Saturday, August 19, 2017

Limbaugh: ‘We Are on the CUSP of a Second CIVIL WAR’

Socio-Political Commentary...

 "Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of"

America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from outside America, in addition to inside.
I’m thinking of people like George Soros and any other number of international financiers whose objective it is to take the United States out and down as a superpower, to literally erase the United States as a powerful or super powerful nation.
Now, folks, in order to defend America, which I believe is incumbent upon all of us, in order to defend America, you have to begin knowing our history. If you’re gonna defend the United States of America, you have to know our history. You have to know the purpose of the United States of America. You have to know unequivocally and proudly the United States’ place in history. And that is why erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the left to succeed.
None of this that is happening on the left is random. None of the riots, none of the protests. They are not the result of the left being offended by individual acts. Antifa didn’t show up in Charlottesville because they found out something was going to happen that offended them. They showed up in Charlottesville to create mayhem and cause hell. They showed up in Ferguson, Missouri, to do the same thing.
They showed up in Baltimore to do the same thing — and wherever they show up today and tomorrow and next week, it’s by design, on purpose, has an objective and an agenda. And that agenda is to erase American history. That agenda is to distort, erase, and impugn our history. It is crucial if they are to succeed. Because, you see, if enough Americans can be persuaded that America, as founded, is unjust — if enough Americans can be persuaded that America as founded is inherently racist and immoral and illegitimate — then it will be all that much easier to erase America as founded."

Civil War Breaking Out at Fox News

It is even causing tears among on-air hosts.

Peter Barry Chowka  "An internal civil war is tearing at the fabric of Fox News. The events of the past week have brought the long-simmering conflict closer to the surface. The legitimacy and viability of President Trump are under constant assault in the mainstream media as never before – and that is saying something. Fox News Channel executives, staff, and on air talent are taking sides. The future direction of the right-of-center, fair and balanced Fox News approach to presenting the news may well be in serious doubt."
. . . 
"Most mainstream news organizations are siding with the left-wing narrative and blaming President Trump for his unconventional reaction to the events at Charlottesville. They are also largely absolving the anarchist and Antifa participants of any responsibility for the violence that took place.
"Fox News still has its defenders of Trump. But they are increasingly being outnumbered by other hosts, contributors, and guests on the channel. Newsweek, an anti-Trump publication, put it this way in its August 17 story “Fox News Can’t Stop Literally Crying About Donald Trump’s Worst Week Yet:' ”
"On Thursday, August 17, during a live discussion of the Charlottesville rally five days earlier, Fox News anchor and host Melissa Francis, according to Newsweek, was having a hard time:"

“ 'I am so uncomfortable having this conversation,” Francis said, bursting into tears. “I know what’s in my heart, and I know that I don’t think anyone is different, better or worse based on the color of their skin. But I feel like there is nothing any of us can say right now without being judged.' ”

"The tears arrived after Francis’s fellow anchors, Juan Williams and Marie Harf [Harf is in fact a contributor, not an anchor], both rejected her support for the president’s statements[.] . . Francis was then comforted by Harris Faulkner, a black female anchor for the network’s show Outnumbered, who said “there have been a lot of tears on our network, and across the country and around the world.' ”
However, with the growing influence on Fox News of the liberal Murdoch Boys, and their equally left-leaning wives, it is unclear how long the new execs at 21st Century Fox will tolerate Hannity – and Tucker Carlson – in prime time. If President Trump’s popularity continues to decline and if the Deep State’s moves to impeach the president succeed in gaining momentum, all bets are off.

Dems rallying to support Missouri state senator who tweeted ‘I hope Trump is assassinated’

Thomas Lifson  "I think that it is time that we had a national conversation on political violence and its advocacy, and I thank the Democrats of Missouri for giving us that opportunity. 
"You may already know about Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who tweeted, “I hope Trump is assassinated.”
"She quickly deleted it, but there were already screen grabs:
In another exchange of venom, she tweets this to the state governor, but language advisory!
You don't know shit bc you never communicate. FUCK you, Governor!
The silliness of our culture is made manifest in the leaders we choose, TD
"She even has an online group of supporters, “I stand with Maria,” complete with logo and charming picture."
. . . "We have a procedure for handling accused miscreant lawmakers, and it is called impeachment. If Senator Chappelle-Nadal stands firm, the constitutional process of the Great State of Missouri can unfold beforem our eyes in all its majesty and gravity.   She will stand trial and have a chance to defend herself, as her suppoprters surely would prefer.  The Missouri State Senate can justify the title of “deliberative body” if it openly considers the legitimacy of her expression and goes on the record as to what it will tolerate. It could be quite illuminating for the nation for Democrats and Republicans to take a position on their standards for impeachment."

