Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The 'Diversity' Fraud

"According to the Constitution, "We the People" are supposed to decide what laws and policies we live under. But not if we can be so easily fooled by courts using slippery words like "diversity.' "
Thomas Sowell  "Nothing so epitomizes the politically correct gullibility of our times as the magic word "diversity." The wonders of diversity are proclaimed from the media, extolled in the academy and confirmed in the august chambers of the Supreme Court of the United States. But have you ever seen one speck of hard evidence to support the lofty claims? 

"Although diversity has become one of the leading buzzwords of our time, it has a history that goes back several generations. In the early twentieth century, the principle of geographic diversity was used to conceal bias against Jews in the admission of students to Harvard and other leading academic institutions." . . .

But wait! There's more!
‘Students of color’ conference at University of California reportedly dissolves into a fight over who is most oppressed  . . . "There is  a basic principle at work here that is invisible only to leftists who deny the reality of human nature.  If oppression is the currency of social advantage, there will never be enough oppression to go around." . . .

Monday, December 19, 2016

Donald Trump wins Electoral College - as attempts to cause rebellion turn to farce with DEMOCRATS deserting Hillary

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Calls for Trump to be voted down by members of the Electoral College were roundly ignored on Monday – with only two 'faithless' Republican electors rejecting the president-elect and four deserting Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"Several more electors tried to ditch the Democratic loser, in an effort to pressure Republicans into doing the same and selecting a more moderate GOP president.

"Trump applauded his victory when that scheme didn't work and flaunted it in front of the media. 
'Today marks a historic electoral landslide victory in our nation's democracy,' he said in a statement to reporters. 'I thank the American people for their overwhelming vote to elect me as their next President of the United States.' 

" 'The official votes cast by the Electoral College exceeded the 270 required to secure the presidency by a very large margin, far greater than ever anticipated by the media,' he added. 
Congress will certify the Electoral College vote on January 6 and Trump will be sworn in on January 20." . . .  

 Read More

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard taunts Obama: ‘After Aleppo, we will intervene in Bahrain, Yemen’

"Weakness is provocative, a lesson that President Obama has yet to learn."
 Image result for american sailors captured photos

Thomas Lifson  "The consequences of President Barack Obama’s abandonment of a hard-won victory in Iraq and wimping out on his infamous “red line” in Syria will bedevil the United States when President-elect Trump takes office. Al Arabiya reports:
The leaders of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards launched provocative statements against the Gulf states threatening to intervene in Bahrain and Yemen.
The comments were reported by Iranian media after what they described as a “victory in Aleppo,” upon the massacres, starvation and displacement against civilians. Aleppo was considered as one of the strongholds of the opposition; however, the Syrian regime took a hold of it with the help and support of Iranian and Russian military troops.
In this context, the deputy commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Hossein Salami told the official Iranian news agency Islamic Republic News Agency that “The victory in Aleppo will pave the way for liberating Bahrain,” pointing out that Iran has an expansion project that will extend to Bahrain, Yemen and Mosul after the fall of the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Coexist with whom?

NOT satire! Obama warns Trump not to overuse executive orders

United Press International

. . . "In an interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep on Thursday that aired in its entirety Monday on Morning Edition, Obama said it's preferable to work with Congress.
" 'Keep in mind, though, that my strong preference has always been to legislate when I can get legislation done," Obama said from the Cabinet Room in the White House. "In my first two years, I wasn't relying on executive powers, because I had big majorities in the Congress and we were able to get bills done, get bills passed. And even after we lost the majorities in Congress, I bent over backwards consistently to try to find compromise and a legislative solution to some of the big problems that we've got — a classic example being immigration reform, where I held off for years in taking some of the executive actions that I ultimately took in pursuit of a bipartisan solution — one that, by the way, did pass through the Senate on a bipartisan basis with our help.' " . . .

Elector Even Receives Threatening ‘Christmas Card’

Weasel Zippers

"This is the kind of thing the Electors have had to put up with: "

Another compassionate, tolerant liberal.

Hillary Clinton supporters need to quit whining about the Electoral College; The Founding Fathers got it right, and California is proof

MarketWatch  via Drudge
"Second, Clinton’s 2.3-million-popular-vote plurality over Trump depends on the votes in a single state: California. Clinton has more than a 4-million-vote plurality over Trump there. In the other 49 states plus the District of Columbia, Trump actually has a 1.7-million-popular-vote plurality over Clinton. So California single-handedly turns a Trump plurality into a Clinton plurality."
Video discussion here.

