Saturday, August 26, 2017

Republican Kasich, Democrat Hickenlooper Reportedly Mull Joint White House Run

Weasel Zippers

"Ah, yeah, no. What is this obsession that Kasich has with himself? Hint: no one wanted you. And yes, we know your Dad was a postman…
"Via CNBC:
Ohio’s Republican governor, John Kasich, and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, have discussed the idea of a joint run for the White House in 2020, Axios and CNN reported on Friday.
Citing an unidentified source, CNN said the discussions were not at an organizational level for a bid, which would challenge Republican President Donald Trump’s expected re-election campaign and complicate Democratic efforts to regain the White House.
“What they are trying to show the country is that honorable people can disagree, but you can still problem solve together,” it quoted the source as saying.
Kasich, who was among more than a dozen Republican candidates to be defeated by Trump in last year’s presidential primary campaign, would top the ticket, according to CNN and Axios online news outlet.

Friday, August 25, 2017

MSM went all in on 'Russia!Russia!Russia!' hysteria and now want everyone to forget it
Thomas Lifson  "The Awful Truth is catching up with the Fake News media, as the fantasy they obsessively peddled to delegitimize President Trump is blowing up in their faces, and they suddenly change the topic to their inevitable fallback issue: racism.  They gamble that hysteria over the imminent threat of something very, very bad because of white racists will distract everyone.  

"It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to notice the dog that isn't barking when that dog had been barking all night, every night, for months on end.

" . . .Jennifer Lifhits writes in the Weekly Standard:
Mattis: Trump Administration Considering Lethal Defensive Aid for Ukraine
. . . 
For months, the administration has been weighing providing Ukraine with lethal defensive weapons in its years-long fight against Russian-backed separatists in the east.
President Barack Obama signed off on non-lethal aid and training but hesitated to send defensive weapons to Kyiv, in part out of concerns that doing so would provoke Moscow and ramp up the conflict.
 . . . "There is no memory hole big enough to swallow months and months of hysteria – and a special counsel, no less." . . .

Sebastian Gorka Resigns From Trump Administration

 The Federalist

"Sebastian Gorka is resigning his post as Deputy Assistant to President Trump, multiple sources familiar with the situation have told The Federalist.
"In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”
"Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan:
“ 'Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…
“ 'The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…" . . .  Mollie Hemingway

California Could Start Jailing People Who Don’t Use Transgender Pronouns

The Daily Caller  "A bill that passed the California state senate and is now moving through the Assembly could threaten jail time for anyone who refuses to use a transgender person’s preferred pronoun.

"The law is currently limited in its effects to nursing homes and intermediate-care facilities, but if passed, those who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse “to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” could be slapped with a $1,000 fine and up to one year in prison, according to the California Heath and Safety code. The state senate passed the bill 26-12 at the end of May. Since then, the Assembly Judiciary committee recommended the bill unanimously and the General Assembly held its first hearing on the legislation Wednesday.
“ 'How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” Greg Burt of the California Family Council testified in July. “This is not tolerance. This is not love. This is not mutual respect. True tolerance tolerates people with different views. We need to treat each other with respect, but respect is a two-way street. It is not respectful to threaten people with punishment for having sincerely held beliefs that differ from your own.”
"Titled the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Residents Bill of Rights,” the legislation also requires nursing homes and care facilities to allow residents to use the bathroom of their choice, regardless of biological sex. The bill’s author, state Sen. Scott Weiner, argues that religious views don’t hold weight in public areas.  . . .
“ 'Everyone is entitled to their religious view,” Weiner said. “But when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.' ” . . .

Columbia Professor Urges Democrats to End ‘Disastrous’ Identity Politics

Thomas D. Williams, PH.D

“  'American liberalism in the twenty-first century is in crisis,” writes Columbia University Professor Mark Lilla, due in no small part to its embrace of a “disastrous” identity politics that divides instead of uniting.  

"In his newly released book, The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics, Lilla, a self-described “frustrated American liberal,” decries the implosion of the Democratic Party and liberalism itself, brought on by a growing disconnect from middle America and the inability to paint a compelling vision for the future.

"Lilla’s new work expands upon “The End of Identity Liberalism,” an essay he wrote shortly after last November’s Presidential election. In it, he urged fellow liberals to face up to their party’s share in responsibility for Trump’s victory, which Lilla attributed to the rise “identity liberalism.”
"Liberalism, Lilla contends in his book, is rightly considered by many “as a creed professed mainly by educated urban elites cut off from the rest of the country who see the issues of the day principally through the lens of identities.' ” . . .

The Ninth Circuit Just Ruled Coaches Can be Punished For Praying on a Football Field

"The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, arguably the most liberal and misguided federal court in the country, has issued a ruling that justifies the punishment of coaches for praying on public school football fields. The big reason? Because parents and teachers can see them doing so and therefore it's a violation not protected under the U.S. Constitution. More from Fox News:

"A Washington state high school football coach who was punished for taking a knee at the 50-yard line for a post-game prayer violated the U.S. Constitution, according to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals." . . .

