Saturday, December 12, 2015

False: Valerie Jarrett wants America to be more Islamic


"Quoted from Valerie Jarrett:
" 'I am an Iranian by birth and of my Islamic faith. I am also an American Citizen and I seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself." 
"Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University 1977 

"Contrary to common rumor, however, neither Jarrett nor her parents are Iranian, nor (as far as we can tell) are any of them Muslim. Jarrett's parents, James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman, were both American-born U.S. citizens from Washington, D.C. and Chicago, respectively; the couple merely lived in Iran for about six years in the late 1950s and early 1960s while James served as chair of pathology at Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz as part of a program that sent American physicians to work in developing countries. 

"Valerie was born in Shiraz during the Bowmans' sojourn in Iran; she returned to the U.S. with her parents in 1962 (when she was five years old), whereupon she attended prep school in Massachusetts, graduated with a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University in 1978, and earned a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981 before returning to Chicago to begin her working career. We've found no evidence Valerie Jarrett is (or ever was) Muslim, her only apparent connection to that religion being the incidental one that she temporarily lived in a predominantly Muslim country with her American parents for the first few years of her life. " . . .
While many who do not like this president would like to believe he is creating the Islamization of America, we do need to make sure our claims are based in truth and can be taken seriously. There are too many real reasons to oppose this administration without our inventing any. TD

Kudlow: I’ve Changed. This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

A hardline shift from an immigration reformer.

Larry Kudlow  "I know this is not my usual position. But this is a war. Therefore I have come to believe there should be no immigration or visa waivers until the U.S. adopts a completely new system to stop radical Islamic terrorists from entering the country. A wartime lockdown. And a big change in my thinking. ISIS and related Islamic terrorists are already here. More are coming. We must stop them. Until FBI director James Comey gives us the green light, I say seal the borders.

"Here’s what we must do: Completely reform the vetting process for immigrants and foreign visitors. Change the screening process. Come up with a new visa-application review process. Stop this nonsense of marriage-visa fraud. And in the meantime, seal the borders. I agree with Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, who argued many of these points in excellent detail on the National Review website on Friday. 

"Again, why am I taking this hardline position? In the past I have been an immigration reformer, not a restrictionist. But we are at war. That changes everything." . . .
"And let me add, as I have in the past, if the U.S. has the will, the urgency, and the energy to destroy ISIS, then we will destroy ISIS."

Friday, December 11, 2015


Onan Coca


"Sometimes the stories I feel compelled to write about seem like “too much.” I have felt my heart break numerous times since I began writing for Eagle Rising… and this is one of those hard stories.
"The Reverend Canon Andrew White is the Anglican Vicar of Baghdad, and he’s become famous for being one of the few sources of news about Christians from inside ISIS influenced areas. Sadly the news from inside Iraq does not seem to be getting better. Just last week, Reverend White sat down for an interview with the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) to talk about some of the brutal methods ISIS is using to wipe out Christianity in Iraq and Syria." . . .

ISIS turned up and they said to the children, ‘you say the words that you will follow Muhammad.’ The Children, all under 15, four of them, they said, ‘no, we love Yasua [Jesus]. We have always loved Yasua. We have always followed Yasua. Yasua has always been with us. [The Militants] said, ‘say the words!’ [The Children] said, ‘no, we can’t do that.’ They chopped all their heads off. How do you respond to that? You just cry. They are my children. That is what we have been going through. That is what we are going through.
 . . . "We live in a broken and disgusting world. I wonder if you understand that the people who have fallen under the persecution of ISIS are just like you and me… only they live in the Middle East. These are men and women, husbands, mothers, sons, daughters, businessmen, teachers, farmers, doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers, people with families, friends and dreams. These are not just Muslims, but CHRISTIANS, who worship at their local church on Sunday and pray before for their children’s futures. These people are our family and they are dying horribly gruesome and painful deaths. Who will speak for them? We must help. We must."

Onan is a graduate of Liberty University (2003) and earned his M.Ed. at Western Governors University in 2012. Onan lives in the Atlanta area with his wife, Leah. They have three children and enjoy the hectic pace of life in a young family. Onan and Leah are members of the Journey Church in Hiram, GA. He is also the chief editor at EagleRising.