. . . "Many die-hard Clinton supporters cannot bring themselves to believe their candidate could lose to Donald Trump. They think: How could such a crude and inept con man be elected president? Even after it has happened, it is unthinkable, a nightmare. So, the election must not have been fair.

"Those on the fringe raise the specter of diabolical Russians hacking away at our democracy. More grounded Clintonians have less malevolent boogeymen — our Founding Fathers. As they see it, the election’s outcome should be blamed on a dysfunctional and archaic electoral vote system. Hillary won the national popular vote. She should be president. It is as simple as that. The Electoral College should go the way of Trump University.
"They are right about one thing: Hillary did win the national popular vote. As votes continued to trickle in three weeks after Election Day, Clinton received 50.9% of the two-party vote to 49.1% for Trump. With about 135 million votes counted, Clinton has 2.3 million more votes than Trump.
"Yet Clinton has only 232 electoral votes (in 20 states plus Washington, D.C.) to Trump’s 306 (in 30 states plus one from Maine), making him the president-elect. So Trump’s election without a popular-vote plurality is regarded as an injustice. Some Democrats claim a moral victory as victims of an electoral vote system that once again horribly “misfired.” Their claim, however, neglects two facts." . . .
Under our electoral vote system, American voters elected a national president, not California’s choice.

PROJECT ‘Save the Snowflakes:’ Hilarious Video To Mock Hillary Supporters Has Them FURIOUS

MRC, a conservative media watchdog created this video to show the idiocy and childishness of the liberal mind that makes them scurry to their safe spaces, and their affinity for safety pins, puppies, and coloring books.
Lady Liberty

. . . "Let’s hope that some day these special snowflakes realize that they are being laughed at, regain some God-given common sense. Until then, we can enjoy little gems like this video and be entertained by all of the ridiculously pathetic things the left tries to pull daily. Enjoy!!!" . . .

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Thomas Sowell asks, Where Are We?

Thomas Sowell

Where Are We?

"We are now in a kind of political no-­man's­-land between an administration on its way out and a new administration taking shape. Predictions are always risky ­­ and nowhere more so than in times like these.

"What we can do, however, is assess where we are, and what some of the opportunities and dangers are. 

"The opportunities are many, which is to say that many things are in desperate need of changing, beginning with rebuilding our dangerously neglected and undermined military forces. The monstrosity of ObamaCare needs to be gotten rid of, not just cosmetically adjusted. 

"Our fundamental freedoms under the Constitution are at stake in the choice of the next nominee to become a Justice of the closely divided Supreme Court. We need someone with both the depth and the strength to resist the pressures and the temptations that have seduced too many supposedly "conservative" justices, over the years, into betraying Constitutional principles. " . . .

Islamic Jew-hatred has made a treacherous alliance with Western academics and activists- and the US campuses are on fire

Image result for campus islam cartoons

Phyllis Chesler  "Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on Campus," an important new film, brought to us by Americans for Peace and Tolerance on Campus (Charles Jacobs and executive Producer and Director, Avi Goldwasser), is about another kind of Jihad arson: the way in which the American campuses have been set ablaze by a well-choreographed and well-funded propaganda campaign against Jews and the Jewish state.

Once such propaganda takes hold, actual, physical, murderous Jihad is not far behind. The cognitive war, as my colleagues Richard Landes and Charles Jacobs know, is very hot; it, too, is on fire.

The accumulated footage of increasingly aggressive and menacing keffiyeh-and hijab-draped mobs utterly disrupting peaceful pro-Israel or truth-telling lectures; the omnipresent swastikas, anti-Jewish graffiti ("Kill all the Jews," ""I hate Jews," Kike", "Dirty Jew," ), the frightening hate speech ("Jews, your days are numbered," "Long live the Intifada," "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free," "You are child murderers," ), the prominent mock Apartheid Walls, the mock eviction notices, the dorm storming, the bullying, etc.--document what I first called the Brownshirt phenomenon on campus way back in 2003.

By now, the Brownshirts have come into their own. They rule the American campuses from coast to coast, on the subjects of Israel, Islam, Palestine, Jews, and "Amerika." 

Russia challenges US to prove campaign hacking claims or shut up

CNN  "The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.
"Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was "indecent" of the United States to "groundlessly" accuse Russia of intervention in the US election campaign, Russian state news agency Tass reported.  

" 'They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly," Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks." . . .

Claimed to be the best election map yet