Tuesday, August 8, 2017

McMaster: The Ultimate Holdover

Sadly, in view of McMaster's role leading tanks against the Iraqi Republican Guard in the greatest tank battle since WW2 during the Gulf War.

The American Spectator  "Why President Trump needs to fire his national security advisor."

"Many in the conservative media are urging President Trump to fire his national security advisor, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster. McMaster should be fired forthwith, but the reasons being argued are subsidiary to the primary reasons McMaster has to go.
"The debate over McMaster has been framed in terms of his loyalty to Trump. Though loyalty to the president is important, McMaster’s ideology and bad judgment are what make him unfit for the position.
"For eight years the Obama administration relentlessly politicized everything it touched. Those dedicated to Obama’s ideology were embedded in every agency at every level.
"Obama’s failures are numerous and highly damaging to our national security. His State Department produced an awful arms agreement with the Russians, tried desperately to pressure Israel into an untenable peace agreement, and proudly signed Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran.
"Obama’s Defense Department supported the massive spending cuts Obama engineered. Those cuts are the source of the readiness crisis we now face which, for example, leave about 70% of Marine Corps F-18s unfit to fly combat missions. Moreover, the Pentagon never took a stand against Obama’s Iran deal or his dangerous Russian strategic weapons deal.
"The Pentagon failed to alert American forces on the anniversaries of 9/11 (on one of which the Benghazi attacks occurred) and dedicated itself to fighting climate change and social experimentation such as admitting women to special forces and welcoming transgendered people. The army secretary ordered commanders to compromise readiness in favor of lactation needs of serving soldiers." . . .  Also this: McMaster Worked at Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal

American Populism Has Left the Left Behind

From Occupy Wall Street to President Trump — it squandered its huge opportunity.   "Ironically, the acting-up of Occupy Wall Street led to Donald Trump’s presidency. At a moment ripe for populist anger, the left, aided by mainstream media, turned it instead into an elitist temper tantrum. As a result, Middle Americans saw how little they resembled the left and went decisively in the opposite direction.

"The left has never had it easy in America. Prosperity aplenty rarely let leftist movements crawl far from the cradle. The Financial Crisis therefore held special promise. Its particulars seemed to be the seeds for which the left had so often longed.
. . . 

"Billed as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, it was even better political fodder. Unlike the Great Depression, which affected the entire population because it was based in the monetary system, the Financial Crisis seemed to have winners and losers cast by Frank Capra. There were bailouts to the malefactors — those “too big to fail” — while those on Main Street — “too small to save” — paid. For the left, the Financial Crisis offered unparalleled promise as It’s a Wonderful Crisis.

"On September 17, 2011, almost four years after the financial crisis began, the left responded. Occupy Wall Street seized Zuccotti Park in New York City… and the mainstream media. While Occupy Wall Street held the park for two months, it still has not relinquished its hold on mainstream media." . . .

"Google Fires Author of Divisive Memo on Gender Differences."

Image result for google cartoons


"Bloomberg reports. 
Earlier on Monday, Google CEO Sundar Pichai sent a note to employees that said portions of the memo “violate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace.”...  A Google representative, asked about the dismissal, referred to Pichai’s memo.

[James] Damore’s 10-page memorandum accused Google of silencing conservative political opinions and argued that biological differences play a role in the shortage of women in tech and leadership positions. It circulated widely inside the company and became public over the weekend, causing a furor that amplified the pressure on Google executives to take a more definitive stand.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Dershowitz: Being Black Doesn't Give You a License to Call People Racist

