Saturday, May 6, 2017

The media, talk shows and the anti-Trump fad.

Weekly Standard: How Trump-hatred warps the judiciary.  "Something ugly is happening to the First Amendment. It is being contorted to enable judges to protest Donald Trump's presidency. The perennial impulse of judges to manipulate the law to achieve morally and politically desirable ends has only been exacerbated by the felt necessity to "resist" Trump. The result: Legal tests concerning the freedoms of speech and religion that in some cases were already highly dubious are being further deformed and twisted.
. . . 
"Those who try to police the relentlessly transformational projects of constitutional progressives had much to dread from the Obama administration, an inveterate ally of the legal left that did what it could to graft the aspirations of progressives onto the Constitution. But Trump's presidency may be even worse, because too many judges now feel called to "resist" Trump and all his works—no matter the cost to the law's authority and to the integrity of the judicial role." . . .

Variety: FCC to Investigate Stephen Colbert Over Controversial Donald Trump Joke  To call it all "homophobic" I find ridiculous and just the sort of claim used to shut down any dialogue on the subject as the left does; conservatives should be better. I prefer societal pressure against this silly man and his bullying ways against conservatives as he did against President Bush. Like that's going to happen. TD

William Sullivan: FCC: Hands off Stephen Colbert Quoting the Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [Emphasis added]
. . . "It is important that we conservatives be consistent.  How can we tell our children about the virtues of unabridged freedom of speech, only to selectively apply it in principle?  How can any conservative argue against a revival of the “Fairness Doctrine,” which the Democrat left has pursued in recent years to define what is “fair” coverage by media outlets, without first recognizing and acknowledging unequivocally that the federal government has no such right?" . . .

Look at Berkeley and realize we must be better than that. TD

Brian C. Joondeph: Jimmy Kimmel Left Out Some Important Bits About Obamacare  . . . "History aside, and politics aside, one can’t help but feel empathy for Kimmel and his family. But unfortunately, politics wasn’t aside in his monologue. As Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” And Kimmel did not.
"In the second part of his monologue he pivoted from family health crisis to typical late night comedy show shtick, bashing Donald Trump, Republicans, conservatives and all things not liberal. Kimmel made a pitch for preexisting condition coverage under Obamacare and for National Institutes of Health funding which Trump threatened to cut in his proposed budget." . . .

Wishing our President could speak in coherent sentences

I so want President Trump to succeed, but fear when it seems he is setting himself up for failure in view of the contemptible, demagogic left. TD

Volokh Conspiracy

. . . "I’m sorry, but I cannot get used to the fact that our president cannot speak in coherent sentences. It is inexcusable — unacceptable in a 14-year-old. “Premiums will come down, and deductibles will come down”; good deal! Is there anyone — anyone — who thinks that President Trump understands health-care markets, and the impacts of this bill on those markets, remotely well enough to say that? Does anybody care anymore about little things like that? I guess that when you have a president whose campaign officials are under FBI investigation on the basis of evidence that they may have collaborated with a foreign power to disrupt the U.S. presidential election, all this is just a small blip on the radar. But it appalls just the same." . . .

Can George Soros be Charged with Treason and Sedition?

Blog: The Constitution.  "This columnist spent most of last night researching the law to learn if George Soros could be charged with Sedition and Treason for the damage he is causing the U.S. The goal was to discover if someone living in another country meddles into the affairs, security and destabilization of another country, specifically, The United States, could they face criminal charges based on that law? 

"The definition of Sedition is “to speak or organize for the purpose of insurrection against established order.” It also lists, “subversion of a Constitution.” Sedition compliments treason. Then there is Seditious Conspiracy, which Webster defines as: “The crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to destroy the government.”

"The Law Dictionary states that sedition is: “The crime of creating a revolt, disaster or violence against lawful civic authority with the intent to cause overthrow or destroy.” Read this one carefully. George Soros is attempting to deconstruct the constitutional government of the United States and replace it with a Communist Controlled One World Order, destroying the structure of America that was legally put in order.

"This is precisely what it taking place in America today under the direction of this billionaire Hungarian Jew, who betrayed his own people during the Holocaust, for profit. He is a leader of the One World Order campaign, in partnership with Communist Party USA (CPUSA), that provided the protest signs used in the riots of Ferguson, Baltimore and the other locations, plus paying the “protesters,” known to Stalin as, “Useful Idiots,” to do their dirty work for them." . . .