4 Insane Reasons Why Liberals Admire and Romanticize Islam

"Shouldn’t liberalism hate Islam at least as much as it hates Christianity?"
Image source:

. . . "Indeed one of the most befuddling aspects of liberalism is its habit of ignoring, denying, or tolerating atrocities done in the name of Islam, all while eagerly pointing the finger at Christians and conservatives on the rare occasion that mass violence is carried out by an alleged member of that group. The stark contrast was especially on display last week, when liberals did not hesitate to blame conservative Christians for the Planned Parenthood shooting, but refused to make similar indictments of Islam after the terrorist attack in California." . . .

Photo Credit:

. . . "Now liberals balk at the idea that we should be wary of granting refugee status to Muslims, but most reacted with either silence or celebration when the Obama administration tried to deport a family of Christian home schoolers. They tell us we ought to respect the religious liberties of non-citizen Muslims, but applaud as the government forces nuns to buy birth control and locks Christian clerks in jail. In fact, the only time — and I mean the only time — a majority of liberals will so much as mention the phrase “religious freedom” is when they’re discussing Muslim migrants from the Middle East. The rest of the time they only cheer as the State compels Christian bakers to service gay weddings and Christian taxpayers to fund abortions."
. . . 
"Everything is the fault of the white man. Everything. This is a fact they teach starting on the first day of college, and if you aren’t repeating it as gospel within a week, they’ll drag you into the auditorium and stone you to death.
"OK, maybe things haven’t gotten that bad yet, but we’ll be there soon enough."
1. It enforces the narrative. . . .2. It makes them feel good. . . .3. It’s all relative. . . .4. They hate Christianity. . . .
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden, Plano,TX 

Trump: Mr. Right Now. Cruz: Mr. Right.

"Donald Trump is Mr. Right Now.  Sen. Ted Cruz is the real-deal Mr. Right – prayerfully, our next Mr. President."

Lloyd Marcus  . . . "I explained to Dad that Ted Cruz is Donald Trump without the slightly unpleasant smell.  Please do not get me wrong, folks.  I am not dissing Trump.  I am merely interjecting a bit of humor.  I would enthusiastically give Trump my vote if he became the GOP presidential nominee.

"All I am saying is, Ted Cruz is a true conservative who offers all the boldness, fearlessness, and promises of Trump but with presidential gravitas and moral authority.

"Confronting the arrogance of Obama's AG Loretta Lynch, Cruz has once again proven he will take no prisoners when standing up for liberty and the American people.

"In a nutshell, despite the most recent Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino, in which 14 Americans were murdered, Lynch has decreed that she will throw anyone in jail who dares to speak badly about Muslims.

"The first of several outrages that popped up in my mind is how Lynch and Obama have ignored Black Lives Matter's bold clarion call to blacks to kill cops and crackers (white people).  Hundreds at a BLM rally marched down a N.Y. street chanting“What do we want?  Dead cops!  When do we want them?  Now!” 

"Well, my man Ted Cruz immediately jumped into Lynch's case.  Cruz scolded Lynch and Obama.
. . . 
Then Cruz jumped onto Obama's case, addressing his absurd, arrogant accusation.
Mr. President, there is not a moral equivalence between radical Islamic terrorists and Christians and Jews.
One has a philosophy from day one of murdering those who they consider infidels; the other preach love and forgiveness and standing together as one humanity.
And let me say beyond that in the United States, we will not enforce sharia Law.
And Madam Attorney General, if you wanna come prosecute me for executing my First Amendment rights, come and get me. I'm right here!
"Folks, if that doesn't get your blood going and have you standing up and cheering, nothing will.  

"Cruz's rant was bold and yet dignified, morally straight, and presidential."

Disgraceful White House Hanukkah celebration

Obama has no concern whatever what Americans think of him. TD

Thomas Lifson   "Leave [it] to Barack Obama to turn what should be a celebration of the Jewish people’s survival in the face of adversity into a politicized rant celebrating the cause of the Palestinians, who want to “drive them into the sea,” as has been promised since the birth of the modern State of Israel." . . .

