Thursday, September 29, 2016

The U.S. government’s predatory-lending program


Discuss "predatory lending"  " . . .an audit report on predatory lending from the office of inspector general of the FDIC broadly defines predatory lending as "imposing unfair and abusive loan terms on borrowers.' "

Politico   "Most parents will do just about anything for their children, especially when it comes to education. Predictably, at a time when college costs are exploding and students are staggering under more than $1 trillion in debt, one opportunistic lender is making huge profits on loans to their doting moms and dads.

"Less predictably, that lender is the United States government.

"The fast-growing federal program known as Parent PLUS now serves 3.2 million borrowers, who have racked up $65 billion in debt helping their kids go to school. The loans have much in common with the regular student loans that have created a national debt crisis and a 2016 campaign issue, but PLUS has much higher interest rates and fees, and far fewer opportunities for loan forgiveness or reductions.

"In fact, the PLUS program, which includes similar loans to graduate students, is the most profitable of the 120 or so federal lending programs. That sounds like a good thing, until you remember the government’s profit comes from its own citizens, often citizens of modest means." . . .

The Weekly Standard: The Largest Predatory Lender in America

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Mainstream Media Covers Kids who Pillage & Plunder; But not Kids who Pray

Todd Starnes

"When you dropped your kids off at school today - you probably saw a bunch of students gathered around the flag pole.
"Those kids were part of See You at the Pole - a national prayer gathering.
"Some two million young people woke up before sunrise to pray with their classmates. Many of you posted photos on my Facebook page of students praying in your hometowns - from Staten Island, New York to Stinking Creek, Kentucky.
"There were first graders and freshmen holding hands on this cool Autumn day to pray for our nation -- to cry out - as the Psalmist said so many centuries ago.
"This year's theme is "We Cry Out - A Generation Seeking Him!"
"Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face."
"See You at the Pole is a yearly tradition that started in 1990 in Burleson, Texas. What began as a small group of teenagers turned into a global movement. And today -- some two million students in all 50 states will petition the Almighty.
"Lord knows we need it, folks. 
"As inspirational as this story may be, It's unlikely you will see these young people on the evening news.
"It seems that kids who pillage and plunder generate more ratings than kids who pray.
"But truth be told - the only prayer our nation has may be as a result of those kids." 

Bill Clinton 'is a sexual predator' : Clinton rape accuser resurfaces

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T. Becket Adams:  "A woman who claims she was raped by Bill Clinton repeated the charge Wednesday as she responded to the family's attempts this week to downplay the former president's many sex scandals.

" '[Y]ou said you don't remember a time in your life that your parents weren't being attacked, " Juanita Broaddrick said in a series of tweets addressed to Chelsea Clinton.

" 'There's a very good reason for this — your parents are not good people, " she said.

"Broaddrick, who maintains Clinton raped her in a hotel room in 1978, went on the offensive against the Clintons in response to fallout from the first presidential debate Monday.

"Donald Trump's team have patted him on the back for not going after the Democratic nominee during the debate with remarks about her husband's past infidelities.

"In response to the Trump camp praising the GOP nominee's supposed discipline, Chelsea Clinton said in an interview that the whole storyline is a "distraction.' " . . .

The Next President Unbound

"There is reason to worry about both candidates abusing power as president, because Obama and the press normalized executive overreach."

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Victor Davis Hanson . . . "Part of the frenzy over 2016 as a make-or-break election is because a closely divided Senate’s future may hinge on the coattails of the presidential winner. An aging Supreme Court may also translate into perhaps three to four court picks for the next president. 

"Yet such considerations only partly explain the current election frenzy. 

"The model of the imperial Obama presidency is the greater fear. Over the last eight years, Obama has transformed the powers of presidency in a way not seen in decades.

"Congress talks grandly of “comprehensive immigration reform,” but Obama, as he promised with his pen and phone, bypassed the House and Senate to virtually open the border with Mexico. He largely ceased deportations of undocumented immigrants. He issued executive-order amnesties. And he allowed entire cities to be exempt from federal immigration law.