Image result for maxine waters caricatures
Fox News Insider  "Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz had some strong words for Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who accused him of being a racist.
"Being black doesn't give you a license to call people racist any more than being Jewish gives you a license to call people anti-Semitic," the lifelong Democrat told host Abby Huntsman.
"Last week, Special Counsel Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury for the investigation into the Trump campaign's relationship with Russia.
"Dershowitz noted that moving the grand jury from Virginia to District of Columbia was good for those who oppose the president.
" '[Washington] has an ethnic and racial composition that would be somewhat less favorable to Donald Trump," Derhsowtiz said.
"Congresswoman Waters attacked Dershowitz over his statement, calling it "absolutely racist."
" 'We will not stand for it," she said on MSNBC.
" 'Race matters," Dershowitz pushed back. "She ought to be ashamed of herself."
" 'Any experienced lawyer understands that both prosecutors and defense attorneys look at factors like ethnicity, race, political affiliation when they decide what venue is best for their case," he stated.
" 'Race and ethnicity is part of everyone's life experience, and Maxine Waters more than anyone ought to know that," he concluded."

Now Democrats will intensify their hatred for  this administration.

Weasel Zippers    Via Washington Examiner:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is poised to reverse the Obama administration’s policy and return to a competitive bidding process to award Section 8 housing, according to a well-placed source in the department.
The move would overturn the Obama-era methodology of using a grant-style process that was rebuked by administrators and ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court.
The HUD official said many of the steps necessary to change back to the competitive procurement method are being taken now, but didn’t want to comment on when the announcement from the department might happen for fear of tainting the bidding process.
Supporters of the competitive bidding procurement process say the net result will increase efficiency in the program and save taxpayer money. And Republican lawmakers that have been critical of HUD’s actions in the past are applauding the change in course as well.
“When dealing with performance-based Section 8 contract administrators, it’s clear that full and open competition is the way to get the best value for the taxpayer,” said Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla. “As Chairman of the Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, I have repeatedly insisted both publicly and privately that HUD follow Congressional intent, the GAO, and the Supreme Court.”

Star chamber* justice condemns Eric Bolling of Fox News without a trial

Peter Barry Chowka

"A system of sorts has been perfected to destroy the most effective conservative spokesmen on the Fox News Channel, and it operated with stunning efficiency over the last few days.  A marginal writer with a documented background as a high level political operative and fundraiser in left wing Democrat politics published an unsourced article at a far left Web site, HuffPost (formerly theHuffington Post). The article claimed that multiple anonymous sources supposedly confirmed to the writer that “several years ago” prominent Fox News channel (FNC) host and anchor Eric Bolling – who happens to be a strong supporter of President Donald Trump – texted a graphic, lewd photo of male genitalia to two or three of his FNC female colleagues." . . .

"The scribe responsible for the damaging article on Bolling uses the byline Yashar Ali. According to an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer in 2016, his full name is Yashar Ali Hedayat. After a short career doing work behind the camera in Hollywood, Ali Hedayat – reportedly from a wealthy background in Illinois, according to the Plain Dealer – started working as a Democrat political operative. According to several mainstream sources, he reportedly raised between $100,000 and $150,000 for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign. As an individual in recent years, the Federal Election Commission reports “Yashar Hedayat” contributed tens of thousands of dollars to Democrat political campaigns." . . .

. . . "This is pretty much the status quo now: A writer who hardly anyone had heard of publishes a 900 word article in a left wing website relying on exclusively anonymous sources alleging someone of prominence texted one lewd photo to two or three female colleagues several years ago. The details are scanty and the corroboration non-existent. And without a shred of evidence, that targeted individual is immediately taken off the air, has his name expunged from his company’s website, is smeared if not libeled in thousands of news articles including in foreign media, and is left to languish while a Democrat-dominated law firm “investigates” the “charges” against him – which will determine the accused’s fate." . . .

*Star Chamber: A former court of inquisitorial and criminal jurisdiction in England that sat without a jury and that became noted for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments, abolished 1641. Any tribunal, committee, or the like, which proceeds by arbitrary or unfair methods.

