Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What Our Presidents’ Thanksgiving Proclamations Tell Us About America

What Our Presidents’ Thanksgiving Proclamations Tell Us About America

The Federalist
"Compare George Washington’s proclamation of a day for national thanksgiving with President Obama’s. You will find three notable differences."

. . . "Obama overemphasizes the narrative of Indians-helping-Pilgrims so he force upon us a redefinition of what it means to give. (If a presidential proclamation can magically turn 9/11 into a day of volunteerism then nothing, not even Thanksgiving, will be safe.) To learn what life was like for the Pilgrims, including their relationships with the various Indian tribes, I recommend checking out William Bradford’s firsthand account in “Of Plymouth Plantation.”
"Our nation’s Thanksgiving Day proclamations show both our progress and regress, particularly when you take 2015 and compare it with 1789. Despite our modern achievements, Washington’s America had a greater affinity for and devotion to God and, in turn, to reality."

Oh, by the way:  Obama Administration Announces 144 Big Regulations Right Before Thanksgiving
"President Obama is nothing if not predictable. Required by law to release plans for new regulations twice a year, the administration has consistently done so just before major holidays, when few are paying attention."

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