Thursday, March 10, 2016

Warren's Consideration, paid for through students tuition can we not assume?

Snopes  . . . "It's fair to say average Americans would find homes in Warren's neighborhood to be out of their price range, and assessments of the value of Warren's home hover between one and two million dollars, far under the $5.4 million cited in the image above. It's possible the estimate came from the range in which Warren listed her home on standard disclosure forms in 2011 [PDF], a pre-set checkbox field that indicates a value anywhere between one and five million dollars. 

"Although at one point, Warren did draw a large salary for teaching at Harvard (her 2011 campaign disclosure form indicates a salary for 2010-2011 of $429,981 although her paperwork doesn't indicate how many classes she was actually teaching), her 2013 tax filings [PDF] indicated that she left in January of that year (when she was sworn in to her Senate post) only retaining an agreement to be able to store some materials at the university and retain an honorary title of emeritus professor. A Harvard Computer Society (HCS) document held Warren's salary was $192,550 at an unspecified juncture, along with $133,453 in "other compensation." 

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