Friday, May 5, 2017

What To Do About North Korea

Image result for kim jong un cartoons

Power Line Blog  "Here’s very interesting news item—if true—from The Independent in the UK:
China ‘tells citizens to leave North Korea’ as tensions with U.S. escalate
The Korea Times reports that the Chinese embassy in North Korea began advising Korean-Chinese residents to return to China last month, over fears the country’s military provocations could lead to retaliation from the US.
"If true, this could perhaps be an expression of China agreeing to put pressure on the Norks to behave. Or it could be much more serious than that.
"Our pal Herbert Meyer has offered up a typically astute and creative analysis of the situation over at The American Thinker that is worth taking in. He says: Let’s turn North Korea into East Germany. I know—that may sound odd: isn’t North Korea waaaayy beyond East Germany in a totalitarian awfulness? Yes, but let Herb explain more fully:
Here’s one possible objective that would defuse this crisis and perhaps even bring a few decades of stability: to turn North Korea into a modern version of East Germany.
. . .
 "In other words, we need an active strategy to subvert the regime from within. Read the entire piece for Herb’s walk through the four crucial questions about what would need to be done to make the Norks decide to change their own regime, but I’ll just give you his conclusion:
Don’t bother asking the usual Washington policymakers whether turning North Korea into a modern version of East Germany might actually be possible. They will reply — in unison, within two-billionths of a second — No, this is impossible! Kim Jong-un is crazy, and the North Koreans will never give up their nukes or agree to stop threatening South Korea and the U.S. Well, they may be right. On the other hand, these are mostly the same geniuses who told us, also with 100 percent confidence, that it was impossible to win the Cold War, and impossible for Donald Trump to get elected president. Impossible things sometimes do happen, even in politics — especially in politics. Given the risk we face of nuclear war, this is worth a shot.

State Dept. Ordered to Release Clinton Emails on Obama’s Response to Benghazi

Weasel Zippers

"Watch Hills throw a fit over this…
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson has ordered the State Department to turn over previously redacted material in Hillary Clinton’s emails that immediately followed the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi to Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group.
Judicial Watch announced on Friday that the State Department will need to turn over “eight identical paragraphs” of redacted documents from Clinton emails sent on September 13, 2012, detailing phone calls made by then-President Barack Obama to the Egyptian and Libyan leaders after the Benghazi terror attack two days earlier.
The two Clinton emails, which were housed on the former secretary of state’s unsecured private server, were the same: “Quick Summary of POTUS Calls to Presidents of Libya and Egypt.”
I'd hate to be in range of her arm right now. 

Barack Obama, international man of interference and manipulation; dispenser of personal pronouns: I, me, mine.

Vanity, thy name is Obama.

Le Pen 600 CI
Tony Branco
Ethel C. Fenig  "After successfully interfering to deny former FLOTUS and former senator of New York Hillary R. Clinton (D)'s destiny to smash a glass ceiling by becoming the first spouse to become president all by her valiant self in 2008, but endorsing her in her hapless campaign eight years later, after failing to prevent Britain from leaving the European Union despite his desperate trip there to warn them he would be really mad if they disobeyed him, after ignoring his own bloody red line warnings to Syria so Syria did the same, after unsuccessfully spending over $350,000 to twice defeat Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, you'd think former president Barack Hussein Obama (D) would have learned his lesson about manipulating others' election races and just shut up.  You'd think wrong.  (But of course, you knew that!)

"The vain president has once again, via Twitter, informed French citizens he supports Emmanuel Macron in the upcoming race for president of France.  Flattering the always vain French that the outcome of the election will affect not only France, not only Europe, but the world, Obama stated:
I'm not planning to get involved in many elections now that I don't have to run for office again. But the French election is very important to the future of France and the values that we care so much about[.]" ... "I admire the campaign that Emmanuel Macron has run. He stood up for liberal values, he appeals to people's hopes. And not their fears.

. . .  

