Friday, October 6, 2017

The Glass House of the NFL


Victor Davis Hanson
"The league’s national significance is rapidly diminishing, due to hypocrisy and hyper-politicization in a once-loved American establishment."
"The National Football League is a glass house that was cracking well before Donald Trump’s criticism of players who refuse to stand during the national anthem. 

"The NFL earned an estimated $14 billion last year. But 500-channel television, Internet live streaming, video games, and all sorts of other televised sports have combined to threaten the league’s monopoly on weekend entertainment — even before recent controversies. 

"It has become a fad for many players not to stand for the anthem. But it is also becoming a trend for irate fans not to watch the NFL at all. 

"Multimillionaire young players, mostly in their 20s, often cannot quite explain why they have become so furious at emblems of the country in which they are doing so well." . . .     Read more.

NFL players union partners with George Soros to bankroll anti-Trump ‘resistance’   "If you’re wondering why the National Football League has not cracked down on unpatriotic players protesting the national anthem, all you have to do is follow the money.
"Tax records show the NFL players union is in cahoots with anti-American leftist billionaire George Soros." . . .
While most football fans probably thought the NFL was a nonpartisan organization, its labor union has been quietly donating money to leftist political causes for years.
. . . "Shortly after President Trump was elected, Soros reportedly financed violent Antifa protests around the country, many of which resulted in massive property damage, vandalism, and innocent people getting beaten up.

"Soros - a supporter of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement and alt-left Antifa thugs-actually worked for the Nazi party during his youth. Let that sink in."

Liberal Taliban Successfully Pressures Dr. Seuss Museum to Remove ‘Racist’ Mural


"Now that the cultural cleansers on the fanatical left have established the idea that even Dr. Seuss was a racist, the war on statues is shifting to one of the most beloved figures in the history of childhood literature.
This lady sees racism in 
everything but not this
So far.
"Theodor Seuss Geisel’s entertaining books filled with weird characters proved to be an invaluable resource to teachers who were tasked with teaching generations of young Americans to read. Seuss’s wild and whacky world instilled a desire in children to learn and his contribution to society has been a very positive one.
"But now according to the zealots on the left who won’t be happy until they have used their cudgel of “racism” to eradicate every historical figure, reinterpret every major event and most of all, burn the culture of the oppressive white society that that has kept them in shackles to the ground and then dance on the ashes.
"Thanks to relentless liberal pressure, a Massachusetts museum that is dedicated to the work of Dr. Seuss has been bullied into the removal of a piece of artwork that has received the big rubber stamp of RACIST." . . .
All the above caused by this Democrat's actions:

Just When The NFL Thought The Worst Was Over For Not Punishing Protesters, There’s More Bad News

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American Web Media  . . . "Because more and more NFL players are taking a knee during the national anthem pregame show, major sponsors are pulling their funding. The NFL is feeling the heat as they are continuing to lose money because of the players’ protest against police brutality and racial injustice in the United States. Now the owner of Flemington Car and Truck Company has pulled every dollar spent on advertising from broadcast during NFL games for the remainder of the 2017 season. This dealership may be one of the first to pull funding but it won’t be the last. The NFL is feeling the consequences of their players’ political protest during the pregame performance of The Star Spangled Banner. Learn more below.
"Flemington Car and Truck Company released a statement about why they choose to spend their advertising dollars somewhere else besides with the NFL.
“ 'The National Football league and its owners have shown their fans and marketing partners that they do not have a comprehensive policy to ensure that players stand and show respect for American and our flag during the national anthem,” Steve Kalafer, the dealership owner, wrote in a statement. “We have cancelled all of our NFL advertising on the Optimum and Infinity (cable) networks.”
"Kalafer is an involved American patriot who also is proudly part of the Somerset Patriots’ ownership group. This is an independent professional baseball team that he plays with in Somerset County in New Jersey.
“ 'As the NFL parses the important nationwide issues of ‘social justice’ and ‘freedom of speech’, it is clear that a firm direction by them is not forthcoming,” Kalafer added." . . .

Hollywood Demagogues against President and Mrs. Trump

Jimmy Kimmel Lies about Trump, Guns, and the Mentally Ill  "There is a delicious sense of irony in gun-control advocate Jimmy Kimmel beefing up his armed security after falsely claiming on his late-night talk show after the Las Vegas massacre that President Trump had made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns. Guns are okay to protect the liberal elites, but not for the rest of us, who can’t be trusted or don’t know any better. " . . .  

Seven deceptive claims Kimmel made about guns in one monologue . . . "Kimmel is correct on one point–there was nothing in the attacker’s past that signaled a problem. But after making that point, Kimmel argued that there are still things that Congress could be doing (and this is where the falehoods and/or misdirection come into play)." . . .