"The press said nothing about this extraordinary overreach of presidential power, mainly because these largely illegal means were used to achieve the progressive ends favored by many journalists." . . .

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Egomaniac President Thinks Americans Are “Not Inspired” To Vote This Year Because “Barack and Michelle Are Not On The Ballot This Time”…

Weasel Zippers  "Oddly enough, I don’t recall Michelle Obama’s name on the ballot.
"Via Politico:
President Barack Obama on Wednesday warned Americans against staying at home on Election Day, saying such a move would be a boon for Donald Trump.
“If you don’t vote, that’s a vote for Trump,” Obama said during an interview on “The Steve Harvey Morning Show” broadcast Wednesday. “If you vote for a third-party candidate who’s got no chance to win, that’s a vote for Trump. So the notion somehow that, ‘Well, you know, I’m not as inspired because Barack and Michelle, they’re not on the ballot this time, and, you know, maybe we kinda take it easy’ — my legacy’s on the ballot. You know, all the work we’ve done over the last eight years is on the ballot.”
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Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Ann Coulter  "At least we know Trump wasn’t lying when he said he didn't practice for the debate. 
"Based on the behavior of trained, professional journalists, I gather I'm not supposed to say what I really thought of the debate, but to cheer like a pom-pom girl for my candidate. 
"But the truth is, I -- along with my Trump-supporting friends -- thought it was a draw: Trump won the first half, and Hillary won the second half. Since most people stopped paying attention after the first 30 minutes, that's a win for Trump. 
"Hillary supporters, or "the media," had reason to be happy: She looked healthy! She probably could have kept reciting her snarky little talking points for another hour. 
"In fact, it was the best I've ever seen Hillary. She avoided that honking thing she does, smiled a lot -- a little too much, actually (maybe ease up on the pep pills next time) -- and, as the entire media has gleefully reported, she managed to "bait" Trump. 
"Note to the Trump campaign: While it may seem studly that Hillary's best performance versus Trump's worst ends in a draw, on Nov. 9, no one wants to say: We almost won -- and our guy didn't prepare! 
"The media's excitement over Hillary successfully "baiting" Trump is revealing -- of the media, of what this election is really about, and of what Trump needs to do now. 
"The definition of Trump "taking the bait" was getting him to talk about himself, not about issues. This from a media that claim to be aching for "policy specifics." 
"Hillary -- with assists from the moderator -- "baited" Trump on how rich he is, the loan from his father, a lawsuit in 1972, the birther claims, who he said what to about the Iraq War from 2001 to 2003, and so on. 
"For the media, their gal was winning whenever precious minutes of a 90-minute debate were spent rehashing allegations about Trump. Ha ha! We prevented Trump from talking about issues that matter to the American people! That was scored as a "win.' " . . .

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

FLASHBACK: 10 Years Ago Today, Hillary Voted For A Massive Border Fence

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Daily Caller  "The Secure Fence Act of 2006’s stated purpose was to check the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs, and other illegal goods into the U.S. by erecting a double-layer fence along large swaths of the border. The law also generally increased funding for border security, authorizing funds for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to purchase cameras, drones, and other assets.
"At the time, Hillary Clinton said the law was the only possible fix to a seemingly endless torrent of illegal immigrants entering the U.S.
“ 'There isn’t any sensible approach except to do what we need to do simultaneously: you know, secure our borders with technology and personnel, physical barriers if necessary in some places,” she told the Council on Foreign Relations." . . .

Obama’s Attempt to Slip Irreversible Internet Surrender Under the Radar: ‘We’ve Got Three Days to Fix This’

This man does not like the country he administers and wants to emasculate it in every way he can. Why are not more people disgusted with his administration, his party and, well...him?