Friday, August 18, 2017

Mr. Mueller takes little Chuckie fishing


Alt-Right's Despicability Doesn't Make 'Antifa' the Good Guys

Jonah Goldberg   "Fighting Nazis is a good thing, but fighting Nazis doesn't necessarily make you or your cause good. By my lights this is simply an obvious fact. 

"The greatest Nazi-killer of the 20th century was Josef Stalin. He also killed millions of his own people and terrorized, oppressed, enslaved or brutalized tens of millions more. The fact that he killed Nazis during WWII (out of self-preservation, not principle) doesn't dilute his evil one bit. 

"This should settle the issue as far as I'm concerned. Nazism was evil. Soviet communism was evil. It's fine to believe that Nazism was more evil than communism. That doesn't make communism good. 

"Alas, it doesn't settle the issue. Confusion on this point poisoned politics in America and abroad for generations.

" Part of the problem is psychological. There's a natural tendency to think that when people, or movements, hate each other, it must be because they're opposites. This assumption overlooks the fact that many -- indeed, most -- of the great conflicts and hatreds in human history are derived from what Sigmund Freud called the "narcissism of minor differences." . . .

Was Charlottesville a False Flag?

"The misreporting of the Charlottesville riot. . . "For example, CNN’s Jim Acosta said: “We saw the president’s true colors today, and I’m not sure they were red, white and blue.” This miscasting has been used to demand that conservatives like Bannon, Miller and Gorka be expelled from the White House."
Bob Bennett

Was Charlottesville a False Flag?

"Was the unrest in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, August 12th a riot by white supremacists, as the Media has labeled it, or something even more sinister? Was it a false-flag attack orchestrated by the Left and Democrats to permanently damage the president and compel Americans to view everything through the lens of racism?
"How the Media purposefully misreported the incident
"In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, the ever-Trump-unfriendly media has focused on the president’s failure to immediately call out those protesting the Robert E. Lee statue’s removal, many—but not all—of whom were white nationalists and neo-Nazis. On the day of the incident, he said, “‘We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides,’ quoted the Los Angeles Times, “then, looking into the camera, he repeated, ‘On many sides.’”
"After a storm of criticism for not calling out the Klan, et al., the next day the White House issued a statement saying “of course” the president had included in his condemnation “white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups,” and that he “called for national unity and bringing all Americans together.” But the press continued to rip him for, as the LA Times put it, “not denouncing the far-right groups that initiated the violence, and the man who drove into a crowd of counter-protesters that left Heather Heyer dead.' ” . . .
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

President Trump was right, where do we draw the line?

BREAKING! They're About To Take Down George Washington!!!   The slippery slope.
"James E. Dukes, a black pastor in Chicago has written a letter to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, demanding to remove the names of George Washington and Andrew Jackson from parks on the southeast side of city. " . . .

. . . "Chicago will not be a place that embraces racism, slavery and its treacherous tentacles. But rather, Chicago will be a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow for all its’ residents."
. . . 
"Dukes even suggested to delete Andrew Jackson's name from parks and replace it with prominent black leaders such as Jessie Jackson.

"President Trump was right, where do we draw the line? " . . .

Destroying monuments: the latest cultural fad. Albeit destructive

The real question, as Trump said, is this: how does removal of statues help blacks get jobs?  How does it help blacks in badly run cities like Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis, Cleveland, etc., all run by Democrats for years, and all with high crime rates, live in safety?Democrats do not want to debate these questions because of their complicity in slavery and their responsibility for today's poorly run cities.  They prefer the easy way to remove statues. 


American Thinker contributors were a treasure trove of wisdom today:

Why remove statues of Confederate soldiers?  "A rational person looking at the status of blacks in the United States would note the great strides made since the Civil Rights Movement, starting with the integration of the Armed Forces by President Truman.  We have laws banning discrimination in employment, housing, education, and other areas.  We have laws and court cases mandating preferences for blacks.  To be called a "racist" today is the ultimate sin and charge, especially for politicians.

