paris terrorist attack, in which 130 people were killed, is suspected of entering France posed as a migrant."

And if you like your ISIS renter, you can keep him. Period

Ann Coulter has much to say about this as you may expect
"Americans keep being hectored to take "refugees" from terrorist-producing countries because to do otherwise would be "a betrayal of our values," as President Obama said on Monday. 
"The rise of Donald Trump reminds us of the popularity of another, long-forgotten American value: protecting Americans. 
"Contrary to Obama's laughable reference to "the universal values" that "all of humanity" share, most of the world does not share our values, at all. They barely seem to share our DNA. As indignantly explained by the lawyer representing two Iraqis accused of child rape in Nebraska, America's views about women and children "put us in the minority position in the world." 
"Pederasty, child brides, honor killings, clitorectomies, stonings, wife beatings -- when will America grow up and join the 21st century? (A lot sooner if Marco Rubio has his way!) 
"The New York Times boasts about how amazingly painstaking the "vetting" of Syrian refugees will be, but I notice the main point the paper keeps stressing is how long it will take. Twenty-four months! 
" 'Waiting" is not "vetting." What is 24 months to people who can hold a grudge for a thousand years? . . ." 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

White House Gave ISIS 45 Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

Why did it take 15 months for the U.S. to target the Islamic State's oil infrastructure?


White House Gave ISIS 45 Minute Warning Before Bombing Oil Tankers

"The Obama White House is giving ISIS a 45 minute warning before bombing their oil tankers by dropping leaflets advising potential jihadists to flee before air strikes in Syria.
“ 'Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them. Warning: air strikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life,” the leaflet reads.
"The leaflet drops are justified under the premise that the oil tanker drivers might be civilians and not ISIS recruits, although it’s an explanation that doesn’t wash with critics.
. . . 
"FrontPageMag’s Daniel Greenfield makes a similar point, commenting, “So after all this time, they came up with a great plan; drop flyers on ISIS trucks so that the drivers, who may or may not be ISIS members, can run away in time. Meanwhile ISIS gets 45 minutes of warning.”
"Compare the Obama White House’s approach to fighting ISIS to that of Russia.
"While it took the U.S. fifteen months to even begin targeting ISIS’ oil refineries and tankers, air strikes by Moscow destroyed more than 1,000 tankers in a period of just five days."
"U.S. military pilots have also confirmed that they were ordered not to drop 75 per cent of their ordnance on ISIS targets because they could not get clearance from their superiors."
Full article

Attack of the Campus Crybullies

Frontpage   "For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating. In the last few weeks, this downhill spiral has accelerated. The university is now a caricature of an educational institution. It is difficult to come up with an idea or policy that is more absurd than the ideas and policies that now dominate American campuses.
"The University of California, once an elite public institution, now circulates a list of "microaggressions" that students and faculty must be careful to avoid lest they engage in racism and bigotry. 
"Some examples:
" 'There is only one race, the human race."
"You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.
" 'America is a melting pot."
"The University of California considers this, too, a racist statement. Throughout American history the melting pot idea has been an expression of America's unique ability to transform people of every race, ethnicity, and nationality into Americans. It is now deemed racist."  . . .

On Obama's cooked ISIS intelligence

50 Spies Say ISIS Intel Is Cooked

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked
"It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk."
"Two of the officials who spoke to The Daily Beast said that analysts began airing their complaints in October in an effort to address the issue internally and only went to the inspector general when that effort failed. Some of those who complained were urged to retire, one official familiar with the report told The Daily Beast. Some agreed to leave."

 Attkisson Source: Obama Is Flat Out Refusing to Hear Intel on Islamic Terror Groups   . . .  " 'I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to the intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they're on the U.S. list of designated terrorists," Attkisson said. "I don't know the reasoning for it I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn’t want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances.' " . . . 

Is the U.S. Less Safe Under President Obama’s Watch?

Rep McCaul

. . . "National security has surfaced as the key concern for most Americans following the dreadful terrorist attack in Paris.
"But according to a CBS poll, only 23 percent of Americans trust Obama’s national security, in particular, his plan to defeat ISIS.
"This stubbornly imposed indolence is apparently based on Obama’s Islamophilia, pacifism, and historical skepticism of the uses of American military power, but it has furnished a convenient excuse for the entire Western Alliance, such as it remains, to follow the American lead in doing as little as possible, in accord with slack public opinion." 
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, thanksgiving, terror, warning, isis, fear

The commander in chief’s meltdown in the polls
"Analysts at U.S. Central Command were pressured to ease off negative assessments about the Islamic State threat and were even told in an email to “cut it out,” Fox News has learned – as an investigation expands into whether intelligence reports were altered to present a more positive picture.
Fox News is told by a source close to the CENTCOM analysts that the pressure on them included at least two emails saying they needed to “cut it out” and “toe the line.”
Separately, a former Pentagon official told Fox News there apparently was an attempt to destroy the communications. The Pentagon official said the email warnings were “not well received” by the analysts.
 "Democrats better figure out a way to break through to him — or break away. Sticking by a president this lacking in credibility on the issue now most important to voters is a recipe for political disaster."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

What Our Presidents’ Thanksgiving Proclamations Tell Us About America

What Our Presidents’ Thanksgiving Proclamations Tell Us About America

The Federalist
"Compare George Washington’s proclamation of a day for national thanksgiving with President Obama’s. You will find three notable differences."