The Last White Democrat President

Frontpage Mag

"Bill Clinton was almost certainly the last Southern Democrat to sit in the White House. Obama took Arkansas from a Democrat trifecta to a Republican trifecta. Trump beat Hillary on her husband’s home turf by 60% to 33%. But Bill may also be the last white Democrat to make it to the White House.
"Democrats have three choices in 2020.
"They can try running a white New England leftist like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren who will appeal to the white college leftist base, they can take a shot at a minority progressive like Deval Patrick or Cory Booker who will bring out the minority vote and the progressives, or they can take a gamble on a general candidate who might still appeal to working class white voters like Joe Biden.
"Obama’s people are pushing Patrick. Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Ethel Gumm, gushes that Patrick is what “my heart desires.” He’s also what the demographic transformation of the Democrats requires." . . .

The Slow-Motion Coup d’Etat picks up steam

Legal Insurrection

Leak of full transcripts of presidential conversations with foreign leaders a milestone in effort to paralyze the Trump administration.

"Since the election there has been an unprecedented attempt to unwind the election result. Events have accelerated on several fronts lately with attempts from outside and within to paralyze the Trump administration.

"What started as a collective media freakout on Election Night 2016 quickly progressed to an unprecedented attempt to intimidate Electors into changing their votes. Some Democrats announced, even before Trump took office, plans to impeach him, and Democrat politicians fed media-driven Russia collusion conspiracy theories for which they knew there was no evidence.

"Chuck Schumer, for example, used the alleged fact of Donald Trump being under FBI investigation as an argument against confirming Neal Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, even though Schumer (but not the public) knew from intelligence briefings that Trump was not personally under investigation.

"All the while, the permanent bureaucracy, particularly in the intelligence community, started an unending and almost daily series of leaks meant to paralyze the administration." . . .

On the cultural front: tattoos and booty-shaking

Thinking About a Tattoo? Think Again

"Even worse than the continuing existence of rap music, the most depressing development of the past decade is the widespread adoption of that mark of sailors and hookers, the tattoo. I realize it's a generational thing, and I really don't care much about what men do to themselves, but nothing defaces a woman's body more than a barbed-wire biceps bracelet, a tramp stamp, or a snake slithering up her leg. Both my daughters were informed when they were young that a tattoo meant instant disinheritance, and neither ever went near a tattoo parlor.
"Now there's another reason to stay away from ink: your health." . . .
I don't watch sports on television -- I don't watch any television, in fact -- so I've been spared the sight of NBA players who look like they should be on a chain gang instead of shooting hoops. But girls in the summer dresses who look like they just got out of prison -- no thanks.

Michael Walsh

Stop Letting Your Preschool Girl Shake Her Booty in Front of My Son
We always talk about the over-sexualization of little girls in terms of being the parents of a little girl. But, as the mother of a little boy, I can’t agree enough that forcing little girls to be women before their time has to stop.

. . . "We are all affected if any of our children are implicitly or explicitly devalued, or valued for their physicality rather than their unique, amazing selves. At age 4 or 5, a kid is learning the norms of their community.
"She couldn’t be more correct. Whether I like it or not, my son is learning how women work from your daughter’s behavior. Please, don’t let him learn how to admire, respect, and love women for the wrong reasons. And don’t dare accuse my son of not respecting women if you can’t even respect your little girls."

Illinois Liberals Get Holiday to Celebrate Their Messiah - Barack Obama

Celebrating the man who tore this nation apart; racially, culturally, 
and socially. The man who alienated America's allies, bowing 
and apologizing before our enemies, making the United States
 a laughingstock before the world; the same Barack Obama 
who turned his back on the Iranian people who wanted 
to be free of the murderous mullahs, solely to help him with his "Iran deal".
This man was ashamed of our nation and showed it in every way he could.

Todd Starnes  "Liberals across the state of Illinois now have 
a holiday to honor the birth of their Lord and Savior -- 
President Barack Obama. 
"Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law legislation that would designate 
August 4th as "Barack Obama Day."

