Friday, December 4, 2015

If our liberals ruled Israel...

This man who stopped the Muslim attacker would have been unarmed:

AP/Amarillo Globe-News, Michael Schumacher

. . . "WaPo points to a study by Mother Jones that claims that high-profile shootings began increasing in gun-free zones in late 2011/early 2012. The examples Mother Jones provides are the Aurora movie theater, Sandy Hook Elementary, and the D.C. Navy Yard, all of which were gun-free zones.
"Other examples of shootings in gun-free zones that could have been cited are Arapahoe High School (December 2013), Fort Hood (April 2014), Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (June 2015), Chattanooga military offices (July 2015), the Lafayette Grand Theatre (July 2015), and Umpqua Community College (October 1).
"Increases in gun ownership correlated with drastic reductions in firearm-related homicides, but creating zones where law-abiding citizens are denied the ability to be armed for self-defense have allowed high-profile attackers to find easy targets."

. . . "Serious question for gun control advocates: If radical Islamist terrorists aren't deterred by laws against murder and bomb-making, in what way would tighter gun laws stand in their way? The primary San Bernadino shooter was a US citizen and government employee with a clean record. The guns used were purchased legally.  . . . Reports indicate that police didn't arrive on the scene after until the bloodbath was over.  If you're advocating an unconstitutional, impractical confiscation regime, please say so."

Obama Plans Executive Action On Gun Control; White House Admits It Will Not Prevent Mass Shootings
" . . .“But you just acknowledged that his proposal wouldn’t have done anything to prevent this incident,” Karl replied
"Earnest then again claimed ”we are talking about future incidents,” and added that there are “too many members of Congress that are terrified of the NRA.”

"The reporter still didn’t let up, asking “What is the relevance to what happened in San Bernardino if the provisions you are talking about, as you acknowledged, would have done nothing to prevent this shooting? Why is it part of this discussion?' ” . . .

Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting

Joel Gehrke  . . . "CBS reports that one of the shooting suspects passed the Department of Homeland Security’s “counterterrorism screening as part of her vetting” for a visa. Federal officials maintain that they have a rigorous and effective screening process in place for people from countries such as Syria that have significant jihadist movements, making the immigration records of the San Bernardino shooters a potentially significant piece of the debate over refugee policy.

“We are dealing with an enemy that has shown it is not 
only capable of bypassing U.S. screening, but of recruiting and radicalizing Muslim migrants after their entry to the United States,” Cruz and Sessions wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Photos from the scene at San Bernardino

Apparently the memo went out for the media to use the word "rampage".

Mass shooting at Inland Regional Center: What we know
. . .  "We know there were two shooters: A U.S. citizen named Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, who was an inspector with the county health department that hosted the party, and his wife, 27-year-old Tashfeen Malik. They died hours later in a shootout with police.
    "Was there a connection to terrorist groups? Law enforcement sources say Farook had been in contact with more than one person who had been the subject of an international terrorism investigation by the FBI.
    "For now, here is what we know and don't know about the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since December 2012, when 26 people, mostly children, died at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut:" . . .
    San Bernardino: A horror that affects us all  The solution given here is gun control.
    Two women embrace at a community center where family members were gathering to pick up people from the scene.

    "People who were inside the Inland Regional Center during Wednesday’s attack put their lives in the hands of an officer who led them to safety, a video shows."

    Is this one of the "pigs in a blanket" that Black lives matter people were chanting about?  See the small child with his hands up? Islamic radicals would think nothing of killing him, just as the Sandy Hook beast would have.

    More thoughts on the left's reaction to Islamic terrorism in San Bernardino

    Shocking Videos: Hear What Liberal Media Said About San Bernardino Shooters . . . "First, Alan Colmes “jumped the shark” with a blog post within minutes of the San Bernardino shootings. Colmes posted a short blog along with a picture of where the shooting took place, then showed a Planned Parenthood three blocks away, making speculations that the shooter’s real target was Planned Parenthood." . . .