… the White House chose Susan Talve to light the Menorah. Talve is a member of the anti-Israel group T'ruah which is currently promoting assorted "soft BDS" programs. She's also a Ferguson activist. Her behavior was deeply insulting to the religious Jewish community and made it clear that the White House was determined to hijack even a Chanukah party to promote an anti-Jewish agenda.
"So the general conviviality of the Chanukah party was disrupted by a crazed rant from Susan Talve in which she seemed determined to jam as many leftist talking points as possible in her limited time. Instead of talking about Chanukah, "Talve blathered on about getting, "guns off our streets" and to "clean up the fires of toxic nuclear waste".
Talve screeched, "I stand here with my fierce family of clergy and black lives matter activists who took to the streets of Ferguson". 
"Having celebrated the race riots which destroyed a community, she pivoted to Syrian Muslim migrants. Chanukah is a celebration of the Maccabees defeating a Syrian occupation, but Talve may not even know that. Radical clergy tend to be light on the religion and heavy on the social justice.
"Instead she rambled on about how the "gates of this nation would stay open for all immigrants and all refugees".
"Then, not satisfied with having made a disgrace of the Chanukah ceremony, Susan Talve declared, "I stand here to light these lights to say no the darkness of Islamophobia and Homophobia and Transphobia."
"Talve babbled about insuring "justice for Palestinians" and began gleefully chanting, "Ins'Allah, Ins'Allah". Or "Allah Willing"." . . . 
"I am nauseated.
"Does anyone remember a White House Iftar dinner calling for an end to Islamic persecution of Jews?  I didn’t think so."

Krauthammer asks, Why take the Trump stunt seriously?

Charles Krauthammmer

"So how exactly does this work, Donald Trump’s plan to keep America safe from Islamic terrorism by barring entry to all Muslims? He explained it Tuesday on TV. The immigration official will ask the foreigner if he’s a Muslim. 

“ 'And if they said, ‘yes,’ they would not be allowed in the country?” 

Trump: “That’s correct.” 

"Brilliant. And very economical. That is, if you think that bloodthirsty terrorists — “people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” as Trump describes them — will feel honor­bound to tell the truth to an infidel customs officer. They kill wantonly but, like George Washington, cannot tell a lie. On this logic hinges the great Maginot Line with which Trump will protect America from jihad."

Are California Carbon Goals Kaput?

The Wave

Forbes  "In one fell swoop, the unnecessary closing of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in San Diego negated nearly all the low-carbon electricity generation from all the wind and solar installed in California.  The plant’s retirement is equivalent to rolling back the clock on twenty years of solar and wind deployment in the Golden State.
"Also lost were 1,500 local jobs and over $400 million in lost revenue and increased costs to Southern California. But that may be closer to a $billion if you add the three huge new transmission projects recommended to deal with the SONGS closure as well as the new pipelines to supply the new gas plants replacing SONGS (CAISO).
"Until now, California has led the country in progress toward a low-carbon energy future. The state has one of the nation’s most ambitious renewable energy mandates – 33% of its electricity must be carbon free by 2020 – and an even more ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction plan." . . .

Did Obama stop investigation that might have thwarted San Bernardino attack?

Constitution Rising
"Success at fighting terrorism breeds contempt and prompted a negative reaction from the Obama regime which oddly, one year into their productive investigation, paid a visit to Mr. Haney. Representatives of the State Department and the Homeland Security Civil Rights Division informed him that the tracking of the terrorists was “problematic” because they were Islamic terrorist suspects and Islamic groups. For that reason, according to Mr. Haney, the investigation, as productive as it was, was shut down.
"As a result, 67 of Haney’s records from his investigative efforts were deleted, including one that involved the Riverside mosque which was attended by the terrorist couple that attacked in San Bernardino. Haney believes that the attack last week could well have been prevented had the Obama regime not put a stop to his efforts."
"Watch below:

"Haney also notified Congress and the DHS Inspector General of his investigation being shut down and received a much different response than he expected. Rather than it being reinstated, as one might have anticipated, Haney was personally retaliated against, including having his security clearance revoked.
"Fox News attempted to verify that information directly with the Islamic terrorist enablers at DHS, but they refused to comment.
"Mr. Haney goes on to lay out a very credible story detailing his work, the terrorists he was tracking and the odd, obstructionist behavior of the agencies supposedly charged with securing the homeland and protecting the American people." . . .

US Officials Search For Missed Red Flags Ahead Of California Terror Attack   . . . "Asked repeatedly whether any hints could have led law enforcement to prevent the attack, Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C. replied, “Explain to me how you do that without any bread crumbs that are obvious, without somebody that’s inside a mosque, that’s inside a person’s family that tips you off. In this particular case there was nothing like that that gave them a reason to look at this couple sooner than after the attack.' ” 
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Which restaurant chains have gone halal in the UK – and why?

