I'd have to say that #6 has done the most damage to American society when coupled with Obama's incitement: "6. U.S. Epidemic of Police Shooting Unarmed Black Men"PJ Media
"You gotta love our liberal media. Their entire modus operandi for at least the past two decades has been to shamelessly disseminate false left-wing narratives to the masses in their ongoing effort to discredit conservatism and further a progressive agenda. It's what they do.
"But since the election of Donald Trump, they have been obsessed with a new pet narrative: that a so-called "fake news" epidemic is occurring on the right.
"This is partly because, I'm convinced, they resent the fact that some people on the alt-right are making inroads on their turf. But the "fake news" excuse also functions as a soothing balm for their wounded egos after their devastating 2016 election losses. It helps them deal with the uncomfortable fact that the electorate just rejected the hell out of the candidates for whom they blatantly shilled.
"This happens every time the mainstream media's favored party suffes a massive defeat at the polls, by the way. In 1994, they blamed their losses on the "angry white male." After the 2010 "shellacking," they attributed it to a menacing "climate of hate," as personified by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party." . . .
"Here is a list of ten memorable fake news stories from the mainstream media." . . .