Sunday, June 18, 2017

Protester Arrested After Running Onstage During Controversial "Julius Caesar" Performance

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Townhall   "During Friday night's Shakespeare in the Park performance of Julius Caesar, Laura Loomer, who writes for The Rebel, ran onstage, shouting that "political violence against the right" is "unacceptable." She was quickly removed from the stage while the crowd booed, and arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing. 
"Her partner in crime, Jack Posobiec, provided video.
. . . "Exactly how did Conservatives take back the theater? The vast majority of the American public is completely unaware of Loomer's stunt, and it didn't - and won't - change anything in the theater world. You don't "take back" theater overnight, and you certainly don't do it by rudely interrupting a performance then calling the audience murderers and Nazis. 
"As Guy so eloquently put it earlier this week, the portrayal of a Trump-like character being assassinated is in poor taste, and we can and should make our opinion of the production known. But it's ultimately ineffective for the right to deploy their own SJW army to find something to be outraged about all the time."
. . . 
Trump assassination play interrupted by protesters  . . . "Goodness knows you can oppose Donald Trump without resorting to wishing for (encouraging?) his death.  This is the sort of propaganda that the notorious anti-Semite Julius Streicher published in his daily newspaper, Der Stürmer.  The anti-Jewish propaganda published by Streicher and the Nazi party encouraged ordinary people to kill Jews.  I fail to see the difference between that and what the Shakespeare in the Park production is trying to accomplish.

"The tremendous irony is this: the more the left's hysteria about Trump gets out of control the more likely his re-election.  The vast majority of voters do not see Donald Trump as Hitler, nor do they see him as a threat to American liberty.  And if the Democrats nominate a candidate who expresses the same hatred of Donald Trump shown by their far-left base, the president will win in a landslide."
Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Help show America what's wrong on campuses

"That’s why I’m so thankful my longtime friend Dennis Prager is making a very important movie called “No Safe Spaces.” . . . Dennis is teaming up with comedian Adam Carolla to tell the story of how we have lost our way as a nation by allowing the inmates to run the asylum on college campuses and how we must reverse this if we are to survive as a nation."

Image result for safe spaces cartoons

Joseph Farah  "There’s a terribly evil culture spreading across America’s college campuses.

"You know it, and I know it.
"But most Americans are apparently oblivious to the indoctrination and veil of political correctness that is stifling freedom of speech. Obviously, they are or they wouldn’t be sending their kids off the worst of these institutions.
"Would you like to help wake up American parents? Now you can.
"Just imagine what life is like on a college campus these days for those who walk to the beat of a non-leftist drummer – conservatives, Christians, supporters of Israel and Donald Trump. They are told by professors they are haters, silenced in class, bullied on campus, told they must be kept away from other students who retreat to their “safe spaces” and often not allowed to have speakers present different points of view.
"Remember “academic freedom”? It’s a thing of the distant past.
"Even if you’re not faced personally with a decision about whether to send your kids to college, every American should care about this environment. It’s not someone else’s problem. It’s a problem for our country, our future, our heritage of liberty.
"In a few short years, these indoctrinated snowflake students will fan out into the culture. They will be city planners, politicians, Supreme Court justices, and they will bring their confusion about what freedom truly is with them. That is when you will see it begin to affect your life.
"Imagine when the first snowflake justice reaches the Supreme Court and rules that certain parts of the town you live in must be designated as a “safe space” and that people like you must stay away. Or what about that city planner or government official who decides that your church is offensive and the state must seize it because of the anti-whatever comments that are being made inside?
"What happens on college campuses matters and affects all of us eventually." . . .

No Campus for White Men: The Transformation of Higher Education into Hateful Indoctrination 

"No Campus for White Men shines a bright light on the growing obsession with diversity, victimization and identity politics on today's college campuses, and shows how it is creating an intensely hostile and fearful atmosphere that can only lead, ultimately, to ever greater polarization in American society."

Across the country, ugly campus protests over speakers with dissenting viewpoints, as well as a preoccupation with "micro-aggressions," "trigger warnings," "safe spaces" and brand-new "gender identities," make it obvious that something has gone terribly wrong with higher education." . . .