"The likes of KFC and Tesco are simply meeting demand. But consumers should be told what they are eating" 

Halal meat

The Guardian  . . . "For Pizza Express, as for the major food service companies that supply schools, hospitals and airlines, serving halal chicken across the board simplifies the supply chain and minimises the risk of complaints from customers who may unknowingly eat non-halal meat.
. . . 
"There is considerable confusion, however, about exactly what halal meat is. Islamic rules require the animal to be slaughtered while alive and healthy, that the appropriate Islamic blessing be recited, and, crucially, that it be killed by a single, quick cut to the throat and its blood allowed to drain out fully."
"That sounds bad. But banner headlines about "ritually slaughtered meat" conceal the fact that, according to a 2012 Food Standards Agency report cited by the RSPCA, 97% of cattle, 96% of poultry and 90% of sheep slaughtered using the halal method in UK abattoirs are stunned before being killed – a procedure that makes them insensible to pain and distress."
"That, of course, means that up to 10% of British halal meat may come from animals that have not been slaughtered in a way animal welfare experts consider humane: some stricter Muslims insist stunning is not halal, and some halal authentication bodies – of which there are five in the UK alone – deem it an offence against Qur'anic law and tradition."
Via Eva Small at Green Dragon Forum

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Why Does Obama Call ISIS 'ISIL'?

Amil Imani  "Many who closely follow the dueling Islamic terror narratives emanating from the White House are mystified by Mr. Obama's inability (or deliberate unwillingness) to utter the phrase "Islamic terrorists."  Many are curious, too, about why he refuses to call ISIS "ISIS," steadfastly insisting instead that everybody in his administration call the terror group "ISIL."  What's the difference, and why is it important?  The agendas behind each diverge widely.  In fact, the variance between the two is elephantine in scale.
. . . 
That Obama uses ISIL in discussing the terrorists is extremely telling and chilling.  To those of us who keep our fingers on the pulse of Middle Eastern geopolitics, the distinctions separating ISIS and ISIL are by no means meager.  It's readily apparent that Obama considers both Israel and its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, thorns in each of his sides.  Since 2009, his atrociously dismissive treatment of Netanyahu has been highly embarrassing, shocking, and outrageous, especially to those of us who cherish our relationship with the Jewish state.

' ' ' 
"ISIL, Obama's preference, stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant."  According to, "[t]he Levant in its geographical sense comprises the following political entities: the west part of Syria, Lebanon, west part of Jordan, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Israel and Sinai (Egypt)."  Other sources claim that it also encompasses parts of Turkey.  All of these states embrace Islam, with one very notable exception: Israel, our only "blood brother" ally in the region that all Islamic terrorists want gone, violently and forever."

Rand Paul: 15 Reasons Obama’s Unqualified To Occupy the White House

Obama Legacies
Big Government  "The Obama White House has the nerve to say someone else is unqualified for office. After five years of acting like a King and ignoring our constitution, that takes a lot of nerve.
"I would like to put a mirror in front of the Obama White House and show them the top 15 things that make HIM unqualified:"

  1. Tried to take over 1/6 of economy in Obamacare, wrecked the system and hurt patients and taxpayers.
  2. Thinks an executive order is legislation and how you make law.
  3. Fought an undeclared, unconstitutional war in Libya, turned it into Jihadist wonderland.
  4. Fighting an undeclared, unconstitutional war in Syria, trying to put ISIS in Damascus.
  5. Signed into law the indefinite detention of American citizens.
  6. His copy of the bill of rights obviously goes from 1 to 3, skipping Second Amendment.
  7. Court ruled his NSA spying on every American was illegal.
  8. He has added more debt than anyone in history.
  9. Appointed an attorney general who thinks speech against Muslims is a bigger threat than trorism.
  10. EPA rules by executive FIAT trying to kill an entire American industry and way of life (coal).
  11. Declared Amnesty through executive order.
  12. Administration believes climate change is a bigger threat than, and somehow related to, terrorism.
  13. It took a 13-hour filibuster before he would answer if he would kill American citizens on American soil with a drone.
  14. Obamacare for everyone in America except those within the White House.
  15. Sending billions of dollars in aid, F16 planes, and tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood when they were in charge in Egypt.