Thursday, July 14, 2016

DALLAS SHOOTING / SNIPER - Analysis & Digital Enhancement

Youtube  "Published on Jul 9, 2016; In this video i analize 3 separate video's captured by on the scene cameras. In one video you can hear what i believe to be multiple weapons being fired. Which may include a long distance sniper, a DMR or other rifle possibly on the ground and police 9mm pistols returning fire"*

Detailed discussion of urban combat techniques, obviously made before the shooter was identified.

Obama priorities: ignore Defense Intelligence, but meet often with Black Lives Matter and Al Sharpton

Bombshell: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
"Yet he's met multiple times now with Black Lives Matter members and Al Sharpton. Priorities…  Via Daily Caller: 
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.
The general, who spent 33 years in the intelligence field, told The Daily Caller News Foundation he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political  meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles.
 Obama Meets With BLM Activists Including Leader Of Minn Branch That Chanted ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’
Read the list of names here.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

President George W. Bush was widely praised for making the best speech of the entire service

UK Mail  "Chris Kenny, a journalist on The Australian, tweeted: 'This really is a superb speech, encapsulating hope in the Great Republic at a tough time.' "

Obama's speech at this was called Another Coffin-Top Lecture
"In any case, this was an inappropriate venue for a stump speech. As Charles C.W. Cooke observed, “This, remember, was a funeral — a funeral for one of the police officers who was murdered last Thursday. It wasn’t a rally. It wasn’t a White House press conference. It wasn’t a public statement, hastily arranged on the airport tarmac. It was a funeral.” Unfortunately, Obama has a repugnant habit of standing on coffins to give his moralizing lectures."

Earlier: "President Obama is expected to give remarks 'appropriate for the setting,' speculated Press Secretary Josh Earnest, who suggested he wouldn't get too political while in Texas." 

After Dallas, Obama Faces Class Action Lawsuit For Inciting Violence

Stoked the flames of racial discontent.

Randy DeSoto  "Larry Klayman, the head of Freedom Watch and founder of Judicial Watch, filed a class action lawsuit on Monday in federal district court in Dallas against President Obama and others for inciting violence, leading to the killings of law enforcement officers.

"In his complaint, Klayman named not only Barack Obama but Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, former Attorney General Eric Holder and the Rev. Al Sharpton, among a total of nine defendants.
"Regarding Obama, Klayman points to several actions and statements including his comments from Warsaw, Poland, early last Thursday morning following the deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La., and Philando Castile near St. Paul, Minn., during arrests." . . .
Klayman explains, “Clearly, the accusation that shootings ‘are not an isolated incident’ is an incitement [words that promote unlawful behavior] claiming that there is a knowing, intentional related and connected conspiracy — ‘not isolated incidents’ — to intentionally murder Black people.” 

After awful* speech in Dallas, Obama meets with BLM leader DeRay McKesson

*Apparently a good speech made awful by the tangent it took in the latter half.

Joe Newby

screen grab

. . . "In other words, much of the leadership of the race-hustling racket.
“ 'I think it’s the president’s desire to try to move the ball forward and make some progress in helping communities identify steps that they can take to address this problem,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Wednesday, The Hill added.
"But that’s not the role of the federal government — that’s why we have city governments. (Google 10th Amendment)
"Meanwhile, officers across the country — like those in Austin, Texas — are being threatened with their lives.
"Of course, we all know what this is a prelude to — complete federal control of local law enforcement…" . . .
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

'We’ve got to do better as black people': Charles Barkley speaks out on recent police shootings

Daily Mail

"He's mad black people 'never get mad when black people kill each other"
Charles  Barkley told ESPN radio on July 12 that black people have 'got to do better' in response to last week¿s shootings of black men by police and a sniper attack that left five officers dead in Dallas.(AP Photo/John Locher, File)

. . . "Barkley's comments hit nerve with the radio host, who pointed out that police are more likely to panic around black men than other races.

"Barkley responded, saying he didn't think racial profiling was right but that he could see why white officers stereotype black people because 'some are crooks'. 

" 'There is some reason why there's racial stereotypes because some of those black people out there are committing crimes. Let's don't sit there and act like all our hands are clean,' Barkley said.  

"As for Barkley's claims that black people don't get mad when black people kill each other, Le Batard said 'that's not true'. 

" 'We don't nearly have as much outrage as when a white cop kills somebody,' Barkley shot back, after calling Le Batard out for not being black himself. 

" 'Dan, I've been black all my life, most black people I know are killed by other black people.'  

Hillary Clinton and the reset of Obama's administration


"Hillary Clinton dodged a recommendation for indictment by the FBI Director last week. She has not even been elected and already she’s as close to impeachment as Bill, who didn’t get impeached until his second term. It just shows that a woman can accomplish more than a man, in less time, and do it all in a pants suit."
"Hillary Clinton went on the offensive Tuesday in New Hampshire where she was endorsed by Bernie Sanders. Hillary rejected the FBI Director’s claim that she had been extremely careless with her home office e-mails. She would only admit to being extremely careless in picking a husband."