    The left's disgraceful reactions to San Bernardino   shooting  "During and immediately following Wednesday’s shootings, the left was up and running its puerile propaganda machine, spewing out garbage at such an immediate and rapid pace that it was difficult to keep up with.  Here are a few of the highlights – or, rather, lowlights." . . .
    Michael Ramirez Cartoon

    Hillary was asked the blunt question: "You say that all rape victims should be believed, but would you say that about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and/or Paula Jones?"

    You all wondered about this, didn't you?

    Althouse   "Clearly prepared for that question, she answered: "I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence."

    "Next time the question should be reframed: You have said that all those who make an accusation of sexual assault should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence, so can I assume that you originally believed Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones, and if you ever came to disbelieve any of these women, was it genuinely because you considered the evidence and found that they deserved to be disbelieved."

    Her fans in the crowd applauded her answer

    AFTERBURNER: How The Clock Boy Story Is Modern Islam In A Nutshell

    The Hayride   “ 'Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed, who is apparently threatening to sue the city of Irving, Texas for discriminating against him after he reassembled an ordinary clock into something that looked for all the world like a bomb and got himself arrested under Texas’ hoax-bomb law, is a perfect poster child for modern Islam.
    "So says Bill Whittle, and we agree. Clock Boy didn’t actually invent or build anything, he just took Western technology and advancement and bowdlerized it. He did something suggestive of the 1400 year civilizational conflict between Islam and the West and when he was treated with suspicion for it, he made himself a martyr to “intolerance.” And he rode grievance to stardom and celebrity rather than actually do anything constructive with his life.
    "You pretty much can’t get a better analogy than that."

    Is THIS The Video Of N.J. Muslims Celebrating That Trump Was Talking About?

    PUMA by Design   "It is beyond belief that the same mainstream media outlets who reported 14 years ago Muslims celebrating on September 11, 2001 the Islamic terrorist attacks in which more than 3000 people were killed are today denying that the incidents occurred.
    Ridgewood-Glen Patch b
    It doesn’t quite say “thousands and thousands” of N.J. Muslims and others were celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Not even close, actually. But the below video actually references the celebrations presidential candidate and billionaire Donald Trump was talking about when he said ”thousands of thousands” of Muslims and others[…]

    Wheel of Misfortune

    Terror Attack Blame
    "Terror Attack Blame – Obama blames Climate Change or anything else other than Radical Islam for terror attacks. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2015.
    "To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here."

    Well, here is one space that didn't make it on the Wheel:
    Obama and the Democrats must answer for San Bernardino  . . . "It has been reported that a neighbor saw suspicious movements in the house. Perhaps if she had reported this to the police the victims of this savage attack would be alive and well. But she didn’t report it because she says, she was afraid of being called a racist. By Liberals, who have run interference for the terrorists since the first bombing of the World Trade Center 23 years ago. Liberals have a lot to answer for, and conservatives should get to work making sure they do. Before it’s too late."

    according to Obama  . . . "Don't be so quick with the snap judgments, Mr. President.  You are quick to say you can't comment on "ongoing investigations" when it is convenient, but you rush to the microphone when it fits your agenda."

    Wednesday, December 2, 2015


    The facts and the eyewitness.
    . . . "Trump's assertion sparked a national verbal wrestling match. Mainstream media and cultural leaders rushed to insist that no American Muslims celebrated 9-11. George Stephanopoulos dismissed accounts as mere "internet rumor." Snopes' Kim LaCapria argued that Muslims celebration of 9-11 is a "claim [that] was long since debunked." LaCapria, quoting an American Psychological Association article, theorized that those who report seeing Muslims celebrate 9-11 suffer from false memory syndrome. The page LaCapria linked to makes no mention of the 9-11 terror attacks and LaCapria cites no research by any scholar who studied self-identified witnesses of Muslim celebrations in NJ. The New York Times wrote that "a persistent Internet rumor of Muslims celebrating in Paterson, N.J., was discounted by police officials at the time." . . .
    "What we need is frank speech. We need to talk to our Muslim fellow citizens about why some of them celebrated on 9-11. And we need to – through speech – convince those who celebrated 9-11 that they are mistaken. The day that we do so will be a good day. We delay that day by denying that these celebrations ever happened."
    Well, they sure cheered in Jerusalem:

    BOOM: 7 Docs That Vindicate Trump’s Claim of 9/11 Muslim Celebrations

    1. New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani
    "As my colleague Joel Pollak pointed out, while interviewing Giuliani Tuesday morning, left-wing CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota was very unhappy when the mayor confirmed that there were indeed Muslim celebrations on 9/11. This wasn’t the way the interview was supposed to go:
    "Camerota quizzed Giuliani, hoping he would say that Trump is “lying.” She was frustrated when Giuliani merely said that Trump had been “exaggerating,” and pointing out hitherto ignored examples of handfuls of Muslims celebrating in New York." . . .
    “And those weren’t just rumors, those weren’t just reports, you went out and checked them out?” Camerota said–as if the former mayor whose credibility she had hoped to exploit to bash Trump were suddenly in doubt. (Giuliani confirmed the reports.)

    The ISIS Vote

    The ISIS Vote

    "If ISIS could vote, who would they vote for? Just a hunch, but I’m thinkin’ democrat. Cartoon by A.F.Branco.
    "More A.F. Branco cartoons at Patriot Update here.

    President Obama wants gun control to stop these terrorist attacks. He and ISIS take a dim view of America.


    LA Times  "A man and a woman* connected to a mass shooting that left 14 people dead and 17 wounded in San Bernardino were killed in a firefight with police officers after a car chase Wednesday, authorities said.
    "The alleged assailants, who were not immediately identified, were chased through San Bernardino by a crush of city and federal law enforcement officers around 3 p.m.
    "The chase came just four hours after assailants opened fire at a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center, a social services office that aids people with developmental disabilities." . . .
    Update: authorities pull back name of woman, calling it a hoax.
    Our majestic president had this to say about the shootings

    Obama Calls for ‘Common-Sense, Gun Safety Laws,’ in Wake of San Bernardino Shooting   . . . "My hope is that we’re able to contain this particular shooting. And we don’t yet know the motives of the shooters. But we know that steps we can take to make Americans safer, and we should come together on a bipartisan basis to make these rare. It doesn’t happen with the same frequency in other countries.”

    Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley Race to Politicize San Bernardino Mass Shooting (Update: Sanders, too)   "Without knowing the most basic facts of the cause of the attack, two of the three Democratic Party presidential candidates rushed to politicize the mass shooting in San Bernardino on Wednesday afternoon even as the situation was not resolved with the shooter(s) on the loose and police investigating a possible bomb."

    New ISIS Threat: 'Tomorrow It Will Be Washington' Unless Jizya Tax Paid  " 'France was the beginning, tomorrow it will be Washington, it will be New York and it will be Moscow. You Russians, don't you think that we forgot you... your time is coming, it is coming, and it will be the worst."

    "He tells "crusaders" to "hold your hands against fighting us and start paying jizya" -- the tax ISIS requires of non-Muslims." . . .  More on the Islamic Jizya tax here.

    BREAKING Top Army General Drops Bombshell About Obama as He Resigns

    Conservative Tribune
    "A top U.S. Army general with nothing left to lose has publicly admitted something that conservatives have been saying for a long time — the rise of the Islamic State terror group can be directly attributed to President Barack Obama’s premature withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq.
    "Outgoing Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno told Fox News on Wednesday that a continued U.S. troop presence in the region would have kept Iraq on a positive track.
    “ 'It’s frustrating to watch it,” Odierno said. “I go back to the work we did in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 and we got it to a place that was really good. Violence was low, the economy was growing, politics looked like it was heading in the right direction.' ” . . .