The influence of Hollywood reaches into every corner of America:

Why Are Mainstream Charities Funding The Anti-Trump 'Resistance'?   "Uncharitable Rage: Among the more volatile, extreme and dangerous political movements to arise within a major American political party in recent U.S. history is the so-called "resistance" to President Donald Trump. What's especially disappointing is finding out who is behind it." . . .
"Italian Marxist-strategist Antonio Gramsci, who died in 1937, called this the "long march through the institutions." The website Discover The Networks describes the Marxist theorist's ideas thusly: "Gramsci called for Marxists to actively spread their ideology in a gradual, incremental, stealth manner, by infiltrating all existing societal institutions and embedding it, largely without being noticed, in the popular mind.' " . . .

Stephen Colbert: Trump has a ‘feeble f---ing anemic firefly of a soul’  . . . "Colbert is often critical of Trump on "The Late Show," railing on the president for his behavior.

Hillary Clinton said she’ll “keep speaking out” for gun control Wednesday on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

Edgy New Gag In Late Night Comedy: Earnestly Telling Hillary Clinton How Amazing She Is

One bright spot: Pat Sajak Takes Out 
Kimmel And Other Leftist Celebrities With One Hilarious Tweet  "This is not the first time Sajak, a political conservative, has lanced the celebrity bubble of leftism that pervades Hollywood; his resume should have been a warning to leftists that his wit would target them. Sajak is an external director for the conservative publishing house Eagle Publishing, serves on the Board of Trustees at Hillsdale College and has served on the Board of Directors for the Claremont Institute.
"Here are some other examples of Sajak pointedly targeting the Left:" . . .

Las Vegas survivor on meeting Trump, first lady: They’re real people

The Hill   "Stephanie Melanson, a survivor of the Las Vegas mass shooting, said President Trump and first lady Melania Trump are "real people," recalling their visit to the hospital after her mother was wounded in the attack. 

"They're real people. He's a real human, she's a real human," Melanson said on CNN's "New Day." "They had a heart, they were caring, they were sympathetic, he had a listening ear. He sends his condolences."
"It was hard to take in," Stephanie Melanson said of her encounter with the first lady. "Before he could finish talking, she got up and beelined over to us and hugged me and told me 'Your mom is strong, she's a fighter, she'll be ok. She's gonna make it.'" 
. . . 
"In their visit to Las Vegas after the shooting, the president and first lady met with and consoled victims of the mass shooting and visited the city's police department." . . .

Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Says He Would Lie in Bed Moaning, Screaming

NBC News  WASHINGTON — Marilou Danley, the woman investigators hoped would provide key details into the motive behind her boyfriend's deadly shooting attack, said she remembers him exhibiting symptoms such as lying in bed and moaning, according to two former FBI officials who have been briefed on the matter.
"She said he would lie in bed, just moaning and screaming, 'Oh, my God,'" one of the former officials said.
"The other former official said Danley spoke about Paddock displaying "mental health symptoms.' " . . .

Charity Soars Above Intolerance

". . . In fact, I always cut the rate when the host is a friend. But that doesn’t apply here. The Democratic Party runs the UNC system where I work. They might be my employer but these Democrats are not my friends. To be blunt, there is no way I am giving them a cut rate until they agree to cut my taxes."

Mike Adams

Charity Soars Above Intolerance

"You don’t hear many good stories about free speech on our college campuses these days. So I am pleased to write and share one today. It actually comes from my own campus, UNC-Wilmington. In a rare display of support for free speech, the Student Government Association (SGA) has decided to fund a speech by an extremely unpopular conservative professor (Can you guess his name?)." . . .

"It all started over the summer when the UNCW College Republicans (CRs) decided to host a speaker on the issue of free speech on college campuses. So they contacted Patrick Coyle of the Young Americas Foundation (YAF) for advice on whom they should invite. He suggested that they just have me give the speech since I am already there teaching at the university. So the CRs contacted me, inquired about my speaking fee, and requested that I give a November 9th speech in Morton Hall Auditorium, which seats about 100 people. I quoted my fee but told them I would only do the speech in Lumina Theater, which is a nicer venue and seats about three times as many people. After all, if I am going to offend people by suggesting they should tolerate offensive speech then I want to offend as many as possible.

 . . . "But the committee members warned the CRs that they should not get their hopes up, as the event was not likely to be funded when the full senate voted on it. That warning did not surprise me, as there were likely to be two major objections to funding the speech.

"First of all, many would naturally question why someone who works at a university would actually charge a fee to speak at the place where he works – and in a campus theater that is only about two hundreds yards walking distance from his office. That’s a reasonable objection if I have ever heard one.

"Second of all, many would be reticent to fund a speech by someone whose views are deemed to be offensive by most of the student population at UNC-Wilmington. That objection is less reasonable – but it is to be expected from a generation that values emotions more than it values ideas." . . .