"But even though the black unemployment rate is high, the burning issue now is not jobs for blacks or safety in cities like Chicago, but whether we should remove statues of Confederate soldiers from public areas.  Being a resident of a Northern city with no Confederate statues, I never gave this issue much thought.
"If I were black and saw a statue of a Confederate soldier, I would question honoring soldiers who fought for the states in rebellion against the Union over the issue of slavery.  But I would be more concerned with living in a safe area and having a good job or business to support my family.
"The answer is that we honor soldiers and warriors for their bravery, not their politics.  The soldiers did not make the policies that allowed slavery.  The politicians were the ones who allowed slavery to exist until the Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment.  And most of the politicians who allowed the evil of slavery to persist were members of the Democratic Party.  The Democrats ruled the Southern states that permitted slavery and ruled the Southern states after the Civil War that permitted segregation and discrimination against blacks.  The Republican Party was formed in 1856 as the anti-slavery party that elected Lincoln in 1860, which caused some states to secede.  The 13th and 14th Amendments were passed by a Republican Congress."  . . .  

Monuments down, cash very low  . . . "Second, the Democrats have chosen two issues that most Americans don't support, i.e. sanctuary cities and bringing down monuments."

Sore Fist 600 LI

America's Racial History in Context  . . . "The white supremacists are rejected by the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, colleges, universities, public schools, and the people, so how did 50 nut cases capture the attention of the entire nation?

"First, extreme leftists went to the rally with sticks, bats, and the hope of having a violent confrontation. They were not disappointed."  . . . 
"Our Founders created a nation. The Confederacy would have divided it. These have two very different places in American history, but history is still history, the good, the bad and the ugly. It should be remembered and studied lest we repeat it.
"The white supremacists and far left seem to want just that -- to repeat history and fight the Civil War again. We must not give them what they want."

Thanks to Democrats for making us aware of our victimhood

How can we visualize the American nation ever rising to the level of greatness as when we stood (at last!) alongside Great Britain and Churchill in WW2, or when we loved the American Union enough to pour out our nation's blood to preserve it?

Of course, nobody can forget the First Victim who proudly proclaims her victimization at every podium:   

Michelle Obama’s Tales of Racialized Victimhood   . . . "To show how she’s down with The Struggle of post-Ferguson agitators, Mrs. Obama cited a supposedly horrifying incident at a Target store where she was treated, in her paranoid mind, as a subservient. “Even as the first lady,” she bemoaned, “not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf.” 

"A lowly peon asked her for an innocent favor? It’s Jim Crow all over again! ABC News reports that Mrs. Obama said such “incidents are ‘the regular course of life’ for African-Americans and a ‘challenge’ for the country to overcome.” 

"News flash: Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe that it is part of the “regular course of life” of tall people of all colors (Mrs. Obama is 5-foot-11) to be prevailed upon to reach high on behalf of those of us who are vertically challenged. These are not odious “incidents” of racism between slaves and masters. They’re matters of common courtesy between equals." . . .

The party of victims  . . . "Here's what [Romney] should have said: "The Democratic Party has become the party of victims. It is the party of those who stoke the embers of their own victimhood. It is a party that needs victims, even creating new ones when the old ones are no longer victims, and making victims of those who clearly are not."

"That's just an opinion, but an opinion is only as strong as the facts that back it up. And here are 10 examples that back it up:" . . .

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Nazis and the left wing

William L. Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich claimed that Hitler did not take the label "socialist" too seriously. All that aside:

Tom Trinko  "The normal political spectrum used by liberals and the MSM runs from Nazis on the right to communists on the left.

"That is, it runs from a Jewish-hating totalitarian socialist philosophy on the right to a Jewish-hating totalitarian socialist philosophy on the left.

