Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Newspaper rejects ad over the word "Christian"

“Considering how liberal this paper is...I take the apology with a grain of salt,” one reader wrote on Facebook.
Todd Starnes

"The owners of a Christian bookstore in Knoxville, Tennessee were dumbfounded after the News Sentinel rejected their ad because it included an offensive word – “Christian.”
"Lois McGinnis and her family own Cedar Springs Christian Store. They recently decided to close a second location of the store so they decided to place an ad in the classified section of the newspaper, which is owned by Gannett." . . .
One of Starnes' books.
"Mrs. McGinnis placed the ad on July 26. It was supposed to run on July 28. But when she opened up the newspaper – the ad was nowhere to be found.
"So Mrs. McGinnis phoned the newspaper and spoke with a classified ad employee.
“ 'She said our ad did not run because it contained an offensive word,” she told me. “I asked what that offensive word was and she said the offensive word was ‘Christian.’”
"She said the News Sentinel did not notify her in advance the ad had been rejected nor did they call to say they were refunding her money.
“ 'We had no way of knowing they considered the word ‘Christian’ offensive until we tried to place this ad,” she told me." . . .

Mike Adams: Give Peace a Chance

Mike Adams

Give Peace a Chance

"Yesterday, I received a letter from a reader urging me to show more grace and compassion towards Black Lives Matter (BLM) – a group I have sharply criticized in recent weeks. The reader claimed that the group is simply misguided and has merely “drifted off course” in its short three ­year existence. She specifically asked me to stop using my Twitter account to characterize them as “racist.” She finally ended her missive by asking “Where are all of the protestors of the 60s who could show them the error of their ways?” Such naïve historical ignorance is deserving of a column length response." . . .
. . . " By the end of the decade, the communists would kill two million people in Southeast Asia. And not a word of protest came from the “anti war” movement. So let me be as clear as I possibly can about three conclusions that inevitably flow from all of these events:" . . .
. . . "So where are the old “anti war” demonstrators now? And what is their relationship to the Black Lives Matter movement? I think you already know the answer but I’ll say it anyway: The 60s protestors joined the university faculties in masse and became lifetime radical anti-American activists with tenure."
 Image result for leftist professor cartoons

Irony Illustrated

Hold your nose and vote for Trump...PLEASE!

Never was a candidate so repulsive and beatable as Hillary, yet who do we have to oppose her but this candidate who won't talk issues instead of attacking ordinary people? One rule in politics is to never "punch down", which Mr. Trump cannot ever keep from doing.
Yes, I will vote for him because the Clintons must be kept out of the White House and I can neutralize one Democrat vote. 
Think Supreme Court. TD

By the numbers
terrellaftermathKinda etch-a-sketchy, don't you think?

Brand Loyalty and Hillary  . . . "All elections, withal, are largely about brand loyalty. Obama, Clinton, and Left loyalists capture just about all the victims and dependents; anyone who works for government, sells something to government, or relies on government for a paycheck or a handout. "Unfortunately, the “taker” class is growing faster than the “maker” class."

Hillary's going to need a little help to pull this one out  ". . . [Obama's] fundamental transformation is that he doubled the deficit to $20 trillion.  He appointed two solid left-wing justices, Kagan and the Wise Latina, to the Supreme Court.  He needs Hillary to appoint Justice Antonin Scalia's replacement plus probably two more who would give the lefties a 20- to 30-year majority on the Court.  You can be sure that the Obama-Hillary court would uphold every regulation of firearms that would render the Second Amendment meaningless.  A Trump presidency would end the lefties' dream to control the Court."

Hillary's Four Pinnochio interview  " . . .FBI Director James Comey "said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people."

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, email server, fbi, lie, chris wallace, exploding head

"This was a lie so baldfaced and brazen that it earned a rare "4 Pinocchios" from the Washington Post, meaning a lie so big that itactually risks ripping the time-space continuum apart."

Liberal Media; Including Black Trump Supporter Smacking Down CNN for Race Baiting

Speaking of CNN: On CNN, Pat Smith Blasts 'Dirt' Treatment From Media Over RNC Speech  . . . "The anchor spent four more questions trying to get Smith to rebuke the billionaire presidential nominee over the Khan controversy:" Video  . . . Fishing for an anti-Trump sound bite from an anti-Hillary mother would be a trophy catch for this Brooke Baldwin  

3 top officials resign from the Democratic National Committee 
". . . But the media narrative remains (and always will remain until November 8) that the other party, the Republican Party, is falling apart  over Donald Trump, of course.
"The Wikileaks DNC email hack is at the root of the departures, as all three senior officials were incriminated by emails they sent.  David Sherfinski and Dave Boyer of the Washington Times report:" . . .

MRC's Brent Bozell Slams ‘Incredible’ Disparity in Coverage of Grieving Moms  . . . "Speaking of Hillary Clinton’s answers to Mrs. Smith, Bozell reasoned, “You could say, ‘Brent, you're just 100 percent a right-wing nut.’ Fine. Shouldn't the press have an interest in this other than Fox?' ” 
double standard

France Cancels Summer Events Because "We Are In A Situation of War"

‘We are at war’: France gets it, even if US liberals do not.

Infidel Bloggers

"Much-loved summer events in France are having to be cancelled as local authorities fear that adequate security cannot be provided. Events in Brittany and Marseille are the latest to be scrapped.
One of the lamentable impacts of the spate of terror attacks in France has been that local authorities are being forced to cancel certain summer events.
After the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice the interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve told mayors across the country not to think twice about cancelling an event if they thought security could not be guaranteed.
. . . "The list of cancelled events has started to grow."

LIBERALS: They HATE A Hero’s Mother And Yet, LOVE A Thug’s Mom

Doug Giles  Read Mr. Giles' remark about "liberal values".

Smith Brown meme

Related to the above is this story:  
Khizr Khan Advocates That Sharia Supercedes the American Constitution - That Is Sedition
"Notwithstanding his war-hero son’s genuinely patriotic example, Khizr M. Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump. " . . .
Khan provides his own advocacy for Sharia law in a separate academic paper titled “Juristic Classification of Islamic Law,” which he also wrote in 1983, while studying in Saudi Arabia. 
“The invariable and basic rules of Islamic law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah,” Khan writes. 
“All other juridical works… must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah.” He explains that Sharia is derived from the Quran and Sunnah, and that the Quran “is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.” 
Khizr Khan ‘Lying for the Faith’ by Pretending ‘There Is No Such Thing as Sharia Law’  . . . “ 'Anderson Cooper, last night, he’s on his program, and he says, quote, ‘I do not stand for any sharia law because there is no such thing,’” Gaffney said incredulously of an interview Khan gave CNN. “You gotta say, Steve, A, that’s taqiyya – that is, lying for the faith – and B, it is demonstrably fraudulent.' ” . . .(Emphasis mine, TD)

Why Does the Left Ignore Nuclear Power?

"They focus on wind and solar, but those sources are miles behind."

Lewis Morris

"Predictably absent from the Democrats' party platform for 2016, as it was in 2012 and in 2008, is a coherent energy strategy that matches their rhetoric on climate change. Once again, they have had the opportunity to face the facts on the benefits of nuclear power, and once again, they have chosen to demonize the one non-fossil fuel energy source that can come close to meeting their lofty goals of reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
"It’s not that the Dems are ignoring nuclear power. As Robert Bryce, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, points out, they bring up “nuclear” plenty of times. It’s just that each mention links the word to other catchy terms like “annihilation” and “weapon.” Nuclear as a source of clean energy that the Left craves is never brought up. It just doesn’t fit the narrative.
"Throughout the Obama administration, the Left, which has always run the EPA, spoke the gospel of clean energy. They overhyped the global threat of climate change, declared it primarily attributable to human behavior, calculated that only lower greenhouse gas emissions could save us, then set about reducing those gases by any means available." ...
Image result for nuclear energy cartoons

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

U.S. Sent Cash to Iran as Americans Were Freed

Wall Street Journal

"Obama administration insists there was no quid pro quo, but critics charge payment amounted to ransom"

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaking with Iranian officials including his counterpart, Javad Zarif, after the agreement was reached in Vienna in July 2015.

"The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward.
"Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown into Iran on an unmarked cargo plane, according to these officials. The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, they said.
"The money represented the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi." . . .

ISIS: If Muslims Ran America The “Lucrative African Slave Trade” Would Have Continued…

Weasel Zippers
"Black Lives Matter unavailable for comment."

"If Muslims rather than Christians had been running things in countries like the U.S., the Islamic State argues in the most recent issue of its propaganda magazine Dabiq, “the lucrative African slave trade would have continued, supporting a strong economy.”
"As usual, the Islamic State supports its position with theological arguments, suggesting that Allah is pleased with slavery, as long as the slaves are infidels.
“ 'The Islamic leadership would not have bypassed Allah’s permission to sell captured pagan humans, to teach them, and to convert them, as they worked hard for their masters in building a beautiful country,” the article reads.
"Trading in black African slaves, the magazine notes, would not be done for racial reasons but religious ones.
“ 'All of this would be done, not for racism, nationalism, or political lies, but to make the word of Allah supreme. Jihad is the ultimate show of one’s love for his Creator, facing the clashing of swords and buzzing of bullets on the battlefield, seeking to slaughter His enemies – whom he hates for Allah’s hatred of them.”

Benghazi Victim’s Dad Reads Out Of His Diary To Prove Hillary ‘Lied’ [VIDEO]

Daily Caller  "Charles Woods, father of slain Benghazi hero Tyrone Woods, blasted Hillary Clinton Tuesday for lying to himself and to the American people after reading out of his diary the remarks Clinton told him at his son’s casket ceremony in 2012.
"Appearing on “CNN Newsroom” host Carol Costello asked Woods to respond to Clinton’s attempt to discredit the family’s of the Benghazi victims who have criticized her for blaming a video for the deaths of their children instead of blaming the planned terrorist attack.

Below: "The father of a Benghazi victim destroys CNN's Costello's attempts to deflect for Hillary Clinton"

"Yesterday on CNN, Patrica Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of the other Americans who was killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack blasted Clinton, arguing that the former secretary of state “kills people.”(RELATED: Mother Of Benghazi Victim: Hillary Clinton ‘Kills People’ [VIDEO])
"Last Sunday in an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” Clinton attempted to discredit Smith, arguing that she “may not fully recall everything that was or wasn’t said.' ”

Video: Hacked emails show Hillary armed jihadists in Syria — including ISIS

Joe Newby
Julian Assange of Wikileaks says hundreds of Hillary emails reveal she helped arm ISIS

"While appearing on Democracy Now last week, Julian Assange said the Wikileaks DNC email collection contains information on weapons shipments to Syria — including the radical terror group ISIS.
“ 'So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates,” he said.
“ 'So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.' ” . . .