Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hillary: Be Silent, Please; Sen Schumer, you do the same!

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

PowerLine Blog
The problem in the case of mass shooter incidents is that the Democrats don’t actually have a constructive solution. They fail to acknowledge the vast web of statutes and regulations that already surround firearms, and the solutions they propose are thin gruel that would not prevent anything. So they are simply trying to fire up their ill-informed base. Most people realize this, so it doesn’t work.
"Liberals have, of course, seized on the murders to renew their calls for “common sense gun control.” The problem they can’t solve is that we already have hundreds of common sense laws and regulations on the books relating to firearms. If there is another one that would prevent murders like this from taking place, what is it? That is a question to which the Democrats have no answer. As best we know at this point, Paddock obtained his many firearms legally. With no prior record, he passed repeated background checks. So Democrats cast about to find some link between this crime and a proposed law–any proposed law.

"Hillary Clinton couldn’t come up with any “common sense” legislation that hypothetically would have stopped Paddock’s rampage, so she did the next best thing. She used the mass murder to oppose a proposal to eliminate a $200 federal tax on silencers (or suppressors, as they are more accurately called). The tax has no purpose other than to suppress the sales of silencers, which protect against hearing loss. Her tweet:" . . .

Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.
. . .
 On Late-Term Abortion, Liberals Are the Real Science Deniers
Rush Limbaugh's Response to Senator Schumer
 RUSH: Here’s Chuck You Schumer. This is on the Senate floor this morning in Washington. Well, just listen. This kind of speaks for itself. See what you think.

"If we could talk to those brave souls who were killed and are now in heaven, they would say, “Do something.” They wouldn’t say, “Let’s wait.” President Trump, are you gonna wait to hear what the NRA says first? You fashion yourself as a strong man. Well, are you gonna show that you are not beholden to anyone now? " . . .
RUSH: "You know what I feel like doing? I feel like doing a monologue addressing all of those babies who’ve been killed by Planned Parenthood and asking them what they would be saying, if they could speak. They would be saying, “Do something. Shut down Planned Parenthood.” There are over a million abortions a year in the United States of America, dwarfing the number of homicides every year. It’s been the case since 1973, minimum. We don’t know the numbers prior, but you have to think that they’re close.
"A million, it’s actually over a million abortions a year. And who it is, who is it that’s beholden to the NRA? According to the Chuck Schumer? Let’s tell you who’s beholden to Planned Parenthood. That’s the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party and every other faction of the Democrat Party is beholden to Planned Parenthood far more than anybody is beholden to the NRA. If we could talk to those brave babies who were killed in the womb and are now in heaven, they would say, “Do something.” They wouldn’t say, “Let’s wait.' ” . . .

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