Branco cartoon – Disassembly Line

"Radical Transformation"

Thursday, August 24, 2017

UPDATED,Friday, August 25th: New Book Claims Hillary Tolerated Bill’s Sexual Escapades…

Weasel Zippers
"You don’t need to read a book to know that …
On a day when Hillary Rodham Clinton is winning headlines for calling President Trump a “creep” in excerpts of her upcoming book released to MSNBC, another book set for release next week said she put up with Bill Clinton’s creepy groping of women.
Biographer Craig Shirley, who’s written several authoritative histories on former President Ronald Reagan, poured over Clinton’s womanizing and its impact on his early presidency in his latest book about former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Citizen Newt, the Making of a Reagan Conservative.
In the first authorized biography about Gingrich since he has emerged at Trump’s top outside advisor, Shirley details his influence and fights over the past four decades in Washington, many coming during the Clinton years when the Republican became speaker.

Peace Through Border Control

Ann Coulter   "I'm dying to hear about the "3-D chess" Trump is playing with his announcement on Monday that he's breaking his promise on Afghanistan and throwing more forces into that utterly pointless war. Will he be sending the transgender troops? 

But then the Emperor God gave a magnificent speech in Arizona Tuesday night. Curiously, when he talks to voters -- as opposed to his Cabinet and White House staff -- there's very little about sending more U.S. troops to die in the human meat-grinder of Afghanistan. 

Trump got thunderous applause from his 30,000-person focus group for the wall, stepped-up deportations and Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- recently convicted of contempt for "racially profiling" Hispanics. But you could hear a pin drop when he mentioned Afghanistan, Nikki Haley and Gen. John Kelly. (At least he had the good sense not to bring up Goldman Sachs' Gary Cohn again.) 

There were long faces all over cable news after Trump's speech, which surely triggers the reward center in his brain, like giving a mouse cheese. 

What was so refreshingly different about the Trump campaign was that the candidate didn't use any of the idiotic, consultant-written bromides offered by every other GOP presidential candidate for at least the past 30 years. Instead, he looked around the country, saw what the problems were and said he'd fix them. 

Here are the highlights from every speech by any Non-Trump candidate for the past several decades: 

"I listened to the American people." 

"People are frustrated." 

"This election is about the future!" 

The media are the enemy of so many Americans

"CNN hit a new low – and that's saying a lot – Tuesday night in its coverage of President Trump's speech in Phoenix.  The former news channel is now little more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the Deep State.  On Tuesday, it used a half-dozen anti-Trump panelists, with no one representing a counter view, to introduce a new fake news meme: not only is the 45th POTUS a racist and a Nazi-sympathizer, but he is an imminent national security threat to the United States.
"To reinforce this spin, CNN's Don Lemon, who outed himself as a Trump-hater in an out-of-control alcohol-fueled on-camera appearance last New Year's Eve, trotted out CNN's new contributor, former Obama regime director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

The Clintons destroy everything they touch, including the Post Office

The GOP is exactly right here.  Keep looking, because if there's a scandal, then we know there's a Clinton!

Silvio Canto, Jr.    "Since 1992, when then-governor Clinton had his wife Hillary vouch for his matrimonial character on 60 Minutes, the Clintons have been a wrecking crew in our politics.
"They've been a timeline of destruction, from the 1994 midterm losses to not delivering Arkansas and the presidency to V.P. Gore in 2000.
"In other words, what have the Clintons done other than improve themselves or put cash in their pockets?  When will Democrats learn that this man and this woman are out to for themselves, and everybody else is a convenient step to achieve their goals?
"The latest example of Clinton corruption is the Post Office.  It's hard to believe but true.  The Clinton wanted to turn your friendly postman into a campaign operative.
"This is the latest in what we could call "postman-gate":
Republican lawmakers are casting a wider net in their search for wrongdoing at federal agencies in past election cycles, after learning the Postal Service violated the law by allowing employees to do union-funded work for Hillary Clinton's campaign while on leave. . . . 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Some Animals Are More Stable Than Others

Mike Adams

Some Animals Are More Stable Than Others

"My university probably doesn’t realize it but they just accidentally microaggressed the entire progressive population here at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW). And that is no laughing matter since about 99 percent of our “diverse” faculty see themselves as progressive in their political leanings. For those not aware, a progressive is someone who denies the humanity of the unborn, denies that there are biological differences between men and women, and characterizes political conservatives as “science deniers.” Regardless, it’s a good thing we have armies of mental health professionals on hand here at the university because we’re going to need them once they realize just how badly they have been victimized.

"I began to notice the microaggression of campus progressives the day after the election. That was when an email was sent to the entire university population acknowledging that some people were having trouble coping with the results of the election. But the email went further than that. It reminded people that the counseling center was there for people having emotional trouble in the wake of the election. In other words, it recognized that some progressives were too emotionally unstable to endure the consequences of living in a democracy where things don’t always go your way. 

"Of course, the email was not inaccurate. In fact, one of my colleagues was so emotionally devastated that she refused to teach any of her classes for two weeks. She was mourning the fact that voters rejected her bumper sticker, which clearly expressed her worldview assumption that “love trumps hate.” So if the email wasn’t inaccurate then what is the problem? And why am I writing a column about it? 

"The problem is that when Obama defeated Romney in 2012 there was no similar email to conservatives reminding them that counseling was available for those who were disappointed with the results of the election. The university administration just assumed that conservatives are emotionally capable of enduring the consequences of living in a democracy where things don’t always go your way. In other words, they assumed that conservatives are more emotionally stable than progressives. And anyone who has been through freshman orientation knows that is a microaggression!".  .  .