"NBC News Chicago reports the holiday will be "observed throughout 
the State as a day set apart to honor the 44th President of the United 
States of America who began his career serving the People of Illinois in
both the Illinois State Senate and the United States Senate, and dedicated 
his life to protecting the rights of Americans and building bridges across
communities," Senate Bill 55 reads. 
"There is a similar holiday honoring President Ronald Reagan. 
"However, Democrats were hoping for a much grander celebration for the 
man once called "Chicago Jesus."
"They wanted a holiday on par with the one commemorating the birth of 
Christ. They wanted schools to close and government offices to shut down. 
"It's incredibly proud for Illinois that the president came from Illinois. I think 
it's awesome, and I think we should celebrate it," the Republican governor
told NBC in February. "I don't think it should be a formal holiday with paid,
forced time off, but I think it should be a day of acknowledgment and 
"Lawmakers subsequently rejected attempts to close schools and state
offices on Barack Obama Day -- pointing out schools are not closed on 
Reagan's holiday. 
"The first Obama holiday is scheduled to be celebrated in 2018."

Sunday, August 6, 2017

American Silliness, 8/6/2017

With citizens like these, where in this world will we find people who can respect this nation and it's voters? These are people who worship Barack Obama and adore national leaders such as Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters and the ladies of "The View", along with their applauding sycophants. TD

OK, this is Australia. Do you think American feminists are more mature? Cafe charges 18% 'man tax' to make customers think about gender pay disparity    "The feminist owner of a vegan cafe in Melbourne, Australia is charging men an 18% "man tax" to get her customers thinking about the unfair treatment of women.
"Women also receive priority seating over men."
There is a gender pay gap, the question is why? As for studies to back your argument, take your pick. The one factor that seems to jump out of every study that contributes most to the pay gap is motherhood. A large percentage of women who have babies leave the work force for 6 months to two years. Many of them get off the fast track to advancement and promotions - far more than men who have children.
 Google roiled by samizdat critique of diversity policy
. . . "Shhh...nobody tell Google that Chavez opposed illegal immigration because it depressed farmworker wages. That might be awkward when it comes to H1-B visas." . . .

Any Democrats out there with the courage to call out Rep. Waters?
. . . "The answer is that the modern Democratic Party is no longer a serious organization.  It tolerates people like Rep. Waters because they are afraid of challenging a loudmouth who will respond by calling everybody a racist for questioning her remarks.  And to make matters worse, MSNBC will give her a segment to do it!"

Image result for democrat three stooges pictures

California State System Will No Longer Force Students To Know English And Math To Graduate  "California paves the road to the dumbing down of America."

'Social justice warriors' are ruining engineering, prof warns

“Instead of calculating engine horsepower or microchip power/size ratios or aerodynamic lift and drag, the engineering educationists focus on group representation, hurt feelings, and ‘microaggressions’ in the profession,”  . . .

Remember when people risked their lives to oppose segregation in the South? Well it once again rears its ugly head:
NC State admin proposes exclusive housing for 'women of color'
"Whittenburg did not respond to a request for comment on her proposal to to create another racially segregated dorm option from Campus Reform."  

But at least George Wallace recanted his racist views. That seems unlikely in the case of the anti-white fad of today.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Race and gender bean-counting studies will ruin your entertainment

The College Fix     "You’re not allowed to have fun anymore.
And you won’t if our well-meaning social justice gatekeepers have anything to say about it.
"It’s bad enough already that major outfits like Marvel and DC Comics have succumbed to the social justice warrior whims of their (allegedly) enlightened creative staffs; soon music labels and film studios may be following suit.
"A new study from the University of Sydney Business School “describes a music scene in which male voices dominate radio playlists, festival line-ups, industry awards, peak bodies and major industry boards.”
"Rae Cooper and her associates claim to have identified “chronic gender inequality” in the music business, an industry which typically generates around four to six billion dollars annually.
“ 'The industry need[s] to recognise it has a problem and that women’s voices really are white noise,” Cooper says.
"But now the “oh brother” part:"  . . .