. . . "Obama overemphasizes the narrative of Indians-helping-Pilgrims so he force upon us a redefinition of what it means to give. (If a presidential proclamation can magically turn 9/11 into a day of volunteerism then nothing, not even Thanksgiving, will be safe.) To learn what life was like for the Pilgrims, including their relationships with the various Indian tribes, I recommend checking out William Bradford’s firsthand account in “Of Plymouth Plantation.”
"Our nation’s Thanksgiving Day proclamations show both our progress and regress, particularly when you take 2015 and compare it with 1789. Despite our modern achievements, Washington’s America had a greater affinity for and devotion to God and, in turn, to reality."

Oh, by the way:  Obama Administration Announces 144 Big Regulations Right Before Thanksgiving
"President Obama is nothing if not predictable. Required by law to release plans for new regulations twice a year, the administration has consistently done so just before major holidays, when few are paying attention."

Race in Obama's America

Chicago paid $5 million to shooting victim's family, keeping them quiet and video secret while Rahm re-elected

. . . "It is rather remarkable that the shooting was not a major issue in the election.  No campaigning by the family of young McDonald, no indictment, and no release of the video.  Perhaps this had something to do with it, as reported by DNAinfo Chicago:
"The city has already paid a $5 million settlement to the family for the shooting.
"The details of the shooting threatened to become public prior to the February election, but action was taken to keep the video under wraps and the [family] quiet." . . .

. . . "Now, with his re-election accomplished, the mayor is coming to a judgment of Officer Van Dyke’s action before his trial:
"Mayor Emanuel told reporters, "We hold our police officers to a high standard, and obviously in this case, Jason Van Dyke violated the standards of professionalism of becoming a police officer, but also basic moral standards that bind our community together."
"If I were Emanuel, I would be careful about using language like “basic moral standards.”

"How long will it be until the mainstream media catches on about the payoff with public money that kept the video secret, the family quiet, and the mayor re-elected?"

A return to the paranoid style in African-American politics

"From time to time, something will leap out to me as an illustration of the fact that blacks and whites often inhabit separate realities. I’ve often told the story of the editorial in a black neighborhood newspaper in Philadelphia warning African-Americans to flee urban areas in the lead-up to the 2004 presidential elections because George W. Bush was planning to — this was presented as unquestionable fact – use nuclear weapons against the inner cities to suppress the black vote. This wasn’t somebody ranting on Twitter — this was in print, in a regularly published newspaper that was, in the early days of the 21st century, still a going concern."   Read more...

The ‘Legacy of Slavery’ Is an Excuse for Social Degeneration

"But slavery became the rhetorical distraction for the political magicians’ trick of making their own responsibility for social degeneration vanish into thin air by sleight of hand."

"What would it take to break this cheap little spell and make us wake up and inquire what on earth we are doing when we make the Clinton family drama — yet again—a central part of our own politics?" . . .

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Althouse  " . . .Wrote the late Christopher Hitchens in January 2008, quoted in this morning's NYT in a review of a new collection of some of his essays. (The book is "And Yet...") From the review:
It’s a shame Mr. Hitchens isn’t here to comment on Donald Trump’s political moment. He saw in the ideas behind Ross Perot’s candidacy some of what he might have distrusted in Mr. Trump’s, that is the idea that “government should give way to management.”...
"Yes, "management" — I was just saying that's Trump's "stock one-word answer to queries about how he'll do something he says he will do." So I dug up the old Hitchens essay. Here. It's in The Wilson Quarterly. The Wilson Quarterly? Egad.Woodrow Wilson. That name is mud this week. And the Hitchens essay is "Bring on the Mud/Mud-slinging in politics is a time-honored American tradition. But is there anything so bad about throwing a few political barbs?" It's not mostly about government as management, and the whole thing is on such a high level that I want to weep for our loss:" . . .

Teenage ‘poster girl’ for Islamic State beaten to death

Sabina Selimovic, left, and Samra Kesinovic, right

"A teenage Austrian girl who became a public icon for the Islamic State group was beaten to death for trying to escape the jihadist-controlled regions in Syria and return home.

