Tuesday, August 22, 2017

USA Today Runs By The Fake News Story Playbook

Weasel Zippers

"The industry standard.
You’ve heard it out there. You know the story already. USA Today “broke” it in a huge scoop on Monday: “Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump’s frequent travel, large family.”
That’s yuuuge. Trump is bankrupting America! America, d*mn it!
“The Secret Service,” the explosive lead said, “can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission — in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump’s family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.”
The “scoop” came from Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles, who in his interview with USA Today said that “more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.”
“The president has a large family, and our responsibility is required in law,” Mr. Alles said. “I can’t change that. I have no flexibility.”
Under former President Barack Obama, 31 people were protected by the Secret Service. Under Trump the number rose to 42, including 18 family members. Shocking.
CNN got all wee-weed up with the “exclusive”: “Secret Service can’t pay agents for Trump and his family, report says.” Lots of other mainstream media outlets followed the salacious story — Trump and his family are bankrupting America!
But it turns out the whole story was just plain old fake news.
Mr. Alles, in clarification to USA Today’s breathless report, later said that funding for roughly 1,100 agents working overtime in 2017 is not an issue “that can be attributed to the current administration’s protection requirements alone, but rather has been an ongoing issue for nearly a decade due to an overall increase in operational tempo.”
So, wait, it’s NOT Trump? It’s been happening for “nearly a decade” — so, uh, starting in, oh, say, 2009, 2010? When Barack Obama was president.
But Mr. Alles went on. It’s not at all what USA Today reported. “The Secret Service has the funding it needs to meet all current mission requirements for the remainder of the fiscal year and compensate employees for overtime within statutory pay caps,” the USSS director said in the later statement. “The Secret Service estimates that roughly 1,100 employees will work overtime hours in excess of statutory pay caps during calendar year 2017. Our agency experienced a similar situation in calendar year 2016 that resulted in legislation that allowed Secret Service employees to exceed statutory caps on pay.”

Report: ESPN Removes Asian Announcer Robert Lee From Announcing UVa Game

Weasel Zippers  " Washington Times is reporting this, it seems to be coming ultimately from anonymous sources. But it’s so like ESPN, it’s completely consistent.
Apparently, even being Asian doesn’t mean people won’t take you for being a white nationalist.
According to the popular college-football blog Outkick the Coverage, ESPN pulled an Asian announcer from calling a University of Virginia football game. The announcer’s name is Robert Lee.
“Did I mention that Robert Lee is Asian?” blogger Clay Travis asked rhetorically in a post that poured scorn over the popular sports network for political correctness, calling it “MSESPN.”
Citing “multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN,” Mr. Travis said Mr. Lee was pulled from the Cavaliers Sept. 2 game in Charlottesville against William and Mary “because they were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers.”
The fatal violence in Charlottesville earlier this month grew out of a white-nationalist and neo-Nazi march in favor of keeping up a statue of Robert E. Lee — “the Confederate General who died in 1870 and shares a name with” the ESPN announcer, Mr. Travis helpfully explained.

Announcer Named Robert Lee Off UVa Game To Avoid Offending Idiots

Low on funds again but knee-deep in KKK history

Silvio Canto, Jr.    "Simply put, what happens when you focus the country on the segregated past?  The answer is that we are reminded that a generation ago, it was the Democrats with a KKK membership on their résumés.
"Charles Hurt makes this point in his latest post:  
Remind me, again, who was behind all the "violent bigotry" of the Civil War? Oh, yeah, it was Democrats. And who was behind all the vestiges of it over the last century? Democrats.
Mrs. Pelosi knows this, of course, because she worked shoulder-to-shoulder for 23 years beside a retired member of the Ku Klux Klan.
That would, of course, be the "great senator" from the "great state" of West Virginia, Robert C. Byrd, a lifelong Democrat.
As the "Exalted Cyclops" of the KKK, Mr. Byrd recruited more than 100 people to join his chapter and warned in a letter against America becoming "degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
"Frankly, I'm willing to forgive and forget the late Senator Byrd and his colleagues who voted against the Civil R'ights Act of 1964 and all other connections between Democrats and segregation.  It's history to me, and it does no one any good to attack people who are dead or, even better, who've been dead for over 100 years.  
"At the same time, it is the Democrats who have chosen to fight this battle.  It seems only fair that we should remind them that most of the people they are taking down are dead Democrats."

Suppose BLM and Antifa Are Just Democratic 'Muscle' like the Old KKK

Christopher Chantrill    . . . "The reason that Donald Trump won the Republican nomination was that he stood up for ordinary Republican voters that liberals routinely name and shame as racists, sexists, and homophobes. That’s why he beat out Ted Cruz (R-TX) and the GOP squishes.
""Ordinary middle-class Republicans know that, at any moment, they could be accused of racism by some SJW at work and lose their job. They are afraid; they want a president who will stand up for them.
The reason Donald Trump won the election was that his economic nationalism appealed to the white working class that is dying of despair, abandoned by the Democrats forty years ago. They want a president who will Make America Great Again.
"Then came Charlottesville, and Donald Trump showed that he had our back. The problem, he said, is both sides. If President Trump does nothing more in his presidency, he has at least declared left and right extremists equivalent." . . .