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Other reading links

Thomas Lifson: Two Dems boycott moment of silence for Vegas massacre victims in House of Representatives  "Never change, leftist Dems!  Please keep taking principled stands against common sense and human decency so that all can understand the depth of depravity that springs from the progressive vision of utopia.
"And please be sure, Dems, that you allow the wannabe "new generation" of Democratic leadership to carry out the operation.  You know, the bright young things of the left, the ones Katie Couric seeks out for interviews. " . . .

New ISIS Infographic on Vegas Shooting Claims Paddock Converted Six Months Ago   "ISIS claimed through their Amaq news agency Monday morning that the "Las Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State who carried out the attack in response to calls for targeting coalition countries." They claimed he had converted to Islam recently.
In the new al-Naba issue, the terror group claims Stephen Paddock converted to Islam six months ago.
ISIS persisted in its full-court press effort to claim responsibility for the attack after the Amaq news agency claim with their official Nashir channel and affiliated al-Batar Media Foundation all insisting Paddock acted on behalf of the terror group.
The newsletter used the nom de guerre that ISIS bestowed up Paddock earlier in the week: "Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki" -- the American.

Hillary: Be Silent, Please; Sen Schumer, you do the same!

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

PowerLine Blog
The problem in the case of mass shooter incidents is that the Democrats don’t actually have a constructive solution. They fail to acknowledge the vast web of statutes and regulations that already surround firearms, and the solutions they propose are thin gruel that would not prevent anything. So they are simply trying to fire up their ill-informed base. Most people realize this, so it doesn’t work.
"Liberals have, of course, seized on the murders to renew their calls for “common sense gun control.” The problem they can’t solve is that we already have hundreds of common sense laws and regulations on the books relating to firearms. If there is another one that would prevent murders like this from taking place, what is it? That is a question to which the Democrats have no answer. As best we know at this point, Paddock obtained his many firearms legally. With no prior record, he passed repeated background checks. So Democrats cast about to find some link between this crime and a proposed law–any proposed law.

"Hillary Clinton couldn’t come up with any “common sense” legislation that hypothetically would have stopped Paddock’s rampage, so she did the next best thing. She used the mass murder to oppose a proposal to eliminate a $200 federal tax on silencers (or suppressors, as they are more accurately called). The tax has no purpose other than to suppress the sales of silencers, which protect against hearing loss. Her tweet:" . . .

Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.
. . .
 On Late-Term Abortion, Liberals Are the Real Science Deniers
Rush Limbaugh's Response to Senator Schumer
 RUSH: Here’s Chuck You Schumer. This is on the Senate floor this morning in Washington. Well, just listen. This kind of speaks for itself. See what you think.

"If we could talk to those brave souls who were killed and are now in heaven, they would say, “Do something.” They wouldn’t say, “Let’s wait.” President Trump, are you gonna wait to hear what the NRA says first? You fashion yourself as a strong man. Well, are you gonna show that you are not beholden to anyone now? " . . .
RUSH: "You know what I feel like doing? I feel like doing a monologue addressing all of those babies who’ve been killed by Planned Parenthood and asking them what they would be saying, if they could speak. They would be saying, “Do something. Shut down Planned Parenthood.” There are over a million abortions a year in the United States of America, dwarfing the number of homicides every year. It’s been the case since 1973, minimum. We don’t know the numbers prior, but you have to think that they’re close.
"A million, it’s actually over a million abortions a year. And who it is, who is it that’s beholden to the NRA? According to the Chuck Schumer? Let’s tell you who’s beholden to Planned Parenthood. That’s the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party and every other faction of the Democrat Party is beholden to Planned Parenthood far more than anybody is beholden to the NRA. If we could talk to those brave babies who were killed in the womb and are now in heaven, they would say, “Do something.” They wouldn’t say, “Let’s wait.' ” . . .

Student 'forced to leave' university after saying extremist Islamic groups kill LGBTI people

Charlie Mathers

Alfred MacDonald pointed out to a friend that in some Muslim countries he could be killed for being LGBTI

 "Alfred MacDonald left University of Texas at San Antonio after feeling ‘difficult to stay motivated’.

"He had made the comments during an out-of-class conversation with another graduate student. They had been discussing the ‘religious leanings of philosophy professors.’
"He pointed out that in some Muslim countries, he could be executed for being bisexual.
"A few days after the conversation, he was called in for a meeting with Dr Eve Browning. She is the Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Texas at San Antonio. MacDonald studied here at the time.
"This event took place in September 2016 but Alfred MacDonald only went public with it this summer.
"Dr Eve Browning said if his behavior continued, he would be referred to the student conduct board. She said they would recommend dismissal.
"A university head of department threatened a bisexual student with dismissal after he made a comment regarding LGBTI executions in Islamic countries.

" ‘There are Muslim countries where I could get executed’" . . .

A drone just flew over Auschwitz and captured something incredibly powerful

What are ‘bump stocks?’