"Austrian newspapers Österreich and Kronen Zeitung reported this week that Samra Kesinovic, 17, was killed as she tried to slip out of Raqqa in war-torn Syria.
. . . 
"Kesinovic and Selimovic, made headlines in April 2014 when they left their middle-class Vienna homes to join the Islamic State. After flying to Turkey, they made their way across the border into Syria.
"Pictures of the two dressed in hijabs and brandishing weapons or surrounded by armed men then began circulating on social media." . . .

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Did Marco Rubio Kill Obamacare? "You bet he did"

. . . "Laskey pointed to a 2013 article written by Joshua Green which explained why Rubio’s legislation could be deadly to Obamacare:
When the law was written, the winners and losers were expected to balance out, making the risk corridors budget-neutral. But if too many insurers lose money, the government may need to step in. While the ACA’s risk corridors are meant to transfer money from winners to losers, the text of the law (it’s Section 1342, for those following at home) makes clear that the government will pay insurers whose costs end up being significantly higher than anticipated. This is what Rubio is seizing on in his new bill—he’s calling it a “bailout” and trying to stop it.
There’s definitely some validity to the scenario Rubio is warning about, although no one can yet say whether it will happen—or, if it does, what the cost might be to taxpayers. Obama’s decision to allow people in the individual market to keep their plans certainly raises the likelihood. A Nov. 14 letter to Congress from the American Academy of Actuaries warned that if “lower-cost individuals retain their prior coverage, and higher-cost people move to new coverage, the medical costs for those purchasing new insurance would be higher than expected.” This would create a set of conditions “more likely to trigger risk corridor payments.”
If Rubio were truly motivated by concern that taxpayers might end up footing a “bailout,” there’s an easy solution: Write a bill stipulating that risk corridors must be budget-neutral. Presto, problem solved. But Rubio’s bill is far more sweeping than that—it eliminates risk corridors altogether by striking Section 1342 from the law. This is a clue that his real motivation isn’t to eliminate the possibility of a payout but to eliminate the Affordable Care Act altogether.
"In October, the Obama Administration confirmed Senator Rubio’s fight against taxpayer-funded bailouts of health insurance companies under ObamaCare succeeded in saving taxpayers over $2.5 billion this past year:" . . .

Cartoons tell the story

Illustration by Michael Ramirez for Creators Syndicate

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

The French get platitudes but no substance

"For Barack Obama, Tuesday’s White House meeting was an opportunity to project resolve in the face of barbarism. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama was simply not up to the task. On every foreign policy front, the Obama presidency has weakened rather than strengthened America’s position."
Send Jack

ISIS threat: Obama offers Hollande plenty of platitudes but no substance
. . . "There was little sign, however, of President Obama shifting away from his “leading from behind” approach when he met with his French counterpart on Tuesday.
"At the White House there were plenty of platitudes from the American president about U.S-French relations and France’s status as America’s “oldest ally.” But there was no substance in his remarks." . . .

America sinks fast under this president

Ralph Peters Is Worried About Obama: ‘My God, We’re in Even Deeper Trouble Than I Thought’
Lt Col Ralph Peters (Ret.) confessed to Bill O’Reilly Monday that he is deeply worried about the state of affairs Obama has put us, calling him the most destructive president since Jefferson Davis.
“Listening to the president presser in Turkey, this morning I thought –  My God, we’re in even deeper trouble than I thought,” Peters said.
“The only president on the American continent who has done more damage was actually Jefferson Davis – the president of the Confederate States of America. Charles [Krauthammer] used the word ‘delusional.’ It is just beyond delusional – this guy is so arrogant – and at the same time so sensitive, he cannot admit that he’s wrong – and boy is he wrong and has been wrong about Islamic terror.”. . . 
Everything Bad Skyrockets Under Obama, Part II
" . . It was something I had been noticing for a long time because it was just one thing after another and another and another and finally the VA scandal spurred me to make a list. Throughout 2015 I have often been reminded of that post: the nationwide spike in crime the distressing increase in racism(both ways), the growth of violent crimes against whites, and finally the spike in worldwide terrorism deaths –  made me think of it." . . . 

The commander in chief’s meltdown in the polls
"President Obama’s petulant news conference in Turkey insisting there is no need to shift our strategy for fighting the Islamic State might have been the low point in his presidency. But that does not mean he’s hit rock bottom. Democrats and Republicans alike have criticized him for both tone-deafness and self-delusion, and the longer he digs in, the more frustrated — and scared — the public is likely to become.

"The public’s confidence in him as commander in chief is sinking. The Post-ABC News poll is just the latest survey to find a reversal from 51 percent-45 percent approval before the attacks to 50 percent-46 percent disapproval afterward. Moreover:" . . .
"The same liberals who, without proof, insisted “Bush lied, people died,” will — one can be sure — rush to absolve the White House of any effort to cook the books."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez