Mike Adams
"Author’s Note: The following story is sad but true. However, the names have been changed to protect the guilty. In other words, they are just too emotionally volatile to handle reasoned criticism."
"Dear Jason:
I am sure this email comes as a surprise as it has been a few years since we’ve spoken. Nonetheless, I
felt an urgent need to contact you concerning your recent “engagement” to your boyfriend Chad.
Initially, I had not planned to contact you to express my disagreement over your decision to get
“married.” I thought it would be a waste of time. However, your “engagement” has already put the lie
to the bland assertion that samesex “marriage” doesn’t hurt anyone. In point of fact, it has damaged
a mutual friend of ours in a significant way. This is despite the fact that the “wedding” has not yet
taken place.
"When you decided to hire a photographer to take your “engagement” photos you had literally
hundreds of options before you. But you chose our mutual friend Chrissie because you know she has
religious objections to samesex “marriage.” You also knew that if she refused to shoot your
“engagement” photos you could completely destroy her business and confiscate her life savings.
Unfortunately, the law in your home state of New Mexico is on your side. I am sure you know the
current state of the law but I will restate it since I will be sharing this correspondence with some of
our mutual friends.
"In the case of Elane Photography v. Willock, a Christian photographer was forced to shoot a gay
“wedding” despite her religious objections." . . .