Ex-next president Hillary joins the resistance. We dodged a bullet.
Assessing President Rodham Clinton's first 100 days   . . . " 'The era of the American military being used to intimidate and assault the freedom-loving people of the world is over," Clinton is alleged to have proclaimed." . . .
. . . "Due to the untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia and the precipitous retirement in February of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Clinton has been given her golden opportunity to railroad through her picks for the Supreme Court.  As a result, Elizabeth Warren is on track to become the first Native American female justice, with Loretta Lynch not far behind (with the competing double-credential of first black woman – which will triumph?).  Those irritating challenges to the constitutionality of the administration's agenda from freedom of speech to gun control will all be DOA." . . .
. . . "And of course, Obamacare is on the point of being repealed and replaced...with a single-payer system run exclusively by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), in close consultation with the Veterans Administration and the Bureau of Indian Affairs: "America (finally) Cares.' " . . .
. . . "Regardless of any failing of the Trump administration, "bullet" is far too feeble a word to describe what we as a nation have dodged."

Charles Krauthammer sees it differently: Trump: ‘normalized’ but still scary
. . . "Trump is orchestrating a worldwide campaign to pressure North Korea on its nukes and missiles. He dispatches (finally) the USS Carl Vinson strike group to Korean waters and raises the possibility of a “major, major conflict” with Pyongyang. Meanwhile, we are working furiously to complete a THAAD anti-missile system in South Korea to intercept North Korean rockets.
"At which point, out of the blue, Trump tells Reuters that Seoul will have to pay for the THAAD system. And by the way, that five-year-old U.S.-South Korea free trade agreement is a disaster and needs to be torn up." . . .

The Donald's best pals: Barack and Hillary   . . . "It is a relationship that benefits Trump, because every time Obama or Clinton open their mouths, America is reminded of what was rejected in 2016 — Clinton's presidential hopes and Obama's dreams that she'd keep his legacy intact." . . .

"Here's how the Obama Temple should be built: 
"With a series of reflecting pools, and along the edges, statues of Obama at different stages of his life, so that he might stare into his reflection for all of eternity.
"But outside the Obama Temple, Chicago remains a violent bloodbath, innocents and thugs dropping every day in the city's street gang wars. He did nothing about it as president for eight years. There was talk, yes, but no real development, no real jobs, nothing.
"There should be a sign out front: Obama helped Iran more than he helped Chicago." . . .   Emphasis added by TD

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Oldest footage of New York City ever

From 1905 and some from 1896. The corresponding maps are a big asset.

Youtube  "The oldest and most incredible footage of New York City ever, including where the WTC would be built. With added maps carefully researched to show where the camera was. 28 shots of classic footage with a new twist and a new soundtrack."

American Power on the way to North Korea


A digression, but related:  Is the USNS Harvey Milk part of this flotilla?  Or maybe the good ships Cesar Chavez and Gabrielle Giffords? Behold the Democrat navy of Obama.

Obama Endorses Candidate In French Presidential Election…

Weasel Zippers  Let's see how many times he mentions himself.  

@kylegriffin1:   Obama has just endorsed Emmanuel Macron

Many comments on this

Favored to beat Maurine Le Pen. Wait! What will Hillary say about this?

Excerpts from the article:

Emmanuel Macron on…. Immigration . . . "In stark contrast to Marine Le Pen, Mr Macron does not envisage a  that shut outs immigrants and asylum seekers."

Emmanuel Macron on… Defence and Security  . . . "Mr Macron has publicly pledged to increase defence spending to two per cent of the country’s GDP by 2025.  Security investments include hiring 10,000 extra police officers and creating an additional 15,000 prison places." . . . 

Emmanuel Macron on… the Economy  . . .  'He plans to cut corporate tax from 33 per cent to the European average of 25. The 35-hour legal work would remain, but he would let companies negotiate real work hours. "

Emmanuel Macron on… Education and Culture . . . "The number of early primary school pupils would be halved to 12 per class in some 12,000 lower income zones across the country.

Fire Colbert, or maybe his viewers.

