Politico "Frost settled on cattle ranches and pine groves in this conservative outpost of California, amid a more political chill over the state’s emergence as a national counterweight to Donald Trump.
"While the state’s dwindling number of conservatives had celebrated an unexpected victory in Trump’s election last month, they are now facing a harsh reality in which a backlash threatens to push their state further to the left. And it’s already underway — with super-majorities in both houses of the Legislature, Democrats this week began mustering a vigorous resistance to the president-elect, introducing measures to protect undocumented immigrants and promising similar movement on health care and the environment.
" 'They’re empowered now, and they’re mad,” said Mark Baird, who fixed an American flag to his barn on his ranch outside Fort Jones one recent morning. “It’s over. This is Stalinist Russia.”
"Following the election, Baird, a leader of a longstanding and improbable effort by several Northern California counties to secede from California, warned fellow property owners about water-related environmental policies he feared “are going to heat up” in the Spring. Meanwhile, Baird was preparing to sue the state over its dearth of lawmakers representing rural, sparsely populated counties." . . .

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