Daniel Greenfield
"On March 9, 2010, the headlines were chocked with outrage over Netanyahu’s “snub” to Obama. Six years later, almost to the day, the same rerun is playing on news networks across America.
"The White House is outraged, shocked and infuriated by Netanyahu’s “snub.” Obama is depressed at the snub and gorging on a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Brownie Batter to get over the pain of a skipped meeting with the Israeli prime minister. Obama-Netanyahu meetups convey all the joy of a root canal and yet we’re supposed to believe that Obama was looking forward to this particular session with Netanyahu.
"Obama and his media allies are assuming that everyone forgot the last time they put on the same production of “Fake Outrage Theater” on this same date for the same exact reasons. Like the PLO, Obama keeps picking fights with Israel while trying to make it look like he’s the real victim." . . .
Biden captured the fake mountain-molehill outrage best, "I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units." A decision by a building committee to “advance planning” while Biden was in the country was, according to Hillary Clinton, “insulting not just to the Vice President who didn’t deserve that… but it was an insult to the United States.” Unlike Iran’s loving abduction and humiliation of American sailors at gunpoint on video which was a diplomatic success.More at the link.