Fire Colbert! Because, well, he's, he's..."homophobic*"! Yeah that's it! . . . "Late night comedy has historically pushed the limits of decency and with shows like "Saturday Night Live" so you kind of know what to expect. You certainly don’t expect balance and if you’re easily offended you can always switch to the Food Channel. However, Colbert not only jumped the shark of decency, his rant showed what you might get if soft porn and political commentary had a love child:" . . .
Colbert REFUSES to apologize for his 'homophobic' Trump gag and defiantly says 'I have jokes, he has the launch codes - it's a fair fight'
. . . "At the mention of the term 'c**k holster', the entire audience - which had been laughing through the more than 12-minute monologue - erupted into gasps. 
"The reaction was so loud that Colbert had to wait for them to settle back down to finish the rest of his speech." . . .

Don’t Fire Colbert — Fire His Crowd
The real problem is that so many on the left and right demand ever-cruder political discourse.
 . . . "In both, he makes essentially the same joke about Donald Trump fellating Vladimir Putin. (Hilarious and creative, right?) The truly troubling thing isn’t the joke itself — there will always be comedians willing to go low for a laugh, after all — but the crowd’s reaction:"

"Our political and cultural agenda is typically dictated by those who care the most, and right now those who care the most also tend to hate their opponents on the other side with a fiery, reflexive passion. "
"Watch again. Listen to the screaming and cheering.
. . . 
"In short, the people who truly care move this country, and the people who truly care are truly angry. Their anger is so all-consuming that it often forecloses the possibility of a debate about ideas. One of the more remarkable things about the 2016 election was that it was simultaneously the most vitriolic of my adult lifetime and the least ideological. Trump and Clinton were and are extraordinarily malleable, driven by self-interest above all else. Trump shifts positions almost daily. Yet the partisan devotion remains. Hillary is celebrated as a martyr to the progressive cause, and Trump’s base holds firm behind him."

* "Homophobic" has been placed within quotation marks because the term was used - improperly, I feel - by the left to designate any non-adoring references to that movement as coming from psychotic issues. Used properly (if possible), the word should refer to an inordinate fear of homosexuals and not to a rejection of their activism. The Tunnel Dweller

Trump Rebukes Abbas Three Times, Signals to Palestinian Leader that the Obama Years are Over" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer

Legal Insurrection  "President Donald Trump appeared to rebuke Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at least three times in their joint statement on Wednesday.
First, at the beginning of his remarks, Trump recalled the Oslo Accords:
Almost 24 years ago, it was on these grounds that President Abbas stood with a courageous peacemaker, then-Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Here at the White House, President Abbas signed a Declaration of Principles — very important — which laid the foundation for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.
The President — Mr. President, you signed your name to the first Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. You remember that well, right? And I want to support you in being the Palestinian leader who signs his name to the final and most important peace agreement that brings safety, stability, and prosperity to both peoples and to the region.
"Trump is saying here, “you committed to making peace, I expect you to follow through.” Notice that he didn’t call Yasser Arafat a peacemaker either.
In the very next paragraph Trump delivered his next rebuke:
I’m committed to working with Israel and the Palestinians to reach an agreement. But any agreement cannot be imposed by the United States, or by any other nation. The Palestinians and Israelis must work together to reach an agreement that allows both peoples to live, worship, and thrive and prosper in peace. And I will do whatever is necessary to facilitate the agreement — to mediate, to arbitrate anything they’d like to do. But I would love to be a mediator or an arbitrator or a facilitator. And we will get this done.
"Trump says that he’ll act as a facilitator, but “any agreement cannot be imposed by the United States, or by any other nation.” He’s signalling that he won’t cover for Abbas’s intransigence like his predecessor did.
"In a conference call with reporters earlier this week, former negotiator Amb. Dennis Ross observed that Abbas boasted in the Palestinian media of saying “no” to President Barack Obama a dozen times. Despite this, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry consistently blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for blocking progress to making peace. (And yes we know that it was Abbas who torpedoed Kerry’s 2013-2014 peace initiative.)" . . .

Yeah, but... "Trump Falls Down 'Peace Process' Rabbit Hole"  
. . . "Immediately after the announcement, two things occurred which guarantee the failure of any new peace initiative. First, Abbas’ empty rhetoric about seeking peace based on the “two-state solution” was immediately denounced by Hamas, the governing party in the Gaza Strip. Second, and equally predictive of failure, was the denunciation of any attempt to reopen negotiations with the Palestinians by members of Israel’s HaBayit haYehudi party. The defection of this party would topple the current governing coalition, leading to new elections in which the alignment might be quite different than it is now." . . .