"Clearly, that's insane, since the extremes are identical.  But it serves the purposes of liberals because it disguises the fascist nature of liberal positions.  It also allows liberals to hang the shame of Nazism over conservatives, who all oppose the big-government philosophy of Nazism as well as Nazis' hatred of Jews.
"A more rational way to describe governmental concepts would be a spectrum that runs from no government to total government or from complete freedom to complete servitude.
"Interestingly, both of those metrics produce the same extremes.
"Anarchy would be the far right providing complete freedom: you can kill and rape to your heart's content, with a complete lack of government.  It is anarchy, after all.
"Libertarianism would be the moderate right, since libertarians have some government and do oppose murder and rape.
"In the center would be representative republics, as described in the U.S. Constitution, where people's rights don't come from the government but where the government has authority over areas of common interest such as trade, human rights, and foreign policy.
"To the left would be liberals' view for America, where the government is still elected, but real power resides in judges and the unelected bureaucrats, and rights come from the ruling class and can be changed depending on what they think.
"White nationalists would be on the moderate left, since they want a powerful central government to punish all non-whites.  Their government would also be left-wing because it would have the power to prevent non-racists from freely associating with the people the white nationalists hate.
"Communism and Nazism would be at the far left, providing no freedom.  You do what the party says or else, and the government controls every aspect of life.
"In this more rational political spectrum, it's clear that liberals are the ones who need to apologize for white nationalists and Nazis, not conservatives."
You can read more of Tom's rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious, and feel free to follow him on Twitter.

Gettysburg Park Officials: Confederate Monuments Here To Stay

Weasel Zippers

"Thankfully, at least Gettysburg and the National Park Service has sense and understands the importance of history.
HANOVER, Pa. — Despite national discourse on the appropriateness of Confederate monuments, the ones in Gettysburg are not going anywhere, according to park officials.
The movement to take down monuments honoring figures from the Confederacy came to a boil on Saturday when three people died in Charlottesville, Va., during a white supremacist rally to protest plans to remove a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee.
A man plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters with his car, killing a woman and injuring 19 other people. Two state troopers died when their helicopter crashed as they were monitoring events.
Debates like the one in Charlottesville are not expected to come to the Gettysburg battlefield.
Keep reading…
Gettysburg Photo Album Panoramas; Pickett's Charge

Do not expect Obama to defend American History

Image result for confederate memorials at gettysburg
Virginia Confederate Monuments at Gettysburg

About deleting history

If we remove hateful symbols, we become historical revisionists like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, China during its Cultural Revolution, and the Islamic State.  We become destined to repeat the sins of the past, because we deprived ourselves of the ability to remember them.  Steve Postal*

A Story About Deleting History  "My guess is that most of the people bringing down monuments are caught up in a rage and have not thought through just exactly what they are doing.   
"After all, why would anyone bring down a statue that honors the Confederate soldier as just happened in Durham, North Carolina?   
"We can disagree about the war, but can't we honor the men who were drafted or volunteered to fight?  Isn't that what The Vietnam Memorial is about?     
"Speaking of deleting history, Cubans have a lot of experience on the topic. The entire story of Castro's Cuba has been one chapter after another about the elimination of names, photos, or even monuments.     
"Let me tell you the story of Carlos Franqui, who passed away in 2010:
. . . 
"Franqui could not take it anymore. He eventually parted ways when Fidel Castro was forced to support the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia to maintain his annual subsidy. So Franqui managed to get out and spent the rest of his life as an enemy of the regime.
"And then Franqui was deleted from Cuban history and photos. His image was erased in various photos with Castro, as we can see in this example. First, there is Franqui in the back and then there is no Franqui in the photo.
"His role in the "revolution" was deleted and there was no more Carlos Franqui as far as the regime was concerned.  
"And that's what happens when you delete history. You deny future generations the whole story."Silvio Canto, Jr.

*Those who try to erase history  . . . "In August 2015, ISIS destroyed the Temple of Baalshamin (Ba’al, for short) in Palmyra, Syria.  From ISIS’ perspective, the Temple was a pagan symbol of hate and an affront to Islam.  The Temple dates back over 2,000 years, dedicated to the Canaanite god Ba’al.

"If anything, it would have been more fitting if the Jews, not ISIS, decided the Temple of Ba’al’s fate.  Well before the advent of Islam, Canaanites were archenemies of the Hebrews.  But if the Temple of Ba’al still stood today, the Jews would likely have favored its preservation, much like they painstakingly excavate Canaanite artifacts and structures across Israel (see here here here andhere for some examples).  The Temple of Ba’al was a priceless and unique window into the past, a glimpse into the early influences on Western civilization.  Now the world can’t see it.  ISIS took that possibility away from us." . . .