Monday, August 21, 2017

White girls in Trump gear trigger Howard University students in cafeteria

Rick Moran   "All they wanted was to grab some lunch on their visit to Howard University.  But a couple of young girls on a sightseeing trip to Washington got a lot more than they bargained for when their presence in the cafeteria set off a hysterical reaction.

'Did I mention they were wearing Trump gear?
Right here in Annex white people gettin real bold we don't stand w trump pic.twitter.com/zoit7UpC2h
— Brit (@britnianise) August 19, 2017
Needless to say, that attitude was shared by many who felt "threatened" by the little girls.
Howard is a private institution and I've seen folks removed for campus for less. What did campus police do? This is unacceptable. https://t.co/eeiHuQbmyw
. . . 
Annex cafe security should have stopped them at the door and forcibly removed them from the premises. Campus security should have    — Aphrodite Ina Nighty (@FleurDeLaDay) August 19, 2017
"Howard University cafeteria staff agreed with the snowflakes: . . ."

Suddenly the anti-Israel bunch is against anti-Semitism?

If anti-free speech demonstrators are going to chant 'never again!'...
"Americans are pouring into the streets to demand we put an end to free speech.  And the usual suspects in the media, academia, political class, and entertainment industry are cheering them on and painting them as heroes.
"Much has been written about this in recent days.  I'd like to focus on one thing in particular, which is that many "counter-protesters" chant and carry signs that read: "Never again!"

"Do these fools have any idea what that refers to beyond using it as a slogan to frame themselves as 21st-century heroes rushing in to save the day?
"I'm guessing they don't.
"But if the anti-free speech hysterics are genuine in their newfound passion for "Never again!" (and of course, they're not, so indulge me my sarcasm), they've got their work cut out for them.
"They could start with a laser focus on the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement.  If they go here, they can check out BDS's latest plans and make sure they show up at events to shut them down.' . . .

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Media Shames South Park for Ignoring Trump Jokes

Christian Toto  "South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone won't tar Trump in the show's upcoming season. That made the media very, very angry.
Cartman, Kyle and Kenny, meet Jimmy Fallon.
"The Tonight Show host once treated Donald Trump like a guest on his late night program. Because … that’s what the reality show host was.

"That sent reporters into a tizzy. How dare you normalize Trump, they cried. For weeks the press pounded Fallon for not just that indecency but for the dearth of Trump jokes in his monologues.
"Which is precisely what you see on the majority of late night comedy shows.
"Now, the press is training its guns on Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The duo behind Comedy Central’s long-running South Park incorporated plenty of Trump material in their most recent season.

"That’s partly why they decided to try something different for season 21, coming next month.
"Everyone else is unleashing Trump jokes, Parker and Stone argued. And the President himself is often so over the top it makes satire knottier. So the next batch of South Park episodes will mostly avoid Trump-related humor.
"You might as well whisper, “release the hounds” to the press.

"The Daily Beast attacked first, questioning Parker and Stone for not joining the Trump lynch mob." . . .

Even though this is mostly well-bleeped, language advisory is in order anyway:

Hat tip to Gino Gambino at Moretti Underground

Tapper speaks of how Obama got a free pass from the left

Obama never condemned the violence of the Black Lives Matter movement, even when innocent police officers died at their hands, and the media let him get away with that — even though the clearly racist, anti-white nature of some of its most vocal supporters was evident to anyone who followed the news.
Jake Tapper - Barack Obama
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Tаppеr Goеs Roguе With Unprеcеdеntеd Stаtеmеnt on Obаmа’s Truе Colors  "CNN anchor Jake Tapper recently went rogue and revealed the truth about former President Barack Obama’s true racist colors, and the left isn’t going to like it one bit. In an interview with Rolling Stone discussing the mainstream media, Tapper exposed the bias of major news outlets, explaining how they let Obama get away with telling lies while they criticize everything President Donald Trump says.

“ 'I don’t want to compare President Obama and President Trump on these issues because they’re different and the scale isn’t even remotely the same,” he said. “But President Obama said things that weren’t true and got away with it more for a variety of reasons, and one (reason) is the media was much more supportive of him.”
"Tapper added that when he was critical of Obama’s administration, a lot of people on the left “didn’t like it,” but that they now like how he is critical of Trump.
“ 'The Obama White House thought I was self-righteous and a huge pain in the a**,” he said.
"While many would still agree with that sentiment, Tapper — for once — touched on an important truth about how the liberal media always turned a blind eye to Obama’s failures." . . .
The source: Tapper's interview with Rolling Stone
There's a perception you've become more radical given your decision to call out Trump's falsehoods, but maybe it's just that people are simply more aware of it now.A lot of people on the left didn't like it before, and now they like it. I don't want to compare President Obama and President Trump on these issues because they're different and the scale isn't even remotely the same. But President Obama said things that weren't true and got away with it more for a variety of reasons, and one is the media was much more supportive of him. The Obama White House thought I was self-righteous and a huge pain in the ass. 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

BOOM! Bill Clinton’s Accusers Want His South Dakota Statue Taken Down: “Take a Sledgehammer to It”

The Gateway Pundit  "Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, two women who accused former President Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them are demanding his statue in South Dakota be destroyed.
Juanita Broaddrick was very vocal about her disapproval of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Presidential election. She hasn’t relented and now she is saying she would like to personally use a “sledgehammer” to destroy Bill Clinton’s statue.