John Hayword

Obama computer

"The conversation turned to the impending handover of Internet control to a foreign body, a topic that should be of major concern to American voters, although Marlow sarcastically observed there was no time for it during the debate because moderator Lester Holt thought it was more important to discuss Donald Trump’s thoughts on Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
“ 'A lot of people in this audience have absolutely no clue why we would do this and can’t even interpret what Obama and the globalists are thinking,” Marlow said.
“ 'Well, quite frankly, I’m among them. I can’t figure out what the argument is for doing this,” Gaffney replied. He went on to explain the situation:
What they’re preparing to do is to cede, or surrender, the last vestige of American control, or even influence, over what is done with critical functions of the Internet. It gets pretty arcane, but the point is, if you think that the freedom of the Internet – whether it’s the ability of people to communicate freely information on it, or whether you think of it as an engine for free enterprise, let alone if you understand the contribution that it makes these days to national security – including, by the way, the operations of our critical infrastructure – you will understand that the United States retaining a measure of quality control as to what’s going on with how the Internet is populated with names and numbers, domains, websites and the like, is a very important thing.

Obama Saw Override Coming, but Still It Stung

Yeshiva World News


"Only one of his 44 fellow Democrats in the Senate — Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada — stood by Obama to uphold his veto of a piece of Sept. 11 legislation. Every Republican voted to override. The Republican-led House followed suit — eagerly exceeding the two-thirds threshold necessary to push the legislation into law over the president’s objections."
There were so many other, more important issues where I wish Congress had stood against this petulant man.

Only Harry Reid Stands with Obama on Senate Override of Terror Lawsuit Bill Veto
"The bill is also forward-looking: if groups like Hamas or ISIS kill an American on American soil, the bill would enable victims to sue any sponsors of the groups in federal court."
[Josh] "Earnest praised Reid's "courage," and added, "Ultimately these senators are going to have to answer their own conscience and their constituents as they account for their actions today.' "

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Washington Mall Terrorist Cetin Wasn’t U.S. Citizen, Still Voted Three Times

I can't say whom he voted for, but see Hillary, a Democrat, wants us to empathize with people like him.

cetinJammie Wearing Fools  "We’re going to go way out on a limb and guess that he’s been voting Democrat. Don’t worry, folks, this story won’t make national news, especially since the story about this Muslim terrorist has already been buried by the national media.
The Cascade Mall shooting suspect, Arcan Cetin, may face an additional investigation related to his voting record and citizenship status.
Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.
Cetin, who immigrated to the United States from Turkey as a child, is considered a permanent resident or green card holder. While a permanent resident can apply for U.S. citizenship after a certain period of time, sources tell KING his status had not changed from green card holder to U.S. citizen.
While voters must attest to citizenship upon registering online or registering to vote at the Department of Licensing Office, Washington state doesn’t require proof of citizenship. Therefore elections officials say the state’s elections system operates, more or less, under an honor system.
"Oh, so voting is now on the honor system. Well, we suppose that’s a good thing since requiring proof of citizenship and identification is racist, according to Democrats. On the upside, after Cetin faces murder charges he’s sure to be punished for violating voter laws." . . .

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hiding The Boeing Factory in WW2

Things You Never Knew About WWII  "It’s February, 1942. US Navy Monitors have just tracked a Japanese submarine skulking just outside of San Francisco. A few nights later, a Japanese submarine surfaces off the coast of Santa Barbara and fires a few shells at an oil storage facility. With the memories of Pearl Harbor from last December still fresh, the threat of a Japanese invasion is palpable.

"In Seattle, the gigantic 26-acre Boeing Aircraft complex was ordered to be camouflaged in order to safeguard it from possible attacking Japanese airplanes.  They blanketed the plant under netting; disguising the area as a suburb complete with municipal buildings, parks, schools and homes."

37 beautiful, sad but touching colourised images of WWII

War History Online  

"Many thanks go to Doug Banks and his team – the masters of colourisation.  The beauty of these colourised images is that colour, allows you to pick out and study the smallest detail. This makes these 100 year old images ‘alive’.Do not click on their page – you will become addicted to their work  It is the research that they do on each image that makes the captions themselves a history lesson."