Writer Katherine Timpf states right at the start, "This is not a rhetorical question."
National Review . . . "I really am asking! I’m a pretty doggone creative person, but no matter how hard I try, I just cannot seem to think of a single reason why Smith would lie about this. After all, it’s not as if Smith has anything to gain politically. (Seeing as, you know, she’s not a politician.) Hillary, on the other hand, has a lot to politically lose if she admits that she did indeed look this woman in the eyes at her only son’s funeral and lie to her about his death."
"To be clear, Hillary’s saying that Smith is “wrong” to accuse her either (a) being delusional and imagining scenarios that did not happen or (b) of being someone who would deliberately lie to her at her own son’s funeral for seemingly no reason at all (that is, of being a twisted and downright despicable person)." . . . Read more.
National Review . . . "I really am asking! I’m a pretty doggone creative person, but no matter how hard I try, I just cannot seem to think of a single reason why Smith would lie about this. After all, it’s not as if Smith has anything to gain politically. (Seeing as, you know, she’s not a politician.) Hillary, on the other hand, has a lot to politically lose if she admits that she did indeed look this woman in the eyes at her only son’s funeral and lie to her about his death."
"To be clear, Hillary’s saying that Smith is “wrong” to accuse her either (a) being delusional and imagining scenarios that did not happen or (b) of being someone who would deliberately lie to her at her own son’s funeral for seemingly no reason at all (that is, of being a twisted and downright despicable person)." . . . Read more.
UPDATE: ABC Censors Mother of Benghazi Victim’s Charges Against Hillary Clinton "In a stunning moment Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, in the March 9 Democratic debate, actually played a clip of Patricia Smith and pressed Hillary Clinton to respond to the mother of Bengazhi victim Sean Smith.

"The moment was stunning because while Fox News has pursued her story, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) have barely touched it. In fact, since 2012, ABC has yet to air a second of Smith’s claims that the former Secretary of State lied to her. In total, there have just been five stories (CBS 2, NBC 3, ABC 0) that contained Smith’s emotional pleas for answers.
"In contrast, in the summer of 2005 when anti-Iraq war mom Cindy Sheehan camped out in front of George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch the networks flooded their evening and morning shows with 100 stories (ABC 37, NBC 33, CBS 30) in the first month (August 9 through September 9) of coverage alone." . . .
Applying makeup before filming this spontaneous moment
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