While You Were Sleeping

President Obama Gets Destroyed On Twitter After Politicizing Memorial For 5 Slain Cops

Young Conservatives  "Families of slain police officers are sitting RIGHT THERE as the president calls their department part of the problem."  Ben Shapiro

Heartbreaking: 9-Year-Old Daughter of Slain Dallas Officer Recalls What He Asked Her Just Before His Final Shift  Video at the link.

Image source: CBS News

"Dallas police Sergeant Mike Smith was just two years away from retirement when he was fatally shot last Thursday night — one of five officers ambushed and killed by a gunman during a demonstration against police-involved shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana."
. . . 
“ 'He was leaving to go to work, and I was leaving to go to a movie, and he said to me, ‘What if this is the last time you ever kiss me or hug me?’” Caroline recalled during a CBS News interview.". . . 

Image source: CBS News

Reprimander-in-Chief Obama hijacks Dallas Police memorial service

You knew we would get scolded, didn't you?  Remember this article from this past week:
As Obama Heads To Dallas, Fed-Up Americans Have Just 5 Words For Him
. . . "Americans all over the country are sick and tired of his rhetoric that further divides our nation, and they are making it clear. Many share the sentiments of one Dallas resident, who tweeted these five words: “We don’t want him here,” and their message was met with a lot of “amens.' ”
Didn't we all know this was coming? 

Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

Thomas Lifson  "The malignancy of Barack Obama’s narcissism was on full display yesterday at the memorial service for five ambushed Dallas Police officers. His address bore all the markers of his cunning self-absorption. As Peter Hasson in the Daily Caller noted, he mentioned himself 45 times, and referred to himself twice before mentioning the names of the honorees." . . .

. . . "He started losing the law enforcement part of the audience. Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit noticed that Obama:
…included mentions of Alton Sterling (twice) and Philando Castile (twice). He even mentioned poor black children inhoodies – a reference to Trayvon Martin.
At one point police officers refused to applaud his defense of Black Lives Matter.
 "The Obama claque in the media are applauding the president’s sentiments. It is as if they saw a different speech."

A number of these excellent links come from the resourceful Lucianne.

Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama  "After each fatal shooting of a black man by an officer, President Barack Obama has swiftly spoken out against bad policing, giving voice to the generations of African-Americans who have found themselves at the wrong end of a baton, a snarling dog or a gun. As much as those words have comforted blacks, they have rankled many of the nation´s men and women in blue. Some have described the remarks as an insult, an all-too-quick condemnation before all the facts are in and a failure to acknowledge the thousands of cops who do a good job and routinely. . . "

How Obama ruined his Dallas memorial speech 
"He was a national healer who became a crashing bore."
. . . "But as the president’s words flowed and deepened in Dallas, I was sure I was listening not only to the best remarks of his presidency but possibly one of the great presidential speeches of our age.
"This was true even though he was making certain arguments with which I did not agree — but because his tone was so beautifully modulated and his argumentation so civil, the president himself got me to listen, pay attention, and respect the seriousness of his contentions.
"And then he blew it." . . .
As usual, Obama made strange use of the word “we,” because when he says “we,” he means “you,” and when he means “you,” he means people who aren’t as enlightened and thoughtful as he and his ideological compatriots are.
Worse yet, the excessive length gave rise to a few extraordinarily ill-conceived flourishes that would have been discarded from a more contained and controlled final speech.
John Podhoretz 

"Again, imagine the grieving families feeling trapped in a political pep rally. President George W. Bush showed them respect, Brown showed them love, and Obama read a speech.
. . . 
Obama does Dallas wrong  "Leading up to yesterday’s memorial service, the New York Times declared that President Obama “Seeks to Console Dallas and Reassure the Nation.”
"He did neither." 
. . . "Certainly in a memorial service so soon after a massacre, it does not need to be said that not all police officers are angels. It was outrageous for Obama to go there."

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

‘Day of Rage’ protests reportedly set for multiple cities across U.S. this Friday — Video

Conservative Firing Line 

Day of Rage

"On Tuesday, reports began circulating around the Internet that the group Anonymous is proclaiming a “Day of Rage” to be marked with protests in cities across the U.S.
"According to the Daily Caller, 37 cities in 26 states and Washington, D.C., are supposedly going to see these protests at 7 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time this Friday, July 15.
"The Daily Caller reported:" . . .  Read more
"The Gateway Pundit posted a list of the cities that are supposedly going to be hit by the protests:" . . .
Watch for photos of rioters carrying away merchandise they will have looted.