ESPN’s Leadership Team of Far Left Ideologues Just Grew by One

Media Research Center   "Maybe it’s time ESPN just goes ahead and makes it official by registering as a political action committee. It should register under the title of LEFTSPIN and drop all pretention of honest reporting. The sports network is flagging in viewership while surging under the banner of left-ism. The latest evidence is the promotion of Connor Schell, a hardcore, Trump-hating Democrat, to the role of executive vice-president.

"Schell will oversee television, print and online operations and will rank second in command at LEFTSPIN behind only John Skipper.

"Schell joins the leadership team of Disney CEO Bob Iger, who has floated the idea of running for president and taking full advantage of the ESPN propaganda machine to do so. That should get the attention of the Federal Election Commission. Skipper is also recognized as a far Left ideologue.

"On the night of the presidential election last fall, Schell nearly exhausted himself with angry tweets against Donald Trump. He was disgusted with Trump’s emergence as the victor and claimed that the president-elect oppresses minorities, women and gays. Schell must have missed the RNC convention speech by Peter Thiel, the billionaire friend of Trump's and launcher of PayPal who called the culture war “fake” and asked who cares who uses what bathroom.

"Schell also blamed dumb people for the election of Donald Trump and retweeted the harsh criticisms of Trump by Greg Popovich, coach of the San Antonio Spurs.

"Additionally, Schell generated tremendous controversy in 2015 by giving Bruce/Caitlin Jenner the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the annual ESPY Awards. Schell and Maura Mandt, the co-executive producers of that event, were roundly criticized for that. They told Sports Illustrated that Jenner showed “courage” for dealing with his gender issue instead of riding off into the sunset. That’s a spurious claim if ever there was one because it takes courage not to go along with the LGBT agenda. Agreeing with it is considered politically correct."

22 Small Towns That Will Make You Wonder How They Got Their Names


I'd be upset if there wasn't a George, Washington. (Technically it's City of George, Washington, but that's not what their signs say!)—jordang44d9c6a23

"I'd be upset if there wasn't a George, Washington. (Technically it's City of George, Washington, but that's not what their signs say!)  jordang44d9c6a23"

Iran's triangle of fear

The Green Revolution in Iran sought to overthrow the Mullah's regime of terror but the feckless Obama deserted them, all to preserve the "good will" of Iran's leaders  and Obama's cherished "Iran Deal" giving the upper hand to the Ayatollah's rule at the expense of America's integrity. A powerful symbol of the revolt against the Mullah's reign was the shooting death of young Neda Agha-Soltan, the final result of which is that Neda is dead and the Obama-Iran deal lives on. The Tunnel Dweller

Shahriar Kia  "There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears.  Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears.
"On Wednesday, June 7, Iran was attacked by terrorists in a twin assault that ISIS claimed responsibility for, targeting the parliament and the tomb of the regime's founder.  In contrast to others victimized by terrorism, Tehran actually welcomed this attack and portrays itself as the victim.
"Iran was under intense pressure from an international coalition against its measures in the Middle East and needed an escape route.  Tehran sought to cloak the reality of being the central banker of international terrorism.  The position taken by U.S. president Donald Trump and a recent Senate resolution became impassable hurdles.  To this end, Iran began broadcasting fake news accusing the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Iran's main opposition coalition."
Iran is witnessing the establishment of an international coalition led by Riyadh and backed by Washington against its meddling in the region.  Iran's golden era of Obama's appeasement doctrine has come to an end, and the mullahs will begin paying the price for their atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other countries.

Trump assassination play interrupted by protesters

Its about time for this to happen, however small.