"Fox News reports:
Two women who accused former President Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them said it is time for his South Dakota statue to be destroyed.
In the wake of factions calling for the destruction of Confederate statues following violence in Charlottesville, Va., accusers Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey see Clinton as just as oppressive.
Broaddrick, 74, told the American Mirror that Clinton’s statue in Rapid City is a symbol of an “abhorrent and morally deficient” president.
She said Clinton raped her inside a Little Rock, Ark. hotel in 1978.

And Yet President Trump, in His Classically Inartful Way, Was Absolutely Right

Donald Trump an anti-Semite? Really? His daughter Ivanka is an Orthodox Jew. She observes the Sabbath on Friday night and Saturday, maintains a kosher home, apparently does not even take phone calls on the Jewish Sabbath. . .
American Spectator
Watch him say what he said, not what others said he said.
"I just did something fascinating. I just watched the President’s entire 14-minute impromptu news conference at Trump Tower on Monday that sparked all the latest barrage of anti-Trump screeds from the left media that will criticize him every day, no matter what he does, augmented by the “Never Trump” Republicans and neo-conservatives who will not rest until they can re-conquer the political party they lost because of three terms of two failed Bush presidencies, followed by the two failed Presidential candidacies of Sen. John McCain and of Gov. Mitt Romney.

"Not the reportage about the conference, but the entire 14 minutes unedited, uninterrupted. I found myself agreeing with his every word. I did not find his tone or demeanor “unpresidential” in the least. He sharply and explicitly condemned the Nazis and White Supremacists unequivocally. He also condemned the extreme leftists who premeditatedly came armed with weapons to smash up a demonstration that, rightly or wrongly, had been granted a legal permit. (I personally wish that ACLU liberals were not so proactive in advancing the right of Nazis to get permits to rally at public venues, but the demonstration had a permit. Meanwhile, the Antifa Alt-Left thugs came with flame-throwers, bats, and shields, and they came to fight.) All the while, the police did nothing for much too long. Chaos and violence ensued."

Confederate Civil War re-enactors pepper sprayed during North Carolina parade

Legal Insurrection


"The scorched-history tactics of American press and progressive social justice warriors, which were in full display this past week, may have inspired the pepper-spraying of of Confederate re-enactors who were marching in a North Carolina parade.
Police arrested a man after Confederate veteran re-enactors were pepper sprayed during the 2017 Soldiers Reunion parade in Newton on Thursday.
Two victims were treated at the scene for pepper spray exposure and released, Newton police said.
Police arrested Karl Smith, 56, of Morganton and charged him with two counts of misdemeanor assault. He was released by a magistrate on a written promise to appear in court.
"The group of re-enactors regularly appears in the annual parade.
According to a police report, Smith sprayed the re-enactors when they stopped to fire their weapons.
Two parade participants notified officials around 5.30pm about Smith’s actions.
Police seized a small canister of pepper spray and a loaded .38-caliber revolver for which Smith had a valid concealed-weapon permit.
"It appears that Smith wasn’t the only person protesting, though he was the only one to attack the Confederate actors. Another, and unrelated activist, used Chalottesville as a springboard for his small demonstration." . . .

Todd Starnes on the left-wing call to action against Christians and Conservatives


CNN Publishes Fake Hate List – Targeting Well-Known Christian Groups
"Many Christian organizations are fearful for their safety after CNN published a bogus “hate map” concocted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“ 'Here are all the active hate groups where you live,” CNN’s headline declared.

"The list included among others American Family Association, Family Research Council, Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Counsel and Pacific Justice Institute.

"American Family Association blasted the CNN story calling it a “sham news article that could easily incite violence and place AFA employees and supporters in harm’s way.”

"Liberty Counsel President Mat Staver demanded an immediate retraction – calling CNN’s report “false, defamatory and dangerous.”

“ 'Liberty Counsel is not a hate group,” he said. “The false ‘hate’ label is very damaging to our reputation and is a safety risk to our staff. Liberty Counsel is a Christian ministry, and hates no one.”

"Conservatives and Christians have good reason to be worried.

"In 2012, Floyd Lee Corkins opened fire inside Family Research Council headquarters in Washington,  D.C. A security guard was shot and wounded.

"The domestic terrorist told police he wanted to kill as many employees as possible to intimidate opponents of same-sex marriage. Corkins brought along Chick-fil-A sandwiches, which he intended to smear on the faces of dead staffers." . . .

Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’  "Stephen Webber, the chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party, called the comments “indefensible.' ”

Antifa Protester Yvette Felarca Says Violence Against The Far-Right Is ‘Not A Crime’