Friday, December 11, 2015

Trump: Mr. Right Now. Cruz: Mr. Right.

"Donald Trump is Mr. Right Now.  Sen. Ted Cruz is the real-deal Mr. Right – prayerfully, our next Mr. President."

Lloyd Marcus  . . . "I explained to Dad that Ted Cruz is Donald Trump without the slightly unpleasant smell.  Please do not get me wrong, folks.  I am not dissing Trump.  I am merely interjecting a bit of humor.  I would enthusiastically give Trump my vote if he became the GOP presidential nominee.

"All I am saying is, Ted Cruz is a true conservative who offers all the boldness, fearlessness, and promises of Trump but with presidential gravitas and moral authority.

"Confronting the arrogance of Obama's AG Loretta Lynch, Cruz has once again proven he will take no prisoners when standing up for liberty and the American people.

"In a nutshell, despite the most recent Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino, in which 14 Americans were murdered, Lynch has decreed that she will throw anyone in jail who dares to speak badly about Muslims.

"The first of several outrages that popped up in my mind is how Lynch and Obama have ignored Black Lives Matter's bold clarion call to blacks to kill cops and crackers (white people).  Hundreds at a BLM rally marched down a N.Y. street chanting“What do we want?  Dead cops!  When do we want them?  Now!” 

"Well, my man Ted Cruz immediately jumped into Lynch's case.  Cruz scolded Lynch and Obama.
. . . 
Then Cruz jumped onto Obama's case, addressing his absurd, arrogant accusation.
Mr. President, there is not a moral equivalence between radical Islamic terrorists and Christians and Jews.
One has a philosophy from day one of murdering those who they consider infidels; the other preach love and forgiveness and standing together as one humanity.
And let me say beyond that in the United States, we will not enforce sharia Law.
And Madam Attorney General, if you wanna come prosecute me for executing my First Amendment rights, come and get me. I'm right here!
"Folks, if that doesn't get your blood going and have you standing up and cheering, nothing will.  

"Cruz's rant was bold and yet dignified, morally straight, and presidential."

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