From the very anti-Trump RealClearPolitics. Think not? look at their links.
Start with this one: America's Political Decay and the Rise of Trump by David Ignatuis
Is Hillary Clinton Likable Enough to Beat Donald Trump?

Start with this one: America's Political Decay and the Rise of Trump by David Ignatuis
Is Hillary Clinton Likable Enough to Beat Donald Trump?
"Yes, but it won’t be easy."
. . . "After a quarter-century on the national stage, Clinton can no longer console herself that voters just haven’t gotten to know her yet. They know her very well, and a solid, unmovable mass of them simply do not like her. The battering she has taken over her use of a private email server as secretary of state and the pseudo-scandal regarding the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi have reinforced the belief that she is less than truthful. Averaging various polls, her favorable/unfavorable rating now hovers at around 40–53. A 13-point negative gap in favorability would bode badly, were she not facing the prospect of a likely Republican nominee with a 28-point gap."
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. . . "She will have some chance to show a softer side at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia in July, which follows her pregnant daughter Chelsea’s due date for the Clintons’ second grandchild. Instances of warmth may ensue.
"But trying too hard to humanize Clinton could backfire, as it did in 2000 with Al Gore’s attempts at a makeover when he ran for the Democrats. A wiser strategy would be to reinforce what people do like about Clinton. Whether or not they fully trust her, large majorities of voters view her as competent, decisive, and prepared for the job of being president. Politicians don’t need to be beloved in order to be successful. A measure of respect is sufficient."
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