"You might have noticed that leaker and now former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Katie Walsh was fired today — a month after I broke the story that she was leaking to The New York Times.
"But she’s probably not the only one: the top #NeverTrump Republican donor has an employee who works in the Office of Personnel Management in the Trump administration.
"Hedge funder Paul Singer spent millions of dollars against then-candidate Donald J. Trump, but — incredibly — one of his top employees is deciding who makes it into the government through the Office of Personnel Management.
"One of the reasons you haven’t gotten the government you voted for is that it is taking longer than any other administration in recent history to get people into the government." . . . founder and editor-in-chief Charles C. Johnson is an investigative journalist, author, and sought after researcher. He was a contributor to the Daily Caller and the Blaze, and his work is frequently featured on Drudge Report. He is author of Why Coolidge Matters: Leadership Lessons from America’s Most Underrated President and The Truth About the IRS Scandal. Charles is an award-winning journalist who has also written for Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Los Angeles Times, American Spectator, Daily Beast, National Review Online, PJ Media, and Weekly Standard. Charles has appeared on Fox News with Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity, and Lou Dobbs and numerous radio programs, including Rusty Humphries, Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, and Mark Levin. He is at work on a new book about the researcher community and Barack Obama.