Rick Moran  A protest against the Shakespeare in the Park production of "Julius Caesar," which depicts the assassination of President Trump was interrupted by two protesters who work for the website Rebel Media.  The protest was streamed live on social media.
Laura Loomer was first to hit the stage.  She screamed, "Stop leftist violence" before being drowned out by booing members of the audience.  She was hustled offstage.  The New York Post reports that she was arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing.
After Loomer was taken away, Jack Posobiec, also of Rebel Media, who recorded the whole thing, began to shout, "You are all Nazis" before he, too, was dragged off by security people.
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 17, 2017
Notice anything left out by the Post in their reporting on the incident?
As she interrupted the play, fellow blogger and conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec filmed the disturbance while screaming "Goebbels would be proud" at the audience.
Police said the woman was charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing.
The duo apparently staged a protest because they were upset that the classic Shakespeare play depicts a US president similar to Donald Trump as Julius Caesar.
The Post refused to give the real reason for the protest.  The Rebel Media writers weren't upset so much that Trump was being parodied.  They were upset for the obvious reason that Caesar is assassinated.  If they had depicted Trump as Duke Orsino in Twelfth Night, no one would give a hoot. Funny how the Post forgot to mention the proximate cause of the protest.
The transgression against civil society and common decency in depicting the assassination of a sitting president is serious enough to warrant this type of protest.  No one connected with that show can hold their head up after disgracing the American theater with this blatantly un-American, fascist, anti-liberal display of hate for the president.
Goodness knows you can oppose Donald Trump without resorting to wishing for (encouraging?) his death.  This is the sort of propaganda that the notorious anti-Semite Julius Streicher published in his daily newspaper, Der Stürmer.  The anti-Jewish propaganda published by Streicher and the Nazi party encouraged ordinary people to kill Jews.  I fail to see the difference between that and what the Shakespeare in the Park production is trying to accomplish.
The tremendous irony is this: the more the left's hysteria about Trump gets out of control the more likely his re-election.  The vast majority of voters do not see Donald Trump as Hitler, nor do they see him as a threat to American liberty.  And if the Democrats nominate a candidate who expresses the same hatred of Donald Trump shown by their far-left base, the president will win in a landslide.

Friday, June 16, 2017

“Kill List” – Report: James Hodgkinson Carried Republican Assassination List…

The Last Refuge   "The kill list carried by James Hodgkinson included Alabama Representative Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, there may be others yet undisclosed.   UPDATE: Six Names appear on the list.  All members of the House Freedom Caucus."

"James Hodgkinson was a member of Senator Bernie Sanders election campaign and his social media postings represent the customary writing and positioning of the ordinary Sanders supporters.  There is nothing different in any of Hodgkinson’s espousal’s from the visible proclamations of almost all of Bernie voters; that’s the concerning aspect.
The striking thing about Hodgkinson’s facebook page isn’t how crazy it is. The striking thing about it is that his facebook account looks exactly like the facebook page of every other progressive on facebook. Same likes, same hate-groups, same reposted hate articles. Same spiteful comments. There’s nothing unusual about him.
His facebook page is indistinguishable from that of any other progressive.
"Here is the full facebook archive of the “Kill List”shooter:" . . .

Impeach Trump’s Impeachers; "They’re dirty and crooked as hell."

House Resolution 635 pushing for impeachment was sponsored by Congressman Conyers whose wife would be convicted of bribery charges. Congressional co-sponsors included Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jesse Jackson Jr., who was sent to prison for mail fraud, Charlie Rangel, who was found guilty of 11 ethics violations, Bernie Sanders, whose wife is under FBI investigation for the Burlington College fraud and Bob Filner, who was convicted of false imprisonment and battery.
Daniel Greenfield

"The rush to impeach President Trump is on by an opposition party that lacks the votes, evidence or legal basis for such a move. But since when did an illegal left-wing coup need any of those things?
"No Dem has been more honest about the real motive for impeachment than Congressman Ted Lieu.
“ 'We should not give him a chance to govern,” Lieu had declared after Trump had been in office for ten days. And he predicted that, “I do believe that if we win back the House of Representatives, impeachment proceedings will be started.”
"What was the basis for impeaching President Trump after ten days in office? Lieu made it clear that if the Democrats won, they would try to impeach Trump no matter what.
"That’s not how things work in the United States. But the left is running America like a banana republic.
"More recently Lieu had mused that, "A recent poll came out saying that 46 percent of Americans want the president impeached, and certainly members of Congress take notice."
"And what better basis could there be for impeachment than popular Dem support for the move?" . . .
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

Sorry, Dr. Krauthammer: The problem is on the left

Political cartoon U.S. Congress baseball shooting Kathy Griffin Caesar liberal violence

Thomas Lifson  "There are few political commentators who come up to the level of Dr. Charles Krauthammer, but yesterday he managed to say something very intelligent, reasonable, superficially correct, and wrong-headed.  In his appearance on Special Report yesterday, he blamed multiple factors that involve both parties for the horrendous violence enacted on a baseball practice field, turning it from a field of dreams to a field of nightmares.
ROBERTS: "In the middle of all of this, Charles, an editorial in 'The New York Times' which again repeated the much discredited meme that a Sarah Palin ad was responsible for the Gabby Giffords shooting. So even the media is in on this game, too, not just the political sides."
KRAUTHAMMER: "I agree. That editorial this morning repeating that was not only scandalous but unbelievable because that is a 6-year-old story that's been debunked within three days. It turned out it had nothing at all to do with her. The man who did the shooting was a paranoid schizophrenic. I think the problem here is twofold. It's not just a style but it's also the objectives. There's now a style in our politics where the ad hominem is a norm. People ought to fight over policy but once you begin to question the motives, the patriotism of your opponent, you have gone too far. The worst thing, and I think this is overlooked — the two parties, the two ideologies, you might say, speak about the politics in apocalyptic terms. If the other guy wins, it's the end of the republic. If the other guy wins, it's the end of the world. The man who did the shooting yesterday is a man who bought into that quite literally. You can speak about it hyperbolically. When those are stakes, when you say, 'Unless we stop Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, the republic will not survive,' then it justifies anything. That is the language, the ideology, the rationale of terrorists. The fate of the world hangs on this. And it's up to the leadership to say, 'These are policies. This is not the fate of the republic.'". . . 
 "Michelle Malkin nailed it:
Yes, there are extremists on all sides. But the problem is, whether we are talking about political violence against conservatives on campus, beheading rhetoric and imagery from Hollywood liberals that hate conservatives and Donald Trump to just a couple of days ago when you had one of these antifa protesters stabbing a police horse in the neck, an act for America's anti-sharia protests. There's a problem on the left and they need to acknowledge it."

California wants to secede, then bring back racial segregation

"Harvard will hold a separate commencement ceremony for black seniors by their demand this month. Cal State schools now allow dorms for black students only. They didn’t actually take down the statue of Robert E. Lee in New Orleans, he came back to life and he’s now Secretary of Education."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

CNN Mislabels Unity Moment Of Prayer At Congressional Baseball Game As “Democrats Praying”

"Members of the Democratic team gather on the field for a prayer before the Congressional Baseball Game
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) June 15, 2017 

 Democratic Staffers Booed Trump At ‘Unity’ Congressional Baseball Game

For Democrats, it's come down to 'Just Get Someone'

If the Democrats can get someone of high standing, anyone, and force that individual to resign or be fired in disgrace—casting a huge negative pall on Trump’s presidency—then the Democrats will consider themselves successful. That’s the end-game here.

Steve Feinstein  "The November 2016 election of Donald Trump has so incensed the liberal mainstream media and the Democratic establishment that they’ve become virtually unhinged emotionally in their zeal to delegitimize and torpedo his presidency. Far from “coming together as one country after a hard-fought election campaign,” the Democrats and their liberal media collaborators have embarked on a nonstop, all-out crusade to destroy the Trump administration, thereby somehow reversing and overturning last November’s election result. That is their objective, make no mistake: Disqualify, reverse, and oust.
"The Democrats’ disqualification vehicle of choice is some vague, unspecified illegal connection that the Trump people had with Russian operatives before the election that enabled the Russians to manipulate the American voting process in a targeted manner to alter the vote, away from Hillary Clinton, and give it to Donald Trump." . . .
For the Democrats, the goal is get someone. Anyone. Call for endless panels, hearings and investigations. Hold press conferences. Show off for the cameras. Ignite the passions of the hosts at CNN and MSNBC. Provide humorous fodder for the "Daily Show," "Saturday Night Live," and Stephen Colbert at the Republicans’ expense. Try to make Trump and his administration look like buffoonish lying thieves and use the overwhelmingly liberal media